
AFD BankFinder® provides a simple way to get full information about a Banks details including the Postal address, and for banks on the UK clearing system the BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing Service), CHAPS (Clearing Houses Automated Payment System), FPS (Faster Payments Service) and C&CCC (Cheque and Credit Clearing Company) information. BankFinder also provides verification of Account Numbers and Debit / Credit Card Numbers and the transcribing of non-standard account numbers to help eliminate errors when capturing users payment details.

As well as full data for the UK clearing systems, BankFinder also includes data from the Irish Payment Services Organisation, so regardless of if you are dealing with payments on the UK, Irish, or both clearing systems BankFinder can cater for you.

You can look up a Bank quickly from it’s Postcode, Sort Code or, for banks on the UK clearing system, the BIC Code. If you don’t know these BankFinder also allows you to search for a Bank based on the Branch Name, Bank Name, Town, and/or Phone Number, and you can also search for specified text in any field.

AFD Software provides many ways to incorporate its powerful fast addressing features with other programs. In Windows, the stand-alone BankFinder program can be used for simple look-ups, or to squirt data into other programs. If your application has a suitable programming language you can also use our powerful API to access the data from within your own application. Example code is provided for the most popular programming languages.

BankFinder also includes ROBOT® technology which allows integration of BankFinder into other applications with no programming required and we don’t even need to recognise your application! Simply type the Sort Code or Postcode and BankFinder does the rest and brings back all the fields you require with or without prompting!

AFD BankFinder is accredited by the Payments Council Sort Code Validation Accreditation Scheme. This is an independent payment industry assurance of the data quality and integrity of BankFinder.


Download our evaluation installer here.

BankFinder is installed automatically by the installation program and all files are placed in the correct folders. Some information from your License Certificate will be required during installation, so you are advised to have this to hand:

Place the AFD Compact Disc in your drive then:

from the Task Bar, select Start – Run, then type d:\AFDBANK and click OK

… where ‘d:’ is the drive letter of your CD-Rom drive – usually D:

Follow the instructions and provide the information requested by the installation program.

The installation will create menu entries for BankFinder. These will include entries or icons for BankFinder, the Welcome program, and for various help and information documents.

The evaluation version of the program contains a restricted set of data, covering some of the Birmingham area only.


On new installations, BankFinder will operate in a special mode, giving full access to data, for about two weeks. To register and fully activate your copy of the program, run the BankFinder ‘Welcome’ program.

The evaluation version of the program contains only a limited set of data, and does not require registration.

A copy of the ‘AFD Welcome’ program is supplied to simplify the process of Registration and activation of your program license. To register your copy of BankFinder, you will also need the information printed on the ‘License Certificate’ supplied with your program.

To register, run the ‘Welcome’ program:

from the Task Bar select Start – Programs – AFD BankFinder – Welcome

Select your required registration method and follow the instructions on screen to activate your software.

You can also register via a WWW browser on another computer by visiting:

and simply transfer the information to/from this machine.

If you need personal assistance with the registration process, you may call our HelpDesk on 0333 433 0712, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm (except holidays).


If you require to move your AFD BankFinder® Licence from one machine to another or if you will be upgrading a machine and will be replacing your hard drive, you should first de-register the license from that machine and transfer it back to our server. At which point you will be able to register AFD BankFinder® on that other machine instead, and so transfer your license.

To do this, run the Welcome program (as described in the Registration section) and click the ‘De-Activate’ button to transfer the license back. You can then register it on the new machine as described in the Registration section.

Please note that in the case of wiping a hard disk drive you must de-register before you erase your registration information by wiping that hard disk drive.

If you have problems de-registering or do not have Internet Access then please follow our manual procedure by submitting a Re-registration form.

Technical Support

The AFD range of software is carefully designed to be easy to use, and trouble free. Every product goes through an intensive testing process on every operating system we support. It is a credit to the team who develop and maintain AFD products that they work “out of the box” in tens of thousands of installations, and we receive surprisingly few customer support requests.

Nevertheless, customers do occasionally have difficulties with new or complex installations, new programming projects – or as a result of system damage such as virus attacks: so AFD has provided a friendly, efficient Technical Support service to ensure that everyone can get the maximum benefit from their AFD system.

AFD Technical Support is a free, unlimited service for everyone who is evaluating or using our products. Our team will help you with any aspect of the installation, configuration, programming or use of any of the AFD range of software. We’ll even do our best to help and advise with difficulties you’re having with software not our own – so long as it relates to the use of an AFD product.

Unfortunately, we cannot help with other hardware or software products.

The HelpDesk is manned Monday – Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm each weekday except holidays:

  1. Email Support is the best and first-choice method of support. Our support engineers will respond to an email within a few minutes – and certainly our aim is to reply within one hour of receipt. You can email us at or from our web site support page using our “Ask the HelpDesk” page which gives us most of the information we need before we respond, thus helping us to direct your enquiry to the correct support engineer. Email is also monitored outside normal office hours, each evening after 9:00pm and on holidays and at weekends (except Christmas Day) after 10:00am, 4:00pm and 9:00pm.
  2. Telephone Support. Call our HelpDesk (Mon – Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm) on 0333 433 0712 to speak directly to one of our product experts.

    We won’t waste your time and money in a hold system: if all our operators are busy you will be transferred to our purpose built call-handling system. Please leave a message giving as many details of your problem as possible, plus your name, telephone number and product serial number if you have one. One of our qualified engineers will aim to return your call within 15 minutes – but no later than within the hour at exceptionally busy times.

Data & Data Updates

The Bank data is constantly changing as a result of internal re-organisation within Banks, the establishing of new branches, relocation and closures of others, and changes to Postal addresses. To ensure that you get the maximum benefit from your investment in AFD BankFinder program, you must ensure that the data you are using is as up-to-date as possible.

AFD have invested in state-of-the-art technology to provide you with the best possible address data within our programs. Taking raw data direct from our suppliers tapes and converting it ready for release to our customers in just three days, means that AFD Data is often weeks and sometimes months more up-to-date than data from other sources.

Automatic weekly updates are provided as standard and work seemlessly in the background, downloading updated data as it becomes available. While we expect this to be the most convienent option for most customers, manual monthly updates are avaliable as an alternative which, as a condition of your license, must be regularly applied.

Make sure that you place your order so that each optional data update is sent to you as soon as it is prepared – or join the POP scheme so that all costs of Data Licenses, Program and Data Updates are covered in one modest standing order payment and shipped automatically when available.


General Overview

BankFinder is a very powerful bank lookup system, and there are many different ways to harness it. Typically, BankFinder can help in the following ways:

  • Rapid Bank Lookup – By entering a Sort Code, BIC Code or a Postcode, BankFinder can return full Bank details and the address.
  • Rapid Account Number and Debit/Credit Card Number Verification – By entering an account number of a debit/credit card number BankFinder will check it has a valid format and checksum to help eliminate most errors in input.
  • Powerful Search Facilities – When the sort code, BIC Code or Postcode are unknown, BankFinder can still quickly locate the Bank record you require when provided with a Branch Name or Title, Bank Name, Town, whole or the start of the Phone Number or by looking for text you specify in all of the bank fields.
  • Check accuracy of details supplied – With the move towards paperless Direct Debits where the accuracy-check becomes even more important – especially for transactions made by telephone, BankFinder allows you to quickly and easily check the bank details supplied are correct.
  • Label Printing – BankFinder enables you to print individual mailing labels and envelopes: simply add a name for the addressee if required to the address provided by BankFinder.

