With a wide range of datasets that compliment our validation and cleansing solutions, data that is relevant to your organisation can be returned in real-time as address data is entered, or appended when cleansing data.
Our Data Quality Experts will work with your IT and business process staff to deliver bespoke software solutions. The unique expertise AFD have helps leverage data assets and processes to gain competitive advantages, remove pains from major contact data issues and increase speed and accuracy of your data validation processes. We do this with a consultative and open approach with the aim of making happy customers!
Head of Sales, AFD Software
Grouping | Dataset | Description | Demo |
Address | Postcode | The Royal Mail Postcode for this address (or ZipCode). | Try It |
Address | Postcode Form | Used with Postcode field to provide a range for searching. Also returns any changed postcode from a lookup. | Try It |
Address | List | Provides a list item formatted to be added to a list box for this record. | Try It |
Address | Key | Provides a key which can be used to easily retrieve the record again, e.g. when a user clicks on an item in the list box. | Try It |
Address | Country ISO | Alpha-3 Country ISO Code. | Try It |
Address | Organisation | Business Name. | Try It |
Address | Property | Property (building-includes any sub-building). | Try It |
Address | Street | Delivery Street (includes any sub-street). | Try It |
Address | Locality | Locality (sometimes a village name; in ZipAddress used for Urbanization). | Try It |
Address | Town | Postal Delivery Town (or City). | Try It |
Address | DPS | The Delivery Point Suffix which along with the postcode uniquely identifies the letterbox. | Try It |
Address | UDPRN | Royal Mail Unique Delivery Point Reference Number assigned to this letter box. | Try It |
Address | Country | Country of Address. | Try It |
Administrative | Ward Code | Code identifying the electoral ward for this postcode. | Try It |
Administrative | Ward Name | Name identifying the electoral ward for this postcode. | Try It |
Administrative | Constituency | Parliamentary Constituency for this postcode. | Try It |
Administrative | Constituency Code | Parliamentary Constituency Code for this postcode. | Try It |
Administrative | Authority | Local/Unitary Authority for this postcode. | Try It |
Administrative | Authority Code | Local/Unitary Authority for this Postcode (same as the start of the ward code). | Try It |
Administrative | EER Name | Name identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode. | Try It |
Administrative | EER Code | Code identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode. | Try It |
Administrative | NUTS3 Name | Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) is a geographical system, divided into one of four levels based on geographical size. This has since been updated for the UK with ITL (International Territorial Levels). | Try It |
Administrative | NUTS3 Code | Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) is a geographical system, divided into one of four levels based on geographical size. This has since been updated for the UK with ITL (International Territorial Levels). | Try It |
Business | Phone | STD Code or Phone Number. | Try It |
Business | Business | Provides a description of the type of business. | Try It |
Business | Size | Gives an indication of the number of employees of an organisation at this particular office. | Try It |
Business | SIC Code | Gives an indication of the number of employees of an organisation at this particular office. | Try It |
Business | Location Type | The type of Business Location, e.g. Head Office or Branch Office. | Try It |
Business | Branch Count | The number of branches for this business. | Try It |
Business | Group ID | An ID of the Group where a business is part of a wider group. | Try It |
Business | Turnover | The modelled annual turnover for the business. | Try It |
Business | National Size | Gives an indication of the number of employees of an organisation covering all sites. | Try It |
County | Postal County | Royal Mail supplied postal county. | Try It |
County | Abbreviated Postal County | Royal Mail approved abbreviation is used where available for the postal county. | Try It |
County | Optional County | Postal counties including optional ones for most addresses which would otherwise not have a county name. | Try It |
County | Abbreviated Optional County | Counties are Optional for addressing and AFD provide different types of county to meet your needs. | Try It |
County | Traditional County | Counties are Optional for addressing and AFD provide different types of county to meet your needs. | Try It |
County | Administrative County | Counties are Optional for addressing and AFD provide different types of county to meet your needs. | Try It |
Demographics | Censation Code | Censation Code assigned to this Postcode. | Try It |
Demographics | Censation Label | Label for the Censation Code. | Try It |
Demographics | Affluence | Provides a description of affluence. | Try It |
