AFD MailSaver

MailSaver provides an easy, step-by-step approach to processing most databases to obtain the maximum Royal Mail Bulk Mail discount.

By directly attaching to common data file formats, the confusion of import and export is eliminated.

Another Perfect Delivery

Royal Mail tariffs, Mailsort rules and options are constantly changing. But regular MailSaver updates keep us ahead of the game. The software runs like clockwork and every mailing goes at the lowest cost.

David Salisbury

Managing Director at APD

Mail 1,000+ packets or 4,000+ letters at one time and MailSaver will help save you money. MailSaver’s step-by-step process sorts, reports and prints all that’s necessary for Royal Mail Bulk Mail Services. Advertising Mail, Sustainable Advertising Mail Publishing Mail, Business Mail, Big Book and Heavyweight with options for Low Sort OCR, Barcode and High Sort are all included. MailSaver has been fully tested by the Royal Mail to ensure it meets stringent requirements.

The updating of the live data files with results data and SSC codes means total flexibility of use.

MailSaver’s easy-to use label printing facility supports most label formats – and provides high-quality labels, complete with the Royal Mail Customer Barcode when required.

  • Simple, step-by step process – makes Mailsort easy
  • Straightforward visual attachment of your database to the MailSaver engine
  • Maximize Royal Mail discounts
  • Successful, easy mailing-label printing
  • Export data ready for Mail Merge or spreadsheets
  • Clear comprehensive Royal Mail reports at the touch of a button
  • Identify and report “faulty addresses” for cleaning
  • Exports file ready to upload to Royal Mail Online Business Account (OBA)
  • Supports all size formats for pricing in proportion
  • Contains latest Royal Mail pricing and formulae and produces discount calculations and costs
  • Constantly updated to reflect latest Bulk Mail rules, enhancements and price information
  • Advertising Mail
  • Publishing Mail
  • Business Mail
  • Big Book
  • Heavyweight
  • Catalogue
  • Partially Addresses
  • Subscription Mail
  • Low Sort Manual
  • Low Sort Mailmark
  • High Sort
  • 1st Class
  • 2nd Class
  • Economy

MailSaver supports ASCII text and most database environments including all those accessible through ODBC (including SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc.), Microsoft Access, dBase, Clipper, FoxPro and Paradox.

Yes, it does. The Royal Mail has awarded AFD Software a Certificate of Quality Achievement in respect of Address management, DPS Allocation, and Barcode Printing & Reducing Sortation.

  • Use powerful SQL Queries to select data for mailings
  • Corrects changed postcodes
  • Data cleaning and formatting tools included
  • Matches Post Towns
  • Transfers Mailsort Codes and Quality-Result Codes back to your database
  • Real-time updating of statistics and costings
MailSaver requires approx. 10 MB fixed disk space for a full installation, plus adequate working space for the processing of your own data files. Works with Windows 11 / 10. Please note, Mailsaver requires Excel to be installed before using. Printing requires a Windows capable printer.
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