£1.2 Million Charity Giveaway

AFD Software Ltd, “The Postcode People”, held their annual Postcode Party and Charity Giveaway at Mountain View Innovation Centre on Thursday 5th December 2024.

The Postcode People are the world’s leading experts in British Postal Data – driving efficiency in data records, logistics and political information flows.  All Postcode Data used in the UK, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands is first processed at Mountain View before distribution back to Royal Mail and its many customers.  

Now in its 42nd year of business,  AFD welcomed representatives of many of the 91 Charities supported this year – and who are receiving a share of £1.2 million – to celebrate both the significant contribution of AFD’s products and services to the entire British Isles, but also the way that funds can make a massive difference in the Isle of Man, the UK and the Wider World.

These organisations have been chosen by AFD’s workforce to help in the relief of suffering, the improvement of society and furtherance of the Christian gospel, in alignment with one of AFD’s Company Objectives.   

Group Director, Alison Dorricott, closed the evening: “Our Postcode Party aka Charity Night is the highlight of the year for me and for our wonderful team. What we do day in and day out powers our economy and that of the Adjacent Island every single day but at our Charity Event, we can celebrate how much wider our business impact actually is – in the Isle of Man, the UK and across the world”. 

The Faraday Institute for Science & Religion aims to illuminate life’s big questions through rigorous academic research in science and religion. It seeks to share this research in meaningful, engaging, and potentially transformative ways with diverse audiences, regardless of their faith or beliefs. 

The AFD donation will support the Youth and Schools Programme, which aims to make science-faith exploration accessible to all young people and their key influencers, regardless of their backgrounds, worldviews, life experiences, or budget constraints. 

The vision held by Educate the Kids is to see children in Africa, who are living in poverty, to have their needs met, their rights upheld, and their dreams fulfilled; they believe this can be achieved through education.

The donation from AFD is being used to purchase equipment and furniture for the nursery school. This will provide a welcoming environment for 75 children as they begin their educational journey.

Make-A-Wish grants life-changing wishes throughout the UK, aiming to transform “tears into cheers” by giving children with critical illnesses the opportunity to dream big, even when their time may be limited. These wishes offer an invaluable escape from the constant challenges and harsh realities of life defined by illness.

Over the past year, the charity has granted wishes to more than 1,000 children across the UK. The donation from AFD, will allow them to make even more wishes come true, bringing hope, joy, and lasting memories to children and their families, that they can treasure forever.

All the organisations we have partnered with and the incredible work they do can be seen at www.afd.co.uk/charity.




Confirmation of Payee

Complete Payment Confidence with AFD

In 2001, AFD launched its bank validation solution, “AFD BankFinder,” to help organisations check the validity of bank account data (sort code, card number, and account number) before making payments and during direct debit signups.

Coinciding with new legislation that comes into force this month, mandating all UK banks and payment service providers handling Faster Payments, BACS, and CHAPS to implement Confirmation of Payee (CoP), an enhanced version of AFD’s bank validation solution is now available. This version includes the ability to make CoP requests, meaning you don’t need to be a big bank or financial institution to benefit from this greatly enhanced bank data check.

A CoP request allows an organisation to make a real-time check with the bank to confirm that the account name, account number, and sort code they have for a payee match the information held by the payee’s bank or payment service provider.

As AFD’s enhanced bank validation solution provides real-time checks, the costs to deliver this service are higher. However, the greater assurance that payments are being sent to the intended recipient and the help it provides in preventing fraudsters from impersonating legitimate businesses or individuals make it well worthwhile.

Would your organisation benefit from greater payment confidence?
Contact Joel Miller today on 0333 433 0711 or email joel.miller@afd.co.uk to discuss your requirements.

Greater Layers of Accuracy

Parking Permit Precision

Imperial Civil Enforcement Solutions Limited, a long-standing AFD customer, is the UK’s largest and most experienced provider of parking, environmental, and traffic management systems. For 28 years, they have partnered with AFD to deliver fast and accurate address validation, integrated within their systems used by end users and for their own business processes.

One of their systems that was not utilizing AFD’s data validation solutions assists councils in assigning addresses to parking permits. Local authorities manage parking permit eligibility based on addresses within a defined area. When address data is incorrect during the setup of these areas, resident applications become unsuccessful, leading to wasted time in finding, confirming, and fixing the errors.