Starting the Program

From the Task Bar, select Start – Programs – AFD BankFinder – BankFinder

BankFinder will display an information splash screen, then the BankFinder Main Window will be loaded. If you have used any Command Line Options (see below), these may have customised the way in which BankFinder will load.

Main Window

Most BankFinder operations take place from the Main Window, and the method of operating the program will be familiar to Windows users, as the controls conform to Windows standards.

The Main Window consists of the following parts:

  • Menu – Use the menu to store and retrieve settings, print labels, change editing and viewing options, insert addresses into other programs, or use the on-line Help system.
  • Find Box & Lookup – Most rapid address entry or address lookups can be carried out from this single box – simply enter your request and click the Lookup Button.
  • Tabs – Eight Tabs allow you to enter more complex search requests, view bank and address data, and print labels.
  • Results List – Address lookup and search results are displayed in list format. Click on any record to see more detailed information.

Find Box & Lookup

Bank Lookups

At the ‘Find’ box you may enter a simple lookup request – yet powerful search facilities are also available to you – so most bank lookups can be done here.

Enter your lookup request, then click the Lookup button – use the shortcut key [Alt]+L – or simply press [Enter]. If your lookup request includes a sort code or a postcode this is detected, and AFD BankFinder will automatically carry out a lookup for you without the need to click Lookup.

Note that only the Lookup Button can be used with the Find Box – the Search Button is used with other searches on the Search Tab (see below).

using the Find Box & Lookup

Clicking on the down arrow to the right of the Lookup box allows you to select any of your last 25 Lookups. After selecting one make any modifications necessary, and then click on the Lookup button.

Other Lookups

Where you are not sure of the sort code or the postcode, BankFinder can easily find addresses from other information. See the Search tab for details on more complex searching.

Valid entries are:

Sort Code Only401124
Postcode OnlyB26 3JW
Branch NameSt. Philips Place
Bank NameRoyal Bank
Town or LocationBirmingham
Phone0121 2120036
…including just an STD Code0121
Text in any field, Any of the aboveNew Street, BIRMINGHAM
A Branch and Bank BIC CodeCHP,BARCGB21

Click the Lookup Button or press the [Enter] key and BankFinder will look up the request you’ve entered.

Lookup Directives

BankFinder also provides a set of lookup directives so that you can force a lookup to look for data in fields you specify to allow quick searching straight from the lookup box.

The following directives can be used:

S=S=089001Forces lookup as a Sort Code
P=P=B26 3JWForces lookup as a Postcode
C=C=MIDLGB21Forces lookup as a Bank BIC
R=R=19CForces lookup as a Branch BIC
N=N=BankForces lookup as a Branch Name
B=B=NatwestForces lookup as a Bank Name
T=T=BirminghamForces lookup as a Town / Location
#=#=0121Forces lookup as a Phone number

Examples List Window

The above examples, along with several others, are available from a special Examples List window, which displays when BankFinder is first run – or is available from the View menu (or by pressing [Ctrl]+X). To try out any example in the list, simply double-click it.

The examples help illustrate the types of lookups available in BankFinder – including most of the examples quoted in this section of the manual.

Drag and Drop

In BankFinder you can drag text from other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word – and drop it onto the Find Box. BankFinder will automatically Lookup the text you dropped – which can be in any of the formats supported by the Find Box.HARBORNE,404210


Using the Results List

When BankFinder finds results for your lookup or search, it places them in the Results List at the bottom of the Main Window. Simply click an entry in the Results List and that Banks details are shown on the Bank, Address, and Label Tabs. For Banks on the UK (BACS) clearance system BACS, FPS, CHAPS and C&CCC (On the Other Tab) clearing information is also available.

Please note that if you are viewing both UK (BACS) and Irish (IPSO) clearing records there may be two entries for some branches that take part in both clearing systems – one for each system.

Auto Insert

Double-Clicking a result in the Results List can automatically Insert an address into another program.

Please note: In order for Auto-Insert to operate, it will be necessary for the first Insert to have been carried out from the Insert menu so that the target program for other Insert actions is established.

Cancelling a Lookup or Search

To cancel a Lookup or Search, simply click the Cancel button or press the [Esc] key. Note that BankFinder can only respond to a cancel instruction once the initialisation of the Lookup or Search action is completed – this may take a few seconds.

Search Tab

Using the Search Tab

Although BankFinder can find most addresses using the Find Box and Lookup button, there are times when a more complex search is required – or where you wish to do a completely free field text search. These are available on the Search Tab (shortcut key [Alt]+1).

You should note that searching all the fields for text can take a while, particularly if the text being searched for is short. You should try and narrow done your search with one of the other fields were possible. The Bank BIC and Branch BIC fields are applicable to the UK (BACS) clearing system only.

When you have entered your Search request, click the Search Button or use the shortcut key [Alt]+S.

Please note: The Lookup Button and the shortcut key [Alt]+L will only work with the Find Box and cannot be used with Searches from the Search Tab.


  • Clear All ([Alt]+C) – Click the Clear button at the base of the Main Window to clear all Search Fields, and any results – use Field-Clear (below) to clear just one or two fields.
  • Field-Clear – To clear any individual field on the Search Tab, click the descriptive label to its left – e.g. to clear the ‘Street’ field, click the letters of the word ‘Street’.

Pattern Matching

AFD BankFinder also works with a set of special pattern matching characters to provide more enhanced searching facilities. These are as follows:

*Any number of characters*ham would match anything ending in ham
west would match anything containing west
b*ham would match anything beginning with the letter b and ending with ham
?Any characterHS?C would match anything starting with HS?C where ? could be any character.
#Any digit01#1 would match any Phone number that begun with 01, ends with 1 and has only one single digit between the two, e.g. a number starting 0121
^Don’t include anything starting with this^ in a field would indicate that field must be blank in any addresses that are returned, typing London^ in the town field would only return addresses in London and not those in Londonderry.

Drag & Drop

To move text from one field to another – without re-typing it – hold down one of the [Shift] keys (usually marked with a hollow arrow pointing upwards). Then click and hold down the left mouse button on the field you wish to move (drag) text FROM – the cursor will turn into the shape of a hand with a pencil – now move to the field you wish to place the text in (keeping the mouse button down). Finally, release the mouse button to drop the text in the new field.

You can also drag text from other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word – and drop it into the fields on the Search Tab.

Bank Tab

Using the Bank Tab

This tab is used to display general information about a Bank in a record found by BankFinder. It can be selected by clicking the tab – or use the [Alt]+2 keyboard shortcut.

