
AFD Postcode Evolution® for Magento 2 is a module that allows you to harness the full power of AFD Software’s Postcode Evolution® web service within your ecommerce store. Currently the module adds the following functionality:
  • Typeahead style address searching on the following forms:
    • Checkout – Shipping and Billing
    • My Account – Address Management
    • Admin – Manage Customer Address
    • Admin – Create Order
  • Email address validation using AFD Software’s email validation service on the following forms:
    • Checkout – Logged Out
    • Create New Account
    • My Account – Change email address
    • Contact Us
    • Newsletter Signup
    • Admin – Manage Customer
  • Phone number validation and masking using AFD Software’s phone number validation service on the following forms:
    • Checkout – Shipping and Billing
    • My Account – Address Management
    • Contact Us
    • Admin – Manage Customer Address
    • Admin – Create Order
In addition, our typeahead integration can leverage AFD Software’s Censation data set to append valuable geodemographic information to addresses that can be used later for marketing and analysis. When inputting an address, the user can either start typing an address until it appears in the results box or they can type in a postcode. Once a result is selected, the fields in the form will be populated with the PAF data of the selected record.
Address Lookup


AFD Postcode Evolution® for Magento is currently supported to run on the following Magento versions:

For the below listed versions download the AFD Magento Extension (v1.6.x) here.

  • 2.4.4-p8
  • 2.4.5-p7
  • 2.4.6-p5

For the below listed versions and any subsequent iterations download the AFD Magento Extension (v1.7.0) here.

  • 2.4.4-p9
  • 2.4.5-p8
  • 2.4.6-p6
  • 2.4.7

Installation & Setup

Composer (Supports AFD Magento Extension v1.7.0)

  • composer require afd/module-pce
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Manual Install

  • Extract the contents of the file into /app/code in relation to the Magento root directory
  • From the Magento Root folder run the following commands:
					php bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Afd_Pce
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • You may need to log out of the admin panel and log in again

Setup the Module

  • In the admin panel browse to Stores -> Configuration -> AFD Software
  • In the General Settings Tab choose authentication method Serial/Password and enter the serial and password that has been provided by AFD Software support. IMPORTANT – Serial and password should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes. In a production environment an ID and Token are required, these will be provided by AFD support.
  • Go to the checkout, the address search functionality should now be visible on the address forms.

General Settings

Account Settings

Authentication Method

Either Serial/Password or ID/Token.

IMPORTANT – Serial and password should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes. In a production environment an ID and Token are required, these will be provided by AFD support.


Unless you are using a custom AFD PCE server, this can be left as the default URL.

If you are using ID/Token, use

AFD Serial

Your AFD software serial number.

AFD Password

Your AFD Password.


Your AFD ID.

AFD Token

Your AFD Token.

Typeahead Settings

Address Typeahead

Typeahead address searching makes inputting addresses a much more pleasant experience for the customer and ensures that the data that is collected is accurate – essential for eCommerce.

Typeahead is available on the following forms:

  • Checkout – Shipping and Billing
  • My Account – Address Management
  • Admin – Manage Customer Address
  • Admin – Create Order

Our Magento typeahead plugin comes equipped with these great features:

  • Easy and accurate address entry using these data sets:
  • Restructure address forms to optimise for address searching with the following options:
    • Enable searching for only a specific set of countries or all countries
    • Hide address fields until search is complete and continue to hide any blank fields
    • Move country field to the top of the address form
    • Manual input option in case user wants to input manually or address could not be found
    • Hide search field after address retrieve is complete
    • Hide region field for countries that do not require region as part of their address (e.g. UK)
  • Concise searching:
    • Highlight the segment of the results that match the search string
    • Set the number of search results shown

There are a number of configuration options for the magento extension that allow for customisation of the look, feel, and functionality of the forms.

Field Configuration

Placeholder Text

default – “Start typing your address”

This is the text that appears in the address search box before a user has interacted with it.

Move Country Above Street

default – Yes

Magento forms typically have the country field at the end of the form. As the appearance of the search box is dependent on which country is selected it is usually desirable to make the country field appear before the rest of the address. This setting moves the country field to the top of the address form.

Hide Typeahead Field After Selection

default – Yes

If set to Yes this will hide the address search box once the user has selected their address from the search results.

Enable Search Again Button

default – Yes

If Hide Typeahead Field After Selection is set to Yes then setting this to Yes will show a Search Again button that will reset the address form and once again show the search box.

Markup For Search Again Button

default – “Search again”

The markup for the search again button. By default it is plain text but it can accept HTML.