We sat down with William Jervis, Product Manager, and Harry Adamson, Senior Software Developer, to learn how the introduction of one of AFD’s solutions into another of their processes last year is now helping to ensure greater address data accuracy and eliminate potential frustration and waste.

William begins: “When we were onboarding clients, we would match data based on the address, but inconsistencies and variations in the data we received made it difficult to ensure that every eligible property was included.”

“Very similar addresses can appear multiple times in the same city. For example, ‘St. John’s Street’ might be formatted in various ways, such as ‘St. John Street’, ‘Saint Johns Street’, or even ‘St Johns St.’ These inconsistencies required us to apply what’s known as fuzzy matching techniques, which became increasingly difficult and unsatisfactory when handling databases containing millions of addresses.”

“If only 1% of addresses failed to match, that’s tens of thousands—which we could not check manually due to the time and cost involved. After the council’s system went live, new issues could emerge that required further manual tweaks and fixes. This put a significant burden on both our teams and the council, leading to additional work for everyone involved.”

Working with AFD has been great. The team has been helpful, always responsive, and highly knowledgeable about address data solutions.

Better Results, Saved Resources

Needing a solution to improve the matching process, Imperial turned to AFD’s address lookup solution, combined with Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) data.

As its name suggests, the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique and authoritative reference code for every addressable location, converting it into a consistently formatted address.

Harry continues: “AFD’s solution takes a UPRN and returns the valid address record, making it much easier for our technical consultants to set up and configure the system and confirm that all eligible properties are accurately included.”

Not only has the setup process become more streamlined, but ongoing data maintenance has also improved. “If we need to add or remove addresses, we can do so quickly and accurately using the UPRN, knowing we aren’t creating or just removing duplicates, which means we don’t need to review the entire database.”

William, summarizing the experience with AFD and their solutions, says: “Working with AFD has been great. The team has been helpful, always responsive, and highly knowledgeable about address data solutions. Prompt email replies make a huge difference, allowing us to resolve any issues quickly and efficiently. Following AFD’s advice to use their address validation solution with UPRN added has been a game-changer for us and has solved many of the problems we previously faced, saving us and our customers time, effort, and resources.”

We would highly recommend the experts at AFD to any organisation dealing with complex address databases and matching requirements.

Could your address data processes be improved by the addition of UPRN? The Postcode People at AFD have been helping organisations get data right for over 40 years. Call 0333 433 0711 or email joel.miller@afd.co.uk to discuss your requirements with a data quality expert.





We are pleased to announce our partnership with BigCommerce, one of the fastest-growing e-commerce platforms. Working closely with the BigCommerce development team, the team at AFD have developed an App that can be downloaded from the App Marketplace, instantly adding address validation to the checkout pages of your BigCommerce online store. Organisations that deploy the new App will improve both the customer experience and the accuracy of data captured during the checkout process.

Address lookup from the Postcode People at AFD is designed to be fast, accurate, and easy to use. With just a few keystrokes, customers can find their address from either a postcode or from the first line of their address. An accurate delivery address minimises delivery delays, costly returns, and frustrated customers.

Bringing our address lookup solution to the BigCommerce platform is part of AFD’s continued support of providing cutting-edge solutions that help our customers drive success. AFD’s solutions can also be used in Shopify, Magento (Adobe Commerce), and many other platforms. With a range of ready-made plugins and highly experienced technical teams, we will have a solution for your requirements.

Get in touch with Joel Miller today on 01624 811711 or email joel.miller@afd.co.uk.


Edge Hill University

Maintaining the Past Supporting the Future

Student numbers enrolling at universities in the UK are at an all-time high. Over the past 5 years, the total number of enrolled students in Higher Education (HE) has increased by 19%!

This growth has been driven by an emphasis on HE as a route to career advancement and improved economic prospects for students. Many opportunities in the increasingly competitive job market require a university degree, and this requirement becomes essential for specialised and higher-paying roles.

Not only is the demand for HE growing with the current population, the population is growing! Forecasts from The Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that there could be nearly 900,000 18-year-olds in the population in 2030, an increase of 180,000 from 2020. This demographic change is expected to lead to significant increases in HE applications.