The fields displayed on this tab are as follows:

StatusIndicates if the bank is Active and displays the Deleted Date if it is not. It also indicates if the record is for the BACS (UK) or IPSO (Ireland) clearing system. Branches that are part of both systems will have a record for each one.
Sort CodeThe Banks Sort Code (Allocated to all banks involved in BACS, IPSO, FPS CHAPS Sterling, and Cheque and Credit Clearings).
SuffixThis is the Sub-Branch Suffix which allows a branch to be uniquely identified where there is a cluster of branches with the same Sort Code. This is not used in the IPSO clearing system, but sub-branches are still indicated under branch type.
Bank and Branch BICBICs are allocated to branches for international payment purposes over S.W.I.F.T. This is not applicable to entries in the IPSO (Ireland) clearing system.
Branch NameThe name of the branch which defines its actual location. To view the alternate branch name (if applicable) use the Alternate Branch Name menu option.
Branch TitleThe short version is the official title of each branch. This title, for example, appears in Cheque Books. The Full version is the one that has been extended by Banks. To change between the Full and Short versions use the Full Names menu option.
LocationThis is an optional field specifying the location of the Branch used in the printed bank directories, it is not applicable to records in the IPSO (Ireland) clearing system where the Branch Name normally relates to it’s location.
Owner BankThis is the name and code of the owning bank. These names are approved by APACS. Short and Full versions of the name are available. (See Full Names menu option). For banks in the IPSO (Irish) clearing system there is not a code assigned, so only a name will appear.
Central BankCHAPS payments can be sent over TARGET to beneficiaries in other countries. Records in the database for these overseas banks containing there BIC codes have these banks counties ISO code and Name in this field.
SupervisoryThis field contains the Supervisory Body for a bank/agency that is in at least one of the clearings (code and name). It is not applicable to IPSO (Irish) records.
Branch TypeThis is the code and description of the type of branch selected. This will either be M (for a Main Branch), S (for a Sub or NAB branch), or L for a Linked branch.
Main BranchThis is the Sort Code for the main branch in a cluster for branches that are linked in a cluster. Clicking this sort code (if present) will automatically look up that branches sort code for you.
For IPSO (Irish) records this will be set if the branch has been amalgamated with one on another sort code and will indicate the sort code it has been amalgamated with.

Full Names

The ‘Full Names’ option can be toggled from the ‘Edit Menu’. This specifies if the banks full name and branch title is displayed or if the shortened (official) forms are used. Please note that not all banks extend these names, in which case the full and short forms are the same.

Alternate Branch Name

Some branches have an alternative branch name to allow entries to appear in two places in the printed directory. Selecting this option from the ‘Edit’ menu will show that alternative name if one exists (if there is no alternate branch name, the same name is displayed regardless of this setting).


  • Field-Transfer – To transfer any address field from the Bank Tab to the equivalent field on the Search Tab, where available, simply, click the descriptive label to its left – e.g. to transfer a ‘Sort Code’ , click the letters of the word ‘Sort Code’.

Drag & Drop

You can drag text from the individual fields of the Bank Tab and drop it into other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

Hold down one of the [Shift] keys (usually marked with a hollow arrow pointing upwards). Then click and hold down the left mouse button on the field you wish to move (drag) text from – the cursor will turn into a dragging icon. Now move to the program you wish to place the text in (keeping the mouse button down). Finally, release the mouse button to drop the text in the new field.

Address Tab

Using the Address Tab

This tab is used to display the Postal Address and Telephone Number of a Bank in a record found by BankFinder. For branches on the IPSO (Irish) clearing system the fax number is also included. It can be selected by clicking the tab – or use the [Alt]+3 keyboard shortcut.

Please note that in the case of branches on the UK (BACS) clearing system the address given is the address held by BACS for correspondence and clearing processes for this branch. It may not be it’s physical address. If you wish to verify the branch location then we would recommend you look at the Branch Name, Title, and Location fields on the Bank Tab (keyboard shortcut [Alt] + 2). For branches on the IPSO (Irish) clearing system the address given is normally the branches physical address.

UK addresses displayed have been cleaned against the Royal Mail Postcode Address File so as to increase the accuracy of the addresses held. Where incorrect postcodes are found these have been corrected, however the original postcode is indexed for searching so you can still look up a bank from an old (incorrect) postcode.

Full Names

The ‘Full Names’ option can be toggled from the ‘Edit Menu’. This specifies if the banks full name is displayed in the Organisation field of the address or if the shortened (official) form is used. Not all banks extend these – in which case the text displayed will be the same regardless of if this item is selected.


  • Field-Transfer –
    To transfer any address field from the Address Tab to the equivalent field on the Search Tab, where available, simply, click the descriptive label to its left – e.g. to transfer a ‘Postcode’ , click the letters of the word ‘Postcode’.

Drag & Drop

You can drag text from the individual fields of the Address Tab and drop it into other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

Hold down one of the [Shift] keys (usually marked with a hollow arrow pointing upwards). Then click and hold down the left mouse button on the field you wish to move (drag) text from – the cursor will turn into a dragging icon. Now move to the program you wish to place the text in (keeping the mouse button down). Finally, release the mouse button to drop the text in the new field.


Using the BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing Service) Tab – Applies to branches on the UK (BACS) Clearing System Only

This tab is used to display the BACS data for a record found by BankFinder. It can be selected by clicking the tab – or use the [Alt]+4 keyboard shortcut.

The fields displayed on this tab are as follows:

StatusIndicates if the branch is a BACS Member that accepts BACS payments, a branch of an agency member that accepts BACS payments or if it does not accept BACS payments.
Last ChangeThe date on which BACS data for this record was last amended.
Closed ClearingThe date when the status of the branch was set to ‘N’ (does not accept BACS payments) if applicable.
Redirected FromIf this Sort Code receives BACS payments originally destined for one or other Sort Codes then this field will display ‘Click to list…’. Clicking this text will bring up a list of Sort Codes redirected to this Bank from which you can select to view those Banks records if required.
Redirected ToIf BACS payments for this Sort Code have been redirected to another branch then this field will show the Sort Code it has been redirected to. You can click this to display the record for that bank.
Handling BankThis is the name and code of the Bank that takes BACS output for this branch.
StreamThis is the stream of output within the Handling Bank that will be used for payments to this branch.
SettlementThis is the BACS Settlement Bank name and code of the bank that will settle BACS payments for this branch.
Section and SubThese are numeric values required for BACS to perform it’s settlement.
Account NumberedWhen checked this indicates the branch has numbered bank accounts. There are still a few branches without numbered bank accounts for which this will not be checked.
DDI Voucher RequiredThe UK Direct Debit system supports an electronic system (AUDDIS) for originators to lodge Direct Debit instructions with paying banks. There are a few bank branches that cannot accept these instructions electronically, in which case BACS prints paper vouchers and this box will be checked.
Transactions AllowedThese check boxes show which transactions the branch can accept. Certain accounts on this Sort Code (e.g. some savings accounts) may not accept these transactions.


  • Field-Transfer –
  • To transfer any address field from the BACS Tab to the equivalent field on the Search Tab, where available, simply, click the descriptive label to its left – e.g. to transfer a ‘Settlement Bank’ , click the letters of the word ‘Settlement’.

Drag & Drop

You can drag text from the individual fields of the BACS Tab and drop it into other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

Hold down one of the [Shift] keys (usually marked with a hollow arrow pointing upwards). Then click and hold down the left mouse button on the field you wish to move (drag) text from – the cursor will turn into a dragging icon. Now move to the program you wish to place the text in (keeping the mouse button down). Finally, release the mouse button to drop the text in the new field.


Using the FPS (Faster Payments Services) Tab – Applies to branches on the UK (BACS) Clearing System Only

This tab is used to display the FPS data for a record found by BankFinder. FPS is an automated clearing system that enables near real-time (within a few hours) processing of eligible transfers between accounts held at member banks. It can be selected by clicking the tab – or use the [Alt]+5 keyboard shortcut.

