Successful electronic payments require precise and accurate bank details. But people make mistakes when reading bank details, writing them down or keying them in. In some cases, delayed payment or fraudulent activity can occur by introducing deliberate errors.
Successful Payments
Bank validation and bank card data validation help ensure payments are successful, minimise transaction failure and fraud whilst meeting strict financial compliance and best practices.
Faster Data Entry
Fast, accurate account number and sort code data entry makes checkouts, payment processing and Direct Debit setup a smooth process improving both customer service and cash flow for organisations.
We rely on AFD’s Bank Verification solution online as part of the new member onboarding process and in the data import function for our main CRM system. We have to ensure that our systems are not a cause of failure when an individual is completing a membership application. To facilitate this, our systems have been designed to make that initial joining experience as smooth and pain-free as possible. Introducing an error is very easy to do, especially when reading an account number and sort code from a card and typing them in. When bank details are entered incorrectly or the account being used does not allow direct debits, a popup message appears notifying the prospective supporter that the entered combination of sort code and account number is invalid.
Application Development & Support Manager at RSPB
Using the form below, enter a sort code and account number to confirm if they are a valid combination.
AFD’s bank validation API can be flexibly deployed in a host of environments, installed, or hosted.
Plug-ins for popular platforms such as Magento, Shopify, Salesforce, D365 and AFD Robot provide a range of developer-free integrations.
Visit our Developer Area using the button below to find out more.