CSS for search Again Button

CSS rules to be applied to the search again button.

Clear Typeahead Field After Selection

default – Yes

Setting to yes empties the contents of the search box after an address has been selected.

Hide Address Fields Before Search

default – Yes

To create a cleaner and easier to use form this setting hides the address fields until after a result has been selected from the results list.

Enable Manual Entry Button

default – Yes

If Hide Address Fields Before Search has been set to Yes, enabling this will add a manual input button below the search box that when clicked will hide the search box and display the address form. A button will also be added to the address form that when clicked will hide the fields again and show the search box.

Markup for Manual Entry Button

default – “Manually enter address”

The markup for the manual input button. By default it is plain text but it can accept HTML.

Markup for Address Search Button

default – “Search for address”

The markup for the address search button. By default it is plain text but it can accept HTML.

CSS for Manual Input Buttons

CSS rules for both of the manual input buttons.

Hide Empty Address Fields

default – Yes

If enabled, this setting will hide any empty fields from the address form when the result has been selected from the search results list.

Highlight Matching Search Strings in Results

default – Yes

When this setting is enabled, the results in the search results list will be altered so that any part of the result that matches the search query will be highlighted.

Display Postcode Before Address in Results

default – No

When set to Yes, this setting changes the format of the results in the search results list so that the Postcode is at the beginning of the result instead of the end.

Countries for which the Region Field Should be Hidden

default – UK, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey

Region is not a field that is used in the addresses of all countries. The countries selected in this list will not display the region field in the address form.

Automatically Change Countries for Crown Dependencies

default – No

When enabled, if one of the three crown dependencies (Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey) are selected, when a result is selected the country will be changed to “United Kingdom”. In PAF the name of the crown dependency occupies the “Town” field.

Country Configuration

Which Countries Should Typeahead be Activated On?

default – UK, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey

Countries for which the search functionality should be enabled.

Results Quantity

Maximum Number of Results Returned

default – 5

Few Results Message

default – No

If zero or fewer than maximum number of results are returned, enabling this setting will show a suggestion that the user can manually enter their address by clicking on the button.

Few Results Message Text

default – “Can’t see your address? Enter it manually”

The message that is displayed if Few Results Message is enabled.

Reverse Geocoding

Reverse Geocode

It is also possible to retrieve a user’s address using the browser geolocation api. Activating this feature will add a button next to the typeahead field that when clicked will ask the user for permission to access their location, after permission has been granted our integration will collect the location from the device and perform a reverse geocoding lookup that will return a list of the closest addresses to the user’s current location.

The button can be configured to use either plain text or HTML, which is useful for stores that wish to show SVG icons instead of text.

This feature works best on mobile devices, with less accuracy on desktop devices. This being the case, it is possible to configure the button to only display on mobile devices.

This feature is only available for UK and it requires additional services to be enabled on your account. Contact our sales team if you require this service.

Enable Reverse Geocoding

default – No

Whether or not reverse geocoding should be added to the typeahead field.

Only Display on Mobile Devices

default – Yes

The quality of reverse geocoding lookup results are significantly higher on mobile devices that have GPS functionality. When this option is enabled the button will only be displayed on mobile devices.

Button Text

default – Find Address Automatically

This can accept HTML which is useful if an SVG icon as desired. An example of a target icon is:

<svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns=""><path d="M1325 1024h-109q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-128q0-26 19-45t45-19h109q-32-108-112.5-188.5t-188.5-112.5v109q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-109q-108 32-188.5 112.5t-112.5 188.5h109q26 0 45 19t19 45v128q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-109q32 108 112.5 188.5t188.5 112.5v-109q0-26 19-45t45-19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v109q108-32 188.5-112.5t112.5-188.5zm339-192v128q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-143q-37 161-154.5 278.5t-278.5 154.5v143q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-143q-161-37-278.5-154.5t-154.5-278.5h-143q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-128q0-26 19-45t45-19h143q37-161 154.5-278.5t278.5-154.5v-143q0-26 19-45t45-19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v143q161 37 278.5 154.5t154.5 278.5h143q26 0 45 19t19 45z"></path></svg>

Advanced Options

Enable JavaScript polyfill

Our JavaScript requires the use of Promise which is not natively available in Internet Explorer 11. Enabling this will retrieve a polyfill from You can safely disable this if you do not need to support IE 11 or you are using your own polyfills.