The fields displayed on this tab are as follows:

StatusIndicates if the branch can accept FPS payments and whether or not it is an agency.
Last ChangeThe date on which FPS data for this record was last amended.
Closed ClearingThe date when the status of the branch was set to ‘N’ (does not accept FPS payments) if applicable.
Redirected FromIf the branch is set as the redirection sort code for one or more bank offices this will be indicated here
Redirected ToIf output destined for this sortcode has been redirected the sort code to redirect payment too will be displayed here.
Settlement Bank ConnectionTwo digit connectivity code for settlement
Settlement BankThe Bank code of the FPS member that settles the FPS output for this sort code
Handling Bank ConnectionTwo digit connectivity code for handling
Account Numbered FlagSet to Y is bank office has transferrable account numbers. N if it does not.
Agency TypeIndicates if the Bank office is a direct agency (D) or an indirect agency (I)

Drag & Drop

You can drag text from the individual fields of the FPS Tab and drop it into other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

Hold down one of the [Shift] keys (usually marked with a hollow arrow pointing upwards). Then click and hold down the left mouse button on the field you wish to move (drag) text from – the cursor will turn into a dragging icon. Now move to the program you wish to place the text in (keeping the mouse button down). Finally, release the mouse button to drop the text in the new field.

Other Tab

Using the Other Tab – Applies to branches on the UK (BACS) Clearing System Only

This tab is used to display the CHAPS (Clearing Houses Automated Payment System) and C&CCC (Cheque and Credit Clearing Company) data for a record found by BankFinder. It can be selected by clicking the tab – or use the [Alt]+6 keyboard shortcut.

The Results Tab

The fields displayed on this tab are as follows:


This group of fields relate to C&CCC payments.

StatusIndicates if the branch is part of Cheque and Credit Clearing and if it is an agency.
Last ChangeThe date on which C&CCC data for this record was last amended.
SettlementThe BACS generated bank code of the bank that will settle payments for this branch.
Closed ClearingThe date when the status of the branch was set to ‘N’ (does not accept C&CCC payments) if applicable.
Debit AgencyThis field specifies the Sort Code where cheque clearing is handled for this branch if it is a Debit agency branch only (Status D).
Return IndicatorIndicates the branch to which other banks should return paper to this institution. It is only set for a Sort Code of a Member.
GB/NI IndicatorIndicates for C&CCC purposes if the office is in mainland Great Britain (GB) or Northern Ireland (NI).


This group of fields relate to CHAPS sterling payments.

StatusIndicates if the branch can accept CHAPS Sterling payments and whether or not it is an agency.
Last ChangeThe date on which CHAPS sterling data for this record was last amended.
Closed ClearingThe date when the status of the branch was set to ‘N’ (does not accept CHAPS sterling payments) if applicable.
SettlementThe name and code of the Bank that will settle payments for this branch (CHAPS ID).


  • Field-Transfer – To transfer any address field from the C&CCC Tab to the equivalent field on the Search Tab, where available, simply, click the descriptive label to its left – e.g. to transfer a ‘Settlement Bank’ , click the letters of the word ‘Settlement’.

Drag & Drop

You can drag text from the individual fields of the C&CCC Tab and drop it into other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

Hold down one of the [Shift] keys (usually marked with a hollow arrow pointing upwards). Then click and hold down the left mouse button on the field you wish to move (drag) text from – the cursor will turn into a dragging icon. Now move to the program you wish to place the text in (keeping the mouse button down). Finally, release the mouse button to drop the text in the new field.

Label Tab

Using the Label Tab

The Label Tab (shortcut [Alt]+7) is used to display the address elements of the Bank record in the form of an address label – ready to print with a barcode if you wish.

Please note: As Bank Finder does not include property or Delivery Point Suffix (DPS) level data, the barcode contains the postcode only with a default DPS of ‘9Z’.

You may customise or add details to the label itself before printing. The box above the label address is used for adding an addressee name. You can also drag the address and/or barcode to other Windows programs from this Tab.

Examples of label layouts are provided – use the drop-down combo box to choose a suitable format. You may adjust these, then use the Save button to store your changes – or add your own.

To create a new label layout, simply type a new name in the combo box, and then click the Save button. Tuning the label print to your own printer and labels or envelopes may require a bit of trial-and-error and you may need to adjust the Bar Weight to suit your own printer. Typically, a 600 DPI Laser printer will require a Bar Weight of 9, whilst the Smart Label printer requires a bar weight of 3.

Drag & Drop

The Label Tab is also used to provide a quick way of dragging addresses and barcodes to other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

To drag a barcode or address, simply hold down a [Shift] key, then click and hold down the LEFT mouse button on either the barcode or the address box of the Label Tab. A ‘dragging’ mouse cursor will appear. Keep the mouse button down whilst dragging onto the target program (like Word), then release the mouse button to drop a copy of the barcode or address into that program.

Please note: The barcode is a graphical image and you should ensure that your target program is able to receive and use graphical data, before dragging it there. The Royal Mail barcode is subject to a fairly strict specification of size and layout, but has been tested with Microsoft Word and a suitable printer. You should ensure that your target program and printer is set up to print the barcode to this specification.

Validate Tab

Using the Validate Tab

This tab is used to validate account numbers and debit/credit card numbers and to transcribe non-standard account numbers. It helps eliminate errors in capturing these numbers by checking the format and the checksums that are included in these numbers. You can configure Insert Settings for your application to Insert these details when [F2] if pressed. It can be selected by clicking the tab – or use the [Alt]+8 keyboard shortcut.

You can toggle between validating account and card numbers using the options across the top of this tab.

Account Number Validation

Enter the Sort Code, and then the Account Number and click Validate (or press [Enter]) to check if the number is valid. An additional ‘Roll Number’ field is present for Building Society credit accounts that may require one. Alternatively you can enter an IBAN (International Bank Account Number) should you have an account number in this form to validate.

Text below the fields will indicate if the account number is valid:

Account Number ValidThis means the Account Number has been correctly validated. Text will also appear to indicate if this account is held at a branch on the UK (BACS) clearing system, Irish (ISPO) clearing system, or both clearing systems. This helps you direct payment to the correct system if you are able to process both but have to treat them differently. Please note that if an account is held at a branch on both clearing systems this only indicates that the branch is a member of both systems and does not necessarily mean that the account can clear through either. The clearing system used should be checked with the account holder.
Invalid Sort CodeThe Sort Code entered is not in a valid format (It should be in the format XXXXXX, XX-XX-XX, or XX XX XX where X is a digit)
Sort Code Not RecognisedThe Sort Code does not exist in the BACS database – check it has been entered correctly.
Validation Not AvailableNo validation is available for this sort code, you should therefore check the number carefully and accept it.
Invalid Account NumberThe Account Number is invalid
Invalid Roll NumberThe Roll Number entered is invalid
Missing Roll Number NumberThis account number belongs to a Building Society account also requiring a roll number and none has been entered.

On leaving the Sort Code field the sort code will be looked up for you. You may like to check the expected Branch and Bank Name is displayed in the list to further verify the sort code. For more information about the branch that the account is held with and the types of processing it accepts, select the appropriate branch (if there is more than one on that sort code) and refer to the details shown on the Bank, Address, BACS, FPS and Other tabs. If you need to post something directly to the branch, the Label Tab allows you to print a label for the address where correspondence for that branch should be sent.