AFD Software is the market leader in contact data validation solutions to the HE sector. Over 100 Universities partner with AFD to check student address, email, and phone data is valid at the point of entry and regularly cleansed before Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) returns. These solutions are essential for three key reasons:

    1. Funding. Accurate address data is required to determine the residency status of students, which impacts tuition fees and government funding.
    2. Successful Enrolment. If incorrect contact details are provided at the point of application, students do not receive acceptance offers and potentially accept offers from other Universities.
    3. Ongoing Communication. Throughout a three-year degree, there will be multiple reasons for communication that will fail with the wrong details. Alumni contribute to ongoing funding and grants to universities.

The Cost of Withdrawing Support

When Microsoft announced that they were withdrawing support for the Windows 2012 server, Edge Hill University found themselves faced with a pressing challenge. The server that hosted their Student Record System required upgrading, but their incumbent provider of Address Validation couldn’t integrate the old system with a new server.

This left Edge Hill in a difficult position, as all Universities must submit student data to HESA. Strict data quality standards are a legal requirement as they form the basis of accurate funding, and for the Office for Students to understand student trends, backgrounds, and outcomes. Accurate student home address data forms a key part of this statutory requirement.

Equally perturbing, without Address Validation, Kevin Molyneux, Business Systems Support Manager at Edge Hill, realised that it would mean going back to the days of manual data entry – a nightmare of input errors, missing information and wasted time and cost trying to correct the data. So, he reached out to the provider of the system, who offered two potential address solution providers – one of which was AFD Software. Kevin fills in the details:

“The Student Record System is the database that holds all the information on our students; their course, funding details, and contact information including address. We use a system from Ellucian that has been embedded at the University for 20 years.

I requested a call back via the AFD website and within minutes I was on the phone to an expert in both address data and the HE sector. He had an in depth knowledge of the product and industry – and rather than ‘selling’, helped us find a solution and brought about the collaboration that could make that happen.”

The experience I have had with AFD as a partner is the best I have had, and I would happily recommend them to any organisation needing contact data validation solutions.

Overcoming Barriers

Edge Hill was provided with a test license from AFD but the integration code within Ellucian required certain parameters that they, and initially AFD, struggled to overcome.

Kevin continues: “We got to the position where we thought it wasn’t going to work, but the team at AFD wouldn’t give up and they found the right solution to enable address validation where we needed it. This wouldn’t have been achievable without the tenacity and responsiveness of AFD – their support team answered questions quickly and engaged with both our staff and the Ellucian team to find the solutions. Having people to talk to makes a huge difference and helped overcome the significant technical hurdles we encountered along the way.

The final hurdle was the need to resolve security-related questions that related to calling an external service from an on-site application. After the call with AFD’s infrastructure security specialists, our IT Security Manager’s feedback was ‘it is refreshing to deal with experts and come to a consensus of what’s required’.”

In summarising their experience with the Postcode People at AFD, Kevin says: “Working with AFD Software, we have been able to overcome the challenges of meeting modern stakeholder requirements while still working within the constraints of legacy applications.

I’ve worked in IT for 20 years, engaging with suppliers and organisations trying to sell things to the University regularly. The experience I have had with AFD as a partner is the best I have had, and I would happily recommend them to any organisation needing contact data validation solutions.”

Does your organisation require accurate contact data solutions from the market-leading experts? AFD Software helps thousands of organisations validate and cleanse contact data. Talk to an expert today by calling 01624 811711 or emailing joel.miller@afd.co.uk.


Two Decades of Partnership
& Ongoing Trust

Established nearly two centuries ago, the Evangelical Alliance (EA) serves tens of thousands of individuals, organisations, and churches across the UK. As a membership-charity, they advocate for the evangelical community to the government, media, and other areas of influence, as well as providing support, training, resources, and facilitating gatherings to help their members to act upon their faith.

Having relied on the Postcode People at AFD as their partners in address and bank data quality for over 20 years, when a system migration was required, they sought expert consultancy from AFD to discuss their four specific requirements:

  1. AFD’s address and bank validation would need to work in the new system.
  2. Addresses in the contact database being transferred would need to be confirmed as accurate and up to date.
  3. Additional functionality would be required – to validate members’ emails and phone data.
  4. The ability to find the exact location of churches
    using property-level grid co-ordinates.