Email Validation Settings

Invalid Email Address

Email address validation can be activated on the following forms:

  • Checkout – Logged Out
  • Create New Account
  • My Account – Change email address
  • Contact Us
  • Newsletter Signup

Validation occurs when the email control loses focus and has two stages. First, the syntax of the email address is validated, if the syntax is valid a request will be sent to AFD’s servers to do a full validation.

While the email address is in an invalid state, the submit button of the relevant form will be disabled. Once the email address has been validated, the submit button will be enabled.

Our module comes equipped with the following customisation options:

  • Enable and disable functionality individually for each form
  • Customise error message that is shown when an email address is invalid

Below are the various options available for configuring the functionality.

Enable Email Validation

default – No

Global control for email validation.

Email Authentication Settings

Use default authentication settings

default – Yes

If you are using multiple features of this module and have different authentication details for email validation set this to No.

Authentication Method

Either serial/password or id/token.

IMPORTANT – Serial and password should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes. In a production environment an ID and Token are required, these will be provided by AFD support.


Unless you are using a custom AFD PCE server, this can be left as the default URL.

AFD Serial

Your AFD software serial number.

AFD Password

Your AFD Password.


Your AFD ID.

AFD Token

Your AFD Token.

Form Settings

Which forms email validation should be enabled on. The following forms can individually have email validation enabled or disabled:

  • My Account – Change Email Address
  • Register Account
  • Logged Out – Checkout
  • Contact Us Form
  • Newsletter Signup – Footer

Field Settings

Invalid Email Message

default – “Please enter a valid email address”

The error message that users will see when they enter an invalid email address.

Phone Validation Settings

Invalid Phone Number

Phone number validation can be activated on the following forms:

  • My Account – Add/Edit Address
  • Checkout
  • Contact Us Form

Validation occurs when the phone number control loses focus and has two stages. First, the format of the phone number is validated, if the format is valid for the given country a request will be sent to AFD’s servers to do a full validation.

A default country dialling code can be set in the config options. When a user is typing a phone number into the phone control they will not need to add a dialling code for this country, however, if a user prefixes their number with either + or 00 followed by a country code then the country code that is given will be used for validation.

In addition to validation, the module will also mask the phone number so that it appears in the expected format for the given country. For example, 01624811711 will automatically be reformatted to 01624 811 711.

Our module comes equipped with the following customisation options:

  • Enable and disable functionality individually for each form
  • Customise error message that is shown when a phone number is invalid
  • Set a default country that will be assumed if no international dialing code is entered

Below are the various options available for configuring the functionality.

Phone Authentication Settings

Use default authentication settings

default – Yes

If you are using multiple features of this module and have different authentication details for phone validation set this to No.

Authentication Method

Either serial/password or id/token.

IMPORTANT – Serial and password should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes. In a production environment an ID and Token are required, these will be provided by AFD support.


Unless you are using a custom AFD PCE server, this can be left as the default URL.

AFD Serial

Your AFD Software serial number.

AFD Password

Your AFD Password.


Your AFD ID.

AFD Token

Your AFD Token.

Form Settings

Which forms phone validation should be enabled on. The following forms can individually have phone validation enabled or disabled:

  • My Account – Add/Edit Address
  • Checkout
  • Contact Us Form

Field Settings

Default international dialling code

default – “+44”

The default country code for the control. For whatever code is entered here, users will not be required to specify a country code to have their phone number validated.

Must be prefixed with +.

Invalid Phone Number Message

default – “Please enter a valid phone number”

The error message that users will see when they enter an invalid phone number.

Geodemographic Data


This feature is only available in the Enterprise version of Magento.

When a user searches for their address using the typeahead control, it is also possible to collect useful geodemographic data from various data sets that AFD makes available.

These data sets include:

  • All standard AFD Postcode Plus data
  • AFD Software’s Censation geodemographic data set
  • Occupancy Information
  • Multiple Deprivation Indexes

Access to some of the data sets may incur additional costs, please get in touch with AFD Sales to find out more

This data can be stored as a native Magento “Custom Customer Address Attribute” that can be used for customer segmentation, filtering and analysis.

The screenshot below is an example of how the data is displayed on the order page in the admin panel.

Magento Admin


Important This functionality requires that the attributes be setup as Visible on the frontend. While we hide these attributes on the frontend they are still present in the DOM and so potentially can be seen if the user investigates the DOM.

  • In Magento admin go to Stores -> Attributes -> Customer Address
  • Create a new attribute with the following settings:
    • Default Label – The name of the field
    • Attribute Code – The attribute code required (see Appendix A)
    • Show on Storefront – Yes
    • Forms to Use in – Both Forms

The rest of the fields are up to your discretion, depending on how you intend to use the data.