On validating the sort code/account number, non-standard account numbers will also be transcribed into the format required by BACS for processing and the Sort Code and Account Number fields will be updated to reflect any transcribing that has taken place. For example, where account numbers are not 8 digits, they will be transcribed into an 8-digit format and the sort code may be modified to be able to properly transmit the data to BACS. The Type of Account Code field is usually set to zero, but for some account numbers translations will be a single digit value required for submission to BACS along with the translated account number. It is therefore important you use the Sort Code, Account Number and type of Account Code returned by the validation, not the original ones supplied for BACS processing. The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) will also be supplied.

Example fictitious (but not guaranteed not to exist) account numbers that pass validation:

SortcodeAccount Number

Building Society Accounts

In most cases the Roll Number field can be ignored. However, some Building Society Accounts require an additional item of data along with the account number which is the customers Roll Number. This is entered in Field 10 of a BACS payment and such accounts can be used for credits only. BankFinder will inform you if a Roll Number is required and has not been entered. On validating such a Building Society account the Building Society Name will also be displayed as this sometimes differs from the bank such payments clear through. Note that not all Building Societies require Roll Numbers, for example most Nationwide accounts do not have nor require one.

Important Considerations

Many customers use AFD BankFinder to validate bank address, account and sort code information – for example in relation to Standing Orders and Direct Debit mandates. It is very important that unless you have access to the Irish Payment Services Organisation for clearing your banking transactions, you DO NOT use BankFinder to validate against Irish data!

To switch off Irish data from the AFD BankFinder main window, go to the File menu and select Properties. Then select the ‘Data’ Tab and select the ‘UK Banks Only (BACS Clearing)’ option.

Credit Card Number Validation

Enter the Card Number, Expiry Date, and if required the Issue Number (although please note most cards do not have an issue number) and click Validate (or press [Enter]) to check if the number is valid. The card type will be displayed next to the card number and text to the right of the ‘Validate’ button will indicate the validity of the number:

Card Number ValidThis means the Card Number has been correctly validated. Text to the right of this will indicate the card type.
Invalid Expiry DateThe expiry date is not in the expected format (MM/YY)
Card ExpiredThe expiry date has passed – check it has been entered correctly, or use another card
Invalid Card NumberThe Card Number entered was invalid (incorrect length or checksum) – check it has been entered correctly
Unrecognised CardThe number is valid for a card but it could not be fully validated as it is not of any of the recognised types (listed below)
Visa card valid for use in ATM machines onlyThe number is a valid Visa number but the card is only valid for use in ATM machines and not for electronic processing.

The recognised card types are:

  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • Visa Debit
  • UK Electron
  • Visa Purchasing
  • UK Maestro
  • International Maestro
  • Solo and Maestro
  • JCB
  • Charities Aid Foundation
  • MasterCard Debit

AFD BankFinder will also identify any VISA numbers entered that are valid for use with ATM machines only (and so not for electronic processing), and will inform you if the number is valid but the card type is not recognised.

Please note that the Issue Number cannot be validated. Expiry dates cannot be checked against the card number (new cards are normally issued with the same number but a new expiry date) but BankFinder checks that these are in range and that the card has not expired. You may omit the expiry date if you wish to validate the card number only.

Example fictitious (but not guaranteed not to exist) card numbers that pass validation:

Card NumberCard Type
7810748392763826Card Number Valid – not of a recognised type
4544336382937467Visa Debit
4844064738293727UK Electron
4484854728395713Visa Purchasing
4911894869172946Visa card valid for use in ATM machines only
5012347683727465International Maestro
6759824821583765UK Maestro
5899995746342868International Maestro
8924678216436not of a recognised type
5641937017473304Charity Aid Foundation

Drag & Drop

You can drag text from the individual fields of the Validation tab and drop it into other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

Hold down one of the [Shift] keys (usually marked with a hollow arrow pointing upwards). Then click and hold down the left mouse button on the field you wish to move (drag) text from – the cursor will turn into a dragging icon. Now move to the program you wish to place the text in (keeping the mouse button down). Finally, release the mouse button to drop the text in the new field.

You can also drag text from other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word – and drop it onto any of the validation fields.

The Postcode Robot

Introducing Robot Technology

AFD BankFinder contains AFD Robot technology which will automatically detect the typing of a postcode or sort code in most Windows applications, and insert the elements of the bank record you require.

BankFinder allows you to enable or disable Robot entirely – but you can also choose, separately for each application you use, whether to enable Robot at all – and if so, whether to operate normally or in “Quiet” mode.

In “Normal” mode, when Robot detects that you have typed a postcode or sort code it will show a window, and allow you to choose whether to insert the details for that sort code or postcode into your application

In “Quiet” mode Robot will only prompt you if the postcode or sort code you typed may indicate more than one bank record. Many sort codes and postcodes only have one record associated with them – in which case Quiet mode allows Robot to operate entirely invisibly and automatically. A number of sort codes and postcodes have more than one record – and Robot must ask you which of the possible records to use.

Robot also supports a “Fast Find” mode where it can search for addresses in the same way as the ‘Find’ field on the main BankFinder window by typing a sequence such as #Natwest, Birmingham# into your application. This also supports validating account numbers, e.g. #773317,25657377#, and card numbers #6439401101618939396#. Alternatively if you are not using quiet mode and type any known postcode (e.g. B26 3JW) into your application you can then use Fast Find direct from the Robot window to find the address you require.

Enabling Robot

When BankFinder is first installed, Robot is enabled. To turn this feature off across all applications, simply de-select the ‘Enable BankFinder Robot’ option on the General tab from the BankFinder Main Window’s File – Properties menu option.

You can also choose if the System Tray Icon is displayed from here.

The Startup options ‘Normal’, and ‘Minimised’ and ‘Robot Only’ allow you to specify how BankFinder starts. If you mainly use the Robot you may wish for BankFinder to be minimised, so you can easily bring it up when required, or to simply have the Robot on it’s own running – you can Restore BankFinder from the Robot System Tray icon as needed.

Using Robot

Robot is the simplest way to get a complete address into your application – Start AFD BankFinder, switch to the program you wish to insert the address into and type in a postcode or sort code. Robot will prompt you to check that you really do wish to add the record and, on clicking Insert, inserts the record for you – right back into the application you’re using! If the address is not as expected you can enter another postcode or fast find into the ‘Find’ box and click Lookup to find the right address.

For example:

Your ActionIf you type normal textIf you type a sort code or postcodeIf you type a sort code or postcode with property information
Robot’s ActionRobot ignores what you typed – and the text appears just as you typed it.Robot detects the sort code or postcode – and converts it into a bank record – displaying the parts you configure it to.Robot detects the sort code or postcode – and looks it up along with the additional information you specify and converts it into a bank record.
What you would see without Robot:Dear Sir,
Following our meeting
301366New Street, B2 4JU
What you would see with Robot:Dear Sir,
Following our meeting
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
PO Box 6000
B1 1BZ
0121 6235364
HSBC Bank Plc
PO Box 68
B2 4JU

To use the Fast Find mode simply type a search such as #Natwest, Birmingham# into your application and Robot will operate in the same way as shown above.