Demographics | Lifestage | Provides a description of life stage. | Try It |
Demographics | Additional Census Info | Additional information from the Census. | Try It |
DX | DX Number | A DX Exchange number is the unique identifier used for a customer who is a member of the DX Document Exchange. | |
DX | DX Exchange | Provides the DX Exchange address for any member of DX Exchange. | |
DX | DX Organisation | Returns the Organisation name held on the DX Exchange for the organisation selected. | |
DX | DX Profession | This is an optional data field and requires a licence to return. | |
Education | LEA Name | Name identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode. | Try It |
Education | LEA Code | Code identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode. | Try It |
Education | Devolved Constituency Name | Devolved Constituency Name for this postcode (currently covers Scotland). | |
Education | Devolved Constituency Code | Devolved Constituency Code for this postcode (currently covers Scotland). | |
Education | POLAR3 Young | The participation of local areas (POLAR) classification groups show how likely young people are to participate in higher education across the UK by postcode. | Try It |
Education | POLAR3 Adult | The participation of local areas (POLAR) classification groups show how likely young people are to participate in higher education across the UK by postcode. | Try It |
Education | POLAR4 | POLAR4 classifies local areas across the UK according to the young participation rate in higher education. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of young people from each area who enter higher education aged 18 or 19 by the young population of that area. | Try It |
Education | Deprivation Rank | The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a measure of relative deprivation for small areas (Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs). Scottish IMD also avalable. | Try It |
Education | Deprivation Decile | The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a measure of relative deprivation for small areas (Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs). Scottish IMD also avalable. | Try It |
Education | LEP Name | Learning Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Name at the Postcode entered. | Try It |
Education | LEP Code | Learning Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Code at the Postcode entered. | Try It |
Education | LEP Name 2 | This is an optional data field and requires a licence to return. | Try It |
Education | LEP Code 2 | This is an optional data field and requires a licence to return. | Try It |
Education | AEB Area | Adult Education Budget (AEB) shows which postcodes fall within devolved authority areas. | Try It |
Education | AEB Source | Source of funding responsible for Adult Education Budget at this postcode. | Try It |
Education | AEB Effective From/To | Shows the date that the AEB funding was the responsibilty of the AEB Source returned. | Try It |
General | Mailsort Code | Used for obtaining bulk mail discounts. | |
Geographical | Sub Country Name | Provides the devolved or non-UK country name (e.g. England, Scotland, Wales etc.). | |
Geographical | SOA Lower | Lower level Super Output Area (Data Zone in Scotland, Super Output Area in Northern Ireland). | |
Geographical | SOA Middle | Middle level Super Output Area (Intermediate Geography in Scotland, not applicable for Northern Ireland). | |
Geographical | Urban Rural Code | Provides a description which goes along with the Urban Rural Code. | |
Geographical | Grid E | Grid Easting as a 6 digit reference. | Try It |
Geographical | Grid N | Grid Northing as a 6 digit reference. | Try It |
Geographical | Latitude | Latitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84) 9 digit reference (53.6655850). | Try It |
Geographical | Longitude | Longitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84) 9 digit reference (53.6655850). | Try It |
Geographical | Grid Level | This indicates the level of grid reference returned (1 – postcode, 2 – address, 3 – approximate). This is only available to address level grid users. | Try It |
Geographical | what3words | A unique, three-word combination for every 3-metre square location in the world. This is an optional data field and requires a licence to return. | Try It |
Health | NHS Name | National Health Service Area Name. | |
Health | NHS Code | National Health Service Area Code. | |
Health | PCT Name | National Heath Service Clinical Commisioning Group Name for England (Local Health Board Code in Wales, Community Health Partnership in Scotland, Local Commissioning Group in Northern Ireland, Primary Healthcare Directorate in the Isle of Man). | |
Health | PCT Code | National Heath Service Clinical Commisioning Group Name for England (Local Health Board Code in Wales, Community Health Partnership in Scotland, Local Commissioning Group in Northern Ireland, Primary Healthcare Directorate in the Isle of Man). | |
OS | UPRN | Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) used to link other datasets, used heavily in public sector data. | Try It |