Now when an address is saved on the frontend the details will be visible in the admin panel. The data will be saved to the customer address record and also will be visible on the order view.

The details can now be seen in the order details page in Magento admin.

In addition, if you selected the options, it is possible to filter users according to these attributes like any other Magento “Custom Customer Address Attribute”.

Appendix A – Available Additional Fields

Attribute CodeDescription
afd_organisationFull business name (includes any department)
afd_propertyProperty (building-includes any sub-building).
afd_streetDelivery Street (includes any sub-street)
afd_localityLocality (sometimes a village name – in ZipAddress used for Urbanization)
afd_townPostal Delivery Town (or City)
afd_postcodeThe Royal Mail Postcode for this address (or ZipCode)
afd_townPostal Delivery Town (City)
afd_postcodeThe Royal Mail Postcode for this address (or Zipcode)
afd_postal_countyRoyal Mail supplied postal county
afd_abbreviated_postal_countyRoyal Mail approved abbreviation is used where available for the postal county
afd_optional_countyPostal counties including optional ones for most addresses which would otherwise not have a county name.
afd_abbreviated_optional_countyRoyal Mail approved abbreviation is used where available for the optional county
afd_traditional_countyThe traditional county name for this postcode
afd_administrative_countyThe administrative county name for this postcode
afd_dpsThe Delivery Point Suffix which along with the postcode uniquely identifies the letterbox.
afd_mailsort_codeUsed for obtaining bulk mail discounts.
afd_udprnRoyal Mail Unique Delivery Point Reference Number assigned to this letter box.
afd_just_builtAFDJustBuilt – Contains the date of inclusion on PAF for properties thought to be recently built. The date is stored numerically in descending format in the form YYYYMMDD. YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day. For example 20080304 is 04/03/2008.
afd_countrySpecifies the name of the country to search for when using International data and returns the name of the country that the result returned was for.
afd_country_isoSpecifies the ISO code of the country to search for when using International data and returns the code for the country the result returned was for.
afd_phoneSTD Code
afd_grid_eGrid Easting as a 6 digit reference
afd_grid_nGrid Northing as a 6/7 digit reference
afd_latitudeLatitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84)
afd_longitudeLongitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84)
afd_urban_rural_codeProvides a code which indicates if an area is mainly urban or rural and how sparsely populated those area’s are.
afd_urban_rural_nameProvides a description which goes along with the UrbanRuralCode.
afd__soa_lowerLower level Super Output Area (Data Zone in Scotland, Super Output Area in Northern Ireland)
afd_soa_middleMiddle level Super Output Area (Intermediate Geography in Scotland, not applicable for Northern Ireland).
afd_sub_country_nameProvides the devolved or non-UK country name (e.g. England, Scotland, Wales etc.)
afd_ward_codeCode identifying the electoral ward for this postcode
afd_ward_nameName identifying the electoral ward for this postcode
afd_authority_codeLocal/Unitary Authority for this Postcode (same as the start of the ward code).
afd_authorityLocal / Unitary Authority for this postcode
afd_constituency_codeParliamentary Constituency Code for this postcode
afd_constituencyParliamentary Constituency for this postcode
afd_devolved_constituency_codeDevolved Constituency Code for this postcode (currently covers Scotland)
afd_devolved_constituency_nameDevolved Constituency Name for this postcode (currently covers Scotland)
afd_eer_codeCode identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode
afd_eer_nameName identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode
afd_LEACodeCode identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode
afd_lea_nameName identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode
afd_tv_regionISBA TV Region (not TV Company)
afd_occupancyIndication of the type of occupants of properties found on the selected postcode
afd_occupancy_descriptionDescription matching the Occupancy
afd_address_typeIndication of the type of property level data to capture to have the full address for a property on the selected postcode.
afd_address_type_descriptionDescription matching the Address Type
afd_nhs_codeNational Health Service Area Code
afd_nhs_nameNational Health Service Area Name
afd_pct_codeNational Heath Service Clinical Commisioning Group Code for England (Local Health Board Code in Wales, Community Health Partnership in Scotland, Local Commissioning Group in Northern Ireland, Primary Healthcare Directorate in the Isle of Man)
afd_pct_nameName matching the PCT Code field
afd_censation_codeCensation Code assigned to this Postcode
afd_censation_labelProvides a handle for the Censation Code
afd_affluenceAffluence description
afd_lifestageLifeStage description
afd_additional_census_infoAdditional information from the Census.
mailLink mailLink

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