When you install AFD BankFinder, settings for the following applications are installed automatically to insert the sort code and address – and you will normally find that Robot works just as you require without any changes or configuration at all:

  • dBase
  • Lotus 1-2-3
  • Lotus AmiPro
  • Lotus Approach
  • Lotus WordPro
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Works
  • Notepad
  • Paradox
  • Quattro Pro
  • WordPad
  • WordPerfect

There is also a settings file called ‘Full’ which can be used to insert all Bank fields into a Word Processor.

Robot Settings

Robot is fully configurable and it is easy to modify the way it behaves for an application already supported – or to create new settings for other applications.

The behaviour of Robot is controlled by associating a group of settings with your application. For most common applications Robot will work without any additional configuration. If Robot detects a postcode has been typed into an application that it does not recognise then you will be prompted to teach Robot how to type an example address so that it can learn from you and therefore complete the address automatically in the future.

You can check the ‘Don’t ask me about this window again’ option if you do not want Robot to prompt you about this window when you type a postcode in again – e.g. if you do not wish to use Robot with that window. For more information on the process of teaching Robot how to insert the address see the Show AFD Robot How section of this manual.

Alternatively you can provide settings to tell Robot how the address information is passed to your application (e.g. order of fields, keystrokes to send between fields). For full details of this, please refer to the Tell AFD Robot How section of this manual.

For more advanced configuration, please also see the Insert and Robot Advanced Setup section.

System Tray Icon

By default BankFinder displays a System Tray icon for Robot (near the clock at the bottom right of your screen. This indicates if Robot is enabled and gives you quick access to disable the Robot or configure it’s options.

  • Toggling Robot On/Off -Clicking the icon will toggle Robot On and Off (enable and disable it). You will see a green circle when it is on (as shown above) and this will change to red when it is off.
  • Setting Options -By right clicking the icon you will be presented with a small pop-up menu allowing you to enable/disable the Robot, remove the icon from the Sys Tray (see Enabling Robot for how to re-instate the icon from the BankFinder main screen), or Restore/Hide the main form is you wish to toggle between using the Robot alone. You can also gain quick access to the properties and settings for Robot which are described above.

Transferring Bank Details

Transferring Bank Details to Other Programs

BankFinder offers a choice of powerful ways to transfer data easily to almost any Windows program where it will be used:


This is the simplest way to transfer an address to your program, as you simply type a Sort Code or postcode into almost any Windows application, Robot does the rest. See Using The Robot for more details.


One of the most basic ways to transfer data is to use the Windows Clipboard.

BankFinder fully supports the standard Copy (shortcut Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert) and Paste (shortcut Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert) methods for Copying selected text to other applications.

Drag & Drop

The Label Tab provides a quick way of dragging addresses and barcodes to other Windows programs – like Microsoft Word.

To drag a barcode or address, simply hold down a [Shift] key, then click and hold down the LEFT mouse button on either the barcode or the address box of the Label Tab. Keep the mouse button down whilst dragging onto the target program (like Word), then release the mouse button to drop a copy of the barcode or address into that program.

Please note: The Barcode is a graphical image and you should ensure that your target program is able to receive and use graphical data, before dragging it there. The Royal Mail barcode is subject to a fairly strict specification of size and layout. You should ensure that your target program is set up to print the barcode to this specification.


BankFinder can pass address information to almost any Windows programs by simulating the typing of keystrokes into that program. You have full control over the order in which fields are typed into your program, and BankFinder includes a very powerful keystroke ‘macro’ language which enables BankFinder to control everything that happens during Insert – including the precise position of where each field will be typed.

A special Insert menu is provided to carry out the insert process, and when BankFinder starts up, it examines all the other programs currently running, and provides an entry in this menu for each one, along with a menu hot key 1-9 and A-Z.

If your application was started after BankFinder was loaded, it will be necessary to refresh the Insert menu by selecting Insert Refresh (shortcut key [F5]). Note that it would be unhelpful to type addresses into some types of Windows programs (eg Windows Explorer!) – and BankFinder tries to ignore many of these.

To Insert an address, first select it from the Results List, then choose the target program from the Insert menu – and the address will be typed in according to the current BankFinder settings.

Use the Edit menu “Editable Results” option if you wish to be able to change data other than adding property and organisation on the Results Tab before inserting it into other applications. This menu setting is stored with the current settings file. If “Editable Results” is not checked, you cannot enter a new search request in the Results Tab. In this case if you type in any of the Results Tab boxes you will be returned to the appropriate box on the Search Tab.

Once you have carried out the first Insert, BankFinder remembers your target program, and makes a new entry at the top of the Insert menu – with a shortcut key [F2]. This means that future addresses can be inserted into this program simply by selecting an address, then pressing [F2].

For even faster Insert of addresses, once the first Insert has been completed, simply double-click an address in the Results List.

The behaviour of BankFinder during Insert is controlled by settings for each application. Please see the section below that describes how to use the Wizard to configure Insert for your application.

Insert and Robot Settings Wizard

When BankFinder is first installed, it should Insert into most common programs – like Word or Excel – correctly. BankFinder has a very powerful keystroke ‘macro’ language, which can be made to control your target program, and the precise position of where the data will be typed.

To configure an application to work with BankFinder, select the ‘Insert / Robot Setup’ option from the File menu.

Insert Properties

  • Show AFD Robot How -This is the simplest mode to configure AFD BankFinder to work with your application. Simply ensure your application is ready to accept the address and then click the ‘Show AFD Robot How’ button. You will then be prompted to type a sample address into your application and AFD Robot will learn from you to ensure that this is the last time you have to manually type an address into your application.
  • Tell AFD Robot How -This mode will guide you through step-by-step to get your application working, you select your application and tell AFD BankFinder the keystrokes needed to move between fields and the fields that you wish to Insert.
  • Advanced Setup -Should you have more advanced requirements, you can fully configure all the settings yourself using the Advanced Setup option – you may well find it easiest to teach or tell AFD BankFinder how to insert the address first and then use Advanced Setup to modify the settings if required.

Show AFD Robot How

When you select this option you will be presented with a fictitious address which you should type into your application exactly as it is shown.

Please note that you should use the keyboard wherever possible to move between fields as this is the most reliable. If you wish to ensure that Robot moves to the first field for you then you should use any shortcut to move to that field before typing the first field. Robot will also record any mouse clicks you use, so if you are unable to use the keyboard to move to a field and your application does not have a scrollable window you can use the mouse if needed. You should click the ‘Done’ button as soon as you have completed entering the address to ensure that keystrokes unrelated to the address are not picked up. If you do not wish to use a field, e.g. county, then simply don’t type it. If you make a mistake, clear out the address in your application and click the ‘Start Again’ button to start again.

Customising Fields

Should you wish to customise the field list, e.g. to add the Mailsort code field, then simply click the ‘Customise Field List’ button you will then be presented with the following dialog to select the fields to transfer:

Each of the BankFinder fields are split into the categories listed under ‘Available Fields’. Fields can be mixed and matched between categories. Refer to the Bank Tab, Address Tab, BACS Tab, FPS Tab, Other and Validate Tabs for a description of each field as displayed on those tabs and available for insert in each category. The Country Indicator field available under the Bank Tab is an additional single character field for processes that need to check if a record is for the UK (will contain ‘U’) or Irish (will contain ‘I’) clearing systems.