Data Readiness for Migration

Prior to the EA migrating to a new Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) CRM system, AFD completed a comprehensive evaluation of the address data held in the member database. Tim Coysh, Head of Digital & Membership at EA, explained: “We aimed to establish an accurate contact data foundation for future communications to our members. This involved cleansing, reformatting, and de-duplicating member addresses. Identifying members that had deceased or “gone-away” from the address we held so we could suppress them from future mailings and updating members’ new addresses where possible. We recognised the substantial value this would add to both the organisation and our supporters.”

Enhanced Communication

Traditionally relying on quarterly magazine mailings, the EA wanted to strengthen its relationships with members and potential members by continuing with the tried and tested physical mailings, but also expanding through the channels of phone and email. AFD’s phone and email validation was implemented to help ensure these electronic communications are going to a live, valid email or phone number.

Tim continues, “In addition to the magazine, members can select from specialist interest emails they wish to receive. The last thing we want is our members to choose specific communications relevant to them, only to not receive any due to an error in their email address!”

Streamlining Payment Processes

As members of the EA pay via Direct Debit to help ensure that its vital work can continue, AFD’s Bank Validation has been confirming account numbers and sort codes for them for two decades. On the importance of the checks, Tim said: “Without AFD’s solution, even a minor bank account detail error would prevent us from collecting payments, leading to extra administrative costs, member frustration, and might even lose new members before they even start.”

Location & Mapping

Accurate location information for organisation members, primarily churches and charities, has become increasingly crucial for people wanting to find a church local to them and facilitating member networking. Tim observed: “Many church buildings are on large sites, often without a mailbox, with multiple entrances on multiple streets. We needed precise longitude and latitude coordinates, more specific than a postal address, to guide people to the correct entrance. AFD’s Address Lookup solution is able to return this exact detail when an address is searched and selected.”

Positive Outcomes

Reflecting on the project’s results, Tim stated: “Having straightened up our contact data with AFD, we now maintain its quality by catching mistakes, flagging them to members and staff AND allowing corrections to be made – before they enter our database. The AFD D365 plug-in made this possible to add address, email, phone, and bank validation – with ease. The value of more effective communication, enhanced member experience and lower admin costs saves the organisation tens of thousands of pounds (and frustration) each year.

AFD proved to be a valuable source of expertise in all the areas we’ve discussed. The insight gained from having a specialist ask the right questions to uncover the true nature of problems and guide us toward solutions cannot be underestimated, and such expertise is rare.

It would be a disaster if we were unable to validate our members’ contact data and we would spend far too much time fixing errors introduced from manual data entry. If your organisation needs to communicate accurately with your members or customers, I recommend sharing your requirements with AFD”.

Why Act Now?

  1. If you’re grappling with “Difficult Data,” reach out to an experienced AFD expert through joel.miller@afd.co.uk
  2. Curious about what’s wrong with your data and how to rectify it? Request a free contact data health check report at healthcheck@afd.co.uk
  3. For inquiries about the best plug-ins and APIs for your systems, email one of our technical experts at support@afd.co.uk


Action for Children's Data Accuracy Quest

For a century and a half, Action for Children has been steadfast in its mission to protect and support vulnerable children and young people in the UK. Their charitable services provide practical and emotional care, amplify the voices of those in need, and advocate for lasting improvements in their lives.

Each festive season, the charity’s Secret Santa campaign aims to raise funds for some of the 4.2 million children living in poverty. The goal is to bring the magic of Christmas, ensuring they have warm clothes, a hot meal, and a special present. Last year alone, Action for Children assisted 766,000 children and their families across the UK.

Accurate Data Supports Vulnerable Children

Andrew Wilks, Supporter Operations Lead at the charity, emphasises the crucial role accurate data plays in communicating with supporters and raising funds for vulnerable children. With over 500,000 contacts in their database, Andrew turned to AFD’s address data experts to understand the current levels of data accuracy within the contact database.

Crucial Insights: AFD's Audit and Health Check Report

“Initially, we requested a data audit to show how many of our supporter addresses matched to the Royal Mail’s Postcode Address File (PAF) and understand how many of our contacts had deceased or moved house (known as ‘Goneaways’).

