The latest release of AFD’s data cleansing engine, Refiner 3, is benchmarked as best-in-class! With multiple deployment options which now include server-based and hosted offerings, with a thin client front end, for ease of use and integration. Refiner can also be installed locally on both Windows and Linux platforms for blisteringly fast performance.
Phone numbers and email addresses can now be bulk validated and confirmed as live using Refiners powerful batch processing engine.
A wider range of datasets can now be appended to your database including: geodemographic data (relative affluence, life stage and lifestyle) for segmentation, and grid references (longitude/latitude) to pinpoint a geographic location.
Refiner 3’s powerful cleansing solution can be accessed in a variety of ways removing common barriers to cleaning data.
The team at AFD can process the data on your behalf, Refiner 3 can be flexibly deployed in a host of environments which now including server-based and hosted offerings, with a thin client front end. Supported on both Windows and Linux.
Visit our Developer Area using the button below to find out more.
Refiner works with the data you have – not the data we wish you had:
Refiner delivers top match rates not erroneous ones:
Refiner offers choice:
Refiner 3 can operate with Delimited (e.g., comma separated, tab delimited), Fixed Width Text files, and ODBC (32-bit) Connections to Microsoft Access and MYSQL Databases (providing a DSN for that data source has been set-up on your system).