POP Scheme

AFD’s POP scheme makes it easy to enjoy the benefits of our high-performance address management software by covering all costs in one affordable monthly payment.

The monthly POP scheme fee covers:

  • Program costs – including all updates
  • Data costs – including Data License fees
  • Annual postcode data and program updates
  • Unlimited technical support
  • Internet Support and Registration
  • Regular copies of Postcode News
  • Example source code, programs and macros to access postcode data
  • Any intermediate data or program updates you require


Simply follow these steps to join the POP scheme now:

  1. Print the Application Form and Standing Order Form by selecting:
  2. Adobe Acrobat PDF Document – optimised for printing
  3. Complete all sections of each form, and sign the form in both places.
  4. Send a cheque or provide your credit card details for the first month’s payment.
  5. Return the form (and cheque if applicable) to AFD Software at the address below

This procedure is necessary as banks require an original signature on the standing order form. If you’d prefer use our FREE Callback service or email postcode@afd.co.uk and we’ll send you a pre-printed POP scheme application form.

Postal Address

Mountain View Innovation Centre
Jurby Road
Lezayre , Ramsey

Please note that AFD reserve the right to withdraw membership, or to amend terms and conditions at any time.


All AFD Postcode programs are available under the POP scheme – and you can have as many users as you require at the same unit rate. Please note that POP scheme membership is for a minimum period of twelve months: you may cancel your membership at any anniversary of joining the scheme by giving one month’s notice in writing to AFD.

Price Chart

AFD Program

Single User

10 User

20 User















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We are here to help

We serve thousands of organisations and a network of hundreds of partners across multiple industry sectors, enabling them to have full confidence in their contact data.