The results instantly showed us the necessity of regularly cleansing address data, flagging records of deceased or gone-away individuals (to suppress from mailings), and obtaining available forwarding addresses.” Andrew adds; “For a charity focused on communication and fundraising through direct mailings, accuracy is paramount. Mailing supporters who are no longer at the address held, especially those who passed away can clearly be upsetting for family members who might be receiving that communication.

For contacts that have moved, it’s a waste of resource. Direct mailings are a vital connection that tells the stories of children we have helped and advertises current fundraising initiatives that need support. It’s essential that those communications go to the correct contacts at an accurate address. As a result of the data audit, all our supporter data now goes through the AFD process regularly”.

Impacting CRM Data Quality & Compliance

Action for Children recognises the challenges of managing a high volume of enquiries and donations. Andrew continues; “The AFD data cleansing process proved invaluable in reducing manual work, saving hundreds of hours, and improving data quality. The charity now operates with increased compliance, efficiency, and sensitivity, and with greater confidence in the quality of our supporter data.”

Your Recommendation From Action For Children

When asked what his recommendation would be to other organisations wanting to cleanse their contact database, Andrew
concludes; “If you want a positive impact on operations through an overall improvement in contact data quality – we recommend reaching out to The Postcode
People at AFD Software. All the team are very knowledgeable and extremely helpful in terms of delivering a quality service, both in terms of the accuracy of the data, but also the professionalism with which individual tasks are handled and dealt.” Another reason for celebration!

Do you have complete confidence in the accuracy of your contact database? Contact one of AFD’s Data Quality Consultants to discuss your specific requirements today on 01624 811711  or email postcode@afd.co.uk.

New Address Lookup Add-on - what3words

Did you know that some of the nation’s favourite retailers and largest logistics firms such as AO, Ikea, and DPD rely on AFD Software? Each day, millions of delivery addresses pass through our highly sophisticated routines for automated validation and correction.

The powerful AFD logic transforms sometimes poor delivery addresses into precise locations even as parcels make their way late at night in large container trucks to central distribution hubs. The processes are lightning fast, reliable, and accurate – resulting in precision scheduling, logical routing, and on-time delivery of goods.

"But what if I'm not in?"

It’s not unusual for customers to be out or for addresses to have obscure entrances. Delivery instructions such as “leave in shed” or “behind the garage” or “access to Daisy Lea Lane from the Halifax Road direction” all help – but can be confusing. 

Now, AFD is offering an add-on option to its address validation solutions so that the shed, garage, or entrance location can be precisely geocoded. The add-on data is called what3words and enables any 3-metre grid, anywhere on earth to be identified with a unique combination of 3 words, for example; ///impose.title.pulse.

How Does what3words Work?

A customer wanting to select a specific delivery spot that is not their front door, or help the driver identify a hard-to-find property entrance, types in the what3words location and AFD lists the closest property level addresses– for the user to select the correct one. This enables AFD to take the driver to the right address with the additional benefit of the precise geographic co-ordinates for the obscure entrance, shed or garage. 

What's the Benefit?

The driver no longer has to hunt for the exact delivery location and the customer no longer has to hunt for the goods. With multi-drop deliveries, every efficiency makes a difference and for retailers, greater customer satisfaction builds reputation and repeat business.

“Working with AFD on our partnership has been incredibly easy. The team had a clear understanding of the technical requirements and were able to roll out the integration incredibly quickly – always responding to our questions and acting on our feedback as soon as possible. So now with what3words and AFD, you can be sure to get the most precise and accurate address” Phoebe Parry-Crooke, Partnerships Lead

To purchase this add-on for your CRM system or website, contact the team at AFD Software today at 01624 811711 or email postcode@afd.co.uk.


Demanding Address Data Accuracy

Data On Demand builds accurate, compliant consumer data products and solutions that help organisations improve their understanding of their customers, enabling better consumer outcomes. Organisations from a range of sectors including Utilities, Telecoms, and Insurance rely on Data On Demand’s consumer database, the UK’s largest, to identify, verify, and contact their customers.

Stuart Murgatroyd, CEO of Data On Demand, and his team discovered that less than optimal address data matching was slowing growth in the reach of their database. The initial problem was that their existing address-matching solution was slow and would often stop working. During a thorough analysis of the solution, inaccuracies in the data were discovered, and further investigation uncovered areas where improvements could be made to ensure that the data they provide is best-in-class.

We Needed to Change Supplier!