OS | USRN | USRN is a unique and persistent identifier for every street, road, track, path, cycle track or cycle way in Great Britain. | Try It |
OS | UARN | Addresses from the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) are matched to the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) address to provide the Unique Address Reference Number (UARN). | Try It |
OS | TOID | A TOID (Topographic Identifier) is a unique and persistent identifier for each and every feature found in OS MasterMap products. This dataset shows unique identifiers for a wide range of landscape and built environment features, with a generalised location, extracted from OS MasterMap products. | Try It |
OS | Additional LA (Occupiable) Records | c. 13 Million extra addresses from Occupiable Local Authority address data. Includes extra flats, village halls, etc. | Try It |
OS | Parent/Child Relationships | When a building is split into flats the original building keeps its UPRN but is classified as a “parent”. The Individual properties created within the “parent”, become “child” properties and are assigned unique UPRN’s. All “Child” properties will reference the “parent” property to highlight their “parent and child” relationship. | Try It |
OS | Address Classifications | AddressBase Classification Codes provides additional identifiers allowing you to quickly understand, locate and perform analysis on the type of addresses you want to interact with. E.g. “CE is Commercial, Education”. | Try It |
OS | VOA Classifications | VOA Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rate classification information in the form of Special Category Codes (SCAT) and Primary Description codes where VOA information has been matched to a Local Authority address. Note that VOA classifications are only available for England and Wales. | Try It |
OS | Local Authority Organisation Name | Additional Organisation names from Local Authority Data. | Try It |
OS | Lifecycle Records | Pre-build addresses and Historic addresses can be referenced helping to clarify question marks over why an address cannot be found (its not yet been completed or has been demolished). | Try It |
OS | Logical Status | Description of the lifecycle stage of the address record; “Approved, Alternative, Provisional, Historical”. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Just Built | Contains the date of inclusion on PAF for properties thought to be recently built. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Postcode Type | L for Large User Postcode, S for Small User. Large user postcodes are allocated to single addresses (usually businesses) that receive at least 500 mail items per day. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Address Type | Indication of the type of property level data to capture to have the full address for a property on the selected postcode. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Address Type Description | Description matching the Address Type. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Occupancy | Indication of the type of occupants of properties found on the selected postcode. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Occupancy Description | Description matching the Occupancy. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Multiple Residency Indicator | Indicates if an address is a multiple residency address, e.g., a flat within a building with a single delivery point. This is a single character – O for Multiple Residency Owner, M for Multiple Residency address. 1 where the flag is indicated, 0 where the flag is not valid. This is only available to Multiple Residency users. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Not Yet Built | Identify and deliver services to the addresses of properties that are at the planning and construction stage. | Try It |
Property Characteristics | Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) | Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are required by law. They give indication of how much it will cost you to heat and light the property, and how much CO2 the property emits. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Name | Name of Resident. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Residency | This indicates the number of years the selected resident has been on the electoral roll at this address. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Household Composition | This describes the household composition of the selected address. | Try It |
Residential Individual | On Edited Roll | Shows records that appear on the edited electoral roll and can be used for Marketing purposes. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Gender | The gender (M or F) of the resident if known. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Forename | Resident’s Forename. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Middle Initial | Resident’s Middle Initial. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Surname | Resident’s Surname. | Try It |
Residential Individual | Date Of Birth | Resident’s Date Of Birth. | Try It |