You can easily transfer fields to and from the ‘Fields To Use’ list by using the arrow buttons between the two lists. These are used as follows:

  • Include all fields
  • Include the selected field(s) (from the ‘Available Fields’ List)
  • Remove the selected field(s) (from the In Use List)
  • Exclude all fields

To change the order that fields are inserted into your application, simply select a field and use the up and down arrows to the right of the ‘Fields To Use’ fields list to move the selected field up or down the list. Repeat this until you have positioned all fields in the order that you wish them to be inserted.

Completing the Process

Once you have typed the address and clicked the Done button, you will be presented with the following final options to complete the setup:

Robot needs to know what to do in the case that an address has gaps missing, e.g. an address which does not have a locality present. In most cases you will leave this as the default ‘Leave blank lines’ setting. However, in some cases you may wish to remove the blank lines, by moving the each address field up to fill the gaps, e.g. with a Word Processor. You might alternatively wish to only remove blank lines between a range of fields such as the Street down to the Town, but you have a fixed Postcode field so you always want that to remain in the same place.

Once you are happy with this you can click the Finish button and your setting will be saved and you can now use Insert and Robot with your application. Simply type a sortcode into your application to see it work! If the result isn’t as expected you can re-run the Wizard to set it up again.

Tell AFD Robot How

Once you select to ‘Tell AFD Robot How’, you can use the Back and Next buttons on each screen to go through the setup process.

The steps of the wizard are as follows:

Step 1: Your Application

Here you select the window title of your application. This is used by BankFinder to identify the application so that both Insert and Robot can use these settings when asked to insert into your application. The window title is the text that appears in the main blue window title bar of your application. This text should always be in the window title, and so should not necessarily be the complete title. For example, you might find Word has a title bar of ‘Document 1 – Microsoft Word’, however when you save your file it could, for example, change to ‘MyDoc.doc – Microsoft Word’. Therefore by setting the Application Window Title to ‘Microsoft Word’ you will ensure that BankFinder can always recognise your application. If your application is running when you run the Wizard you should find your application title is listed in the drop down list box provided. BankFinder will attempt to remove known document titles leaving only the application name, however if it has not you should alter the title yourself.

The options provided below allow you to specify a name for your application if desired. Normally you can leave the first option to ‘Use the application window title above to identify these settings’ as the Application Window Title will be the name of the application. However in some cases the windows title text might be obscure so you might prefer to choose to enter a more friendly application name. This name doesn’t affect the Insert or Robot process itself, however it might be useful to specify a name for the application so that you will easily recognise it should you need to manually alter settings with the advanced setup.

Step 2: Application Options

From this screen you can configure a number of different options for your application:

The options given are as follows:

Your application is most like a…

This enables the Wizard to work out the most likely set of options for your application, making the subsequent steps of the wizard easier. You simply take the application type that most closely matches your application. If none of these are that close, then just take the one which seems closest, as you can always customise the setup anyway to match your application. The application categories supplied are as follows:

  • Wordprocessor / Envelope Label: This is an application like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, were the data is entered down the page with each address line (e.g. Street, Locality, Town, etc.) on a new line. Or any application you are using to print a label for an envelope or the address portion of an envelope itself. The data is transferred down the label with each field on a new line.
  • Database / Form Entry: This refers to an application like Microsoft Access where fields in a table or form are used to enter the data. Or any application with separate boxes were you would enter each bank field. TAB is used to move between the fields..
  • Spreadsheet: This is an application like Microsoft Excel or Lotus 1-2-3, were the data is entered in columns for each address field and TAB is used to move between the fields.
Keystrokes to move between each field or line in your application

This setting specifies the keystrokes to be used to move between fields in your application. The default will be dependant on the type of application you selected as being most like the one you are setting up now. In most cases this won’t need to be changed.

To change or enter keystrokes in either text box you can make use of the BankFinder powerful keyboard Macro language. Simply click the button labelled ‘…’ to the right of the appropriate text box to be presented with an easy to use dialogue for specifying the keystrokes:

Clicking on any item in the list of possible keystrokes will add the selected item to the keystrokes to use text box. You can also type any normal keyboard key, for example letters, numbers in that box yourself. When you have entered the relevant keystroke’s you can press OK to update the text field in the Wizard.

If you need to press a key with the Alt, Ctrl or Shift keys also pressed down you can check the boxes for this in the Wizard dialog, or alternatively you can select the symbols for this from the end of the keystrokes list on the keystrokes dialogue to apply them to the following keystroke.

To specify repeating keys, use the form {key number}. You must put a space between key and number. For example, {LEFT 4} means press the Left Arrow key 4 times; {TAB 3} means press the Tab key 3 times.

If you need more complex settings, such as different keystrokes between different fields, this can be altered from the Advanced Setup once you have completed the Wizard.

Use with Robot

This specifies if your application is going to be used with Robot or not. Regardless of this setting, your settings will work with Insert, which is where you lookup the bank in BankFinder, select it and then select the application from the Insert menu to insert the address (or press F2 to insert into the last used application again). Robot functionality allows you to type the sort code or postcode directly into your application and then insert bank details without having to use BankFinder directly first. This option is enabled by default, if you have no need for Robot functionality or if you are entering postcodes in your application and not wanting Robot triggered when you do so then you can opt not to use Robot with your application.

Use with Robot Fast Find

This specifies if your application is going to to be used with Robot Fast Find or not. Robot Fast Find enables you to enter bank details to be looked up directly from your application when you do not have the sort code or postcode. It also enables you to carry out account and card validation. For example typing #Natwest, Birmingham# into your application will give you all the branches of Natwest in Birmingham to choose from. You can then choose the correct one and insert it into your application. You can also lookup a sort code this way, e.g. #301366#, which could be useful should you need to enter sort codes or postcodes without looking them up sometimes so the normal robot functionality is not suitable for you. In that case you can say no to ‘Use with Robot’ but yes to ‘Use with Robot Fast Find’ – that way Robot would only be triggered when you enter the sort code, postcode, or other search surrounded by the # symbol. To use the Robot Fast Find for validation simply enter the card number surrounded by the # symbol, e.g. #643901101618939396# or the sort code and account number comma separated. e.g. #773317,25657377#.

Use without prompting where possible

Normally when you type a Sort code or Postcode in your application, Robot will prompt you before inserting the details back into your application. However, if you would prefer Robot to do this automatically wherever possible, you can select this option and you will only be prompted if there is more than one possible branch for the sort code or postcode you enter.

How many fields or lines are there for address entry?

This specifies how many fields (boxes) or lines there are for entry into your application. If you are inserting into a word processor, an envelope label, or other free text application you should leave this as unlimited unless the address has to fit into a certain number of fields. If you have enough fields to cover all lines of the address that you will be inserting, then again it can be left as unlimited. Should you have a limited number of lines for address entry, for example because you are inserting into an existing application or database that you can’t modify to fit the address, then specifying this will enable BankFinder to ensure the details fit into the number of fields that your application has.

Step 3: Fields To Transfer

On this screen you can specify the fields that you wish to be inserted into your application when you use Insert or Robot. You can add and remove any fields you require and if you have specified that you have less fields then you have mapped BankFinder will attempt to fit them all in.