Stuart explains: “Our Chief Technical Officer and Chief Data Officer would set large files running on Friday night only to find on Monday that software problems had stopped the process. The hardest part was trying to get our software supplier to fix things in a timely manner. Often, the phone went unanswered, and responses took weeks. We need to move faster than that.”

It was time to find a new address-cleansing supplier. With decades of experience in the data industry, they knew who the major players were and shortlisted four alternatives – including AFD Software – which were then subject to intensive testing and evaluation. 

What to Evaluate?

Stuart continues: “We assessed each of the suppliers’ solutions on a wide range of criteria – we went further than most because address cleansing and matching is critical to our business and to our customers. At the end of the process, it was clear that AFD’s Refiner product was best-in-class across all evaluation criteria – including best value for money. AFD’s solution was the fastest, most accurate, simplest to integrate, and the results were much clearer to interpret than the other options.”

What We Discovered

Stuart explains some important findings: “As we are encouraging our clients to work on a real-time basis, we need API-based solutions that can handle multiple requests and files simultaneously. Some solutions just couldn’t accommodate this – only offering legacy batch solutions requiring export, processing, and re-importing of data. Other solutions were complicated to integrate and automate and left us to interpret overly complicated results into action – rather than presenting us with a reliable decision.”

Assessing Responsiveness & Flexibility

The evaluation process showed that AFD Refiner covered 95% of what was needed. The engagement and desire to look at the final 5% would reveal how committed AFD was to receive and action feedback for enhancements that would bring maximum alignment. Stuart says: “The responsiveness from the team at AFD was completely refreshing and delivered a solution bespoke to our exact requirements.”

Advice to Other Organisations?

Stuart concludes: “We are a highly technical, data specialist organisation with complex requirements. When we say that the AFD Refiner engine is best-in-class, we say so after a thorough comparison and examination of multiple dimensions.

Our previous supplier’s account management was not at the required level. From initial engagement, the team at AFD Software responded the fastest, and developed a relationship of partnership rather than transaction. This continued through testing, our bespoke development requirements, go-live, and ongoing support. If you need address data cleansing – partner with The Postcode People at AFD Software.”

If you would like to discuss your data cleansing requirements or understand the quality of your contact database, contact one of AFD’s Data Quality Consultants to discuss your specific requirements today on 01624 811711 or email postcode@afd.co.uk.



100% Uptime

Instant Performance, Rapidly Scalable - But How?

When you rely on Software as a Service (SaaS) you need confidence that the provider of that service is competent and can prove consistent availability and scalability. With thousands of organisations across the world relying on our services, we are continuously investing in our hosted infrastructure.

So how do we achieve 100% uptime – we’ve had no outages, no partial outages, no degraded performance – in two years? A few basics: stay humble, plan ahead, constantly monitor, keep building team skill and knowledge, implement the very best technologies and practices – invest in the right tools and rigorously test.

What are some of the practices that are delivering outstanding levels of uptime second by second, building to year by year? Our network is optimised so that thousands of simultaneous requests for (say) address validation can be processed with users receiving immediate responses. This is called low latency.

When there are spikes and increases in demand for our services, we are ready to respond instantly with increased capacity. We achieve this by enabling our hosted services to automatically enlarge – which is known as lightweight virtualisation technology. These extra resources are deployed quickly, reliably, and consistently. We also anticipate that faults happen and use additional machines which allow connections to still be made available if another machine fails (“Quorum Nodes”), to improve resiliency and fault tolerance. AFD continues to invest heavily in technologies that deliver maximum speed, reliability, and availability.

While we have maintained a 100% uptime track record for the past two years, we understand that technology can sometimes be unpredictable, and unexpected challenges may arise. Do we want to maintain 100%? Yes! That’s why our quest for excellence is never over – our dedicated teams will continue to use best practice, available technologies and ongoing testing to maintain the highest levels of service. In summary – we care, we invest, we want to be the best. Our goal is simple. Happy Customers.

Does your organisation have absolute confidence in its address, bank, and contact data? AFD Software is on hand to help with all your data quality needs. Contact Joel Miller on 01624 811709 or email joel.miller@afd.co.uk.

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We are here to help

We serve thousands of organisations and a network of hundreds of partners across multiple industry sectors, enabling them to have full confidence in their contact data.