Field Categories

Each of the BankFinder fields are split into the categories listed under ‘Available Fields’. Fields can be mixed and matched between categories. Refer to the Bank Tab, Address Tab, BACS Tab, FPS Tab, Other Tab and Validate Tabs for a description of each field as displayed on those tabs and available for insert in each category. The fields in each category are as follows:


  • Status
  • Sort Code
  • Sub Branch Suffix
  • Bank BIC
  • Branch BIC
  • Branch Name
  • Branch Title
  • Location
  • Owner Bank
  • Central Bank
  • Supervisory Body
  • Branch Type
  • Main Branch Sort Code
  • Country Indicator – This is an additional single character field for processes that need to check if a record is for the UK (will contain ‘U’) or Irish (will contain ‘I’) clearing systems.


  • Organisation
  • Property
  • Street
  • Locality
  • Town
  • County
  • Postcode
  • Phone
  • Phone2
  • Fax


  • Status
  • Last Change Date
  • Settlement Bank
  • Date Closed Clearing
  • Settlement Bank Section
  • Settlement Bank Sub-Section
  • Redirected From
  • Redirected To
  • Handling Bank
  • Handling Bank Stream
  • Account Numbered Flag
  • DDI Voucher Flag
  • Direct Debits Allowed
  • Bank Giro Credits Allowed
  • Building Society Credits Allowed
  • Dividend Interest Payments Allowed
  • Direct Debit Instructions Allowed
  • Claims for Unpaid Cheques Allowed


  • Status
  • Last Change Date
  • Closed Clearing
  • Redirected From
  • Redirected To
  • Settlement Bank
  • Settlement Bank Connection
  • Handling Bank
  • Handling Bank Connection
  • Agency Type
  • Agency Type Code
  • Account Numbered


  • Last Change Date
  • Settlement Bank
  • Date Closed Clearing
  • C&CCC


  • Last Change Date
  • Settlement Bank
  • Date Closed Clearing
  • Debit Agency
  • Return Indicator
  • Validate

Sort Code

  • Account Number
  • Card Type
  • Credit Card Number
  • Expiry Date
  • Issue Number
  • Validation Result
  • Type Of Account
  • Roll Number
  • IBAN
Transferring fields to/from the ‘Fields To Use’ List

You can easily transfer fields to and from the ‘Fields To Use’ list by using the arrow buttons between the two lists. These are used as follows:

  • Include all fields
  • Include the selected field(s) (from the ‘Available Fields’ List)
  • Remove the selected field(s) (from the In Use List)
  • Exclude all fields Changing the Order that Fields are Inserted To change the order that fields are inserted into your application, simply select a field and use the up and down arrows to the right of the ‘Fields To Use’ fields list to move the selected field up or down the list. Repeat this until you have positioned all fields in the order that you wish them to be inserted.
Completing the Wizard

After the fields to transfer stage you will be informed that you have completed the setup of the application and BankFinder is ready to store your settings for your application. Clicking on the Finish button will save your settings and you can now start to use BankFinder with your application using Insert (select your application from the Insert menu once you have located the address to insert in BankFinder), or Robot (type the postcode directly into your application).

Should you wish to review any of your settings before saving them, use the Back button to navigate back through the previous Wizard screens.

If you need to modify the settings for your application, or you find it doesn’t quite work as you require it to, then simply select ‘Insert / Robot Settings’ from the File menu again, but this time select ‘Advanced Setup’ to modify your settings. Full details of the Advanced Setup is given in the section below.

Insert and Robot Advanced Setup

For speed of setup, it is recommended that the Insert and Robot Wizard is used first to configure an application for use with the Insert and Robot features of BankFinder. If you need to change anything with your settings or you have more advanced requirements, either due to how you wish the address to be inserted or because of the way the application is laid out, you can then use the Advanced Setup to modify your settings accordingly and use more advanced features that the Wizard may not include. You can also setup an application for scratch if desired using the Advanced Setup.

To configure an application to work with BankFinder using the Advanced Setup elect the ‘Insert / Robot Setup’ option from the File menu. Then on the first Wizard screen select the ‘Advanced Setup’ button. The Advanced Settings screen will then appear:

Selecting your Application

The first thing to do is to select the application settings that you wish to modify. At the top left of this screen the ‘Application’ drop-down lists all the application settings present. You can use this to select the application you wish to modify. If you wish to add a New application without using the Wizard you can use the ‘New’ button to do this. The ‘Remove’ button can be used to delete a setting if required. If you do select the New button the following dialogue will appear:

Here you select the window title of your application. This is used by Postcode Plus to identify the application so that both Insert and Robot can use these settings when asked to insert into your application. The window title is the text that appears in the main blue window title bar of your application. This text should always be in the window title, and so should not necessarily be the complete title. For example, you might find Word has a title bar of ‘Document 1 – Microsoft Word’, however when you save your file it could, for example, change to ‘MyDoc.doc – Microsoft Word’. Therefore by setting the Application Window Title to ‘Microsoft Word’ you will ensure that Postcode Plus can always recognise your application. If your application is running when you press the New button you should find your application title is listed in the drop down list box provided. Postcode Plus will attempt to remove known document titles leaving only the application name, however if it has not you should alter the title yourself.

The options provided below allow you to specify a name for your application if desired. Normally you can leave the first option to ‘Use the application window title above to identify these settings’ as the Application Window Title will be the name of the application. However in some cases the windows title text might be obscure so you might prefer to choose to enter a more friendly application name. This name doesn’t affect the Insert or Robot process itself, however it might be useful to specify a name for the application so that you will easily recognise it when altering the application settings.

The last item allows you to select existing settings to use as a starting point. You can choose not to use any (select, ‘(None)’, the first item from the drop down list), but it is usually easier to use something as a starting point rather than starting from a blank set of settings. You should therefore use one from the most similar application listed.

Changing Field Mappings

Field Mappings are shown in the light yellow boxes under the heading ‘Fields’. You can drag and drop fields from the ‘Postcode Plus Fields’ list on the right to this list. Items can also be dragged off the list back to the ‘Postcode Plus Fields’ list if you wish to remove them. Multiple Postcode fields can be dragged to a single Field in your application if required.

Above the Postcode Plus Field’s List you will see there are options to display Standard or Special fields. This option changes the list displayed below. You can mix and match these fields by adding fields from either one to the ‘Fields To Use’ list. The standard fields are the normal Postcode Plus fields including the current County option. The special fields are more advanced fields including the raw PAF style dependant thoroughfare and thoroughfare fields (this is the street split into two fields if there are two street names in the address), etc., the rest of the county field types, and the outcode and incode portions of the postcode (the part before and after the space respectively). These are useful for applications that store addresses in such formats.

Before and After Keystrokes/Mouse Clicks

To the left and right of each field respectively, you can specify the keystrokes that are required before and/or after the Field has been entered into the application. If a keyboard shortcut or keystroke is not available to move a particular field, you can also configure AFD BankFinder to use a mouse click instead as long as the window is not scrollable – e.g. a website where the position to click might vary. Prior to the first field you may wish to enter any Before keystrokes or a mouse click that is needed to take you to the first field in the application to start inserting from,. This is especially useful if the application may not be in the correct field when Insert is used or if the postcode is not going to be entered in the first address field with Robot.

The keystrokes are specified using our fully flexible macro language. To easily select keystrokes to use for this, click the ‘…’ button next to the Before or After field you are entering keystrokes for. The following dialog will then be displayed:

Clicking on any item in the list of possible keystrokes will add the selected item to the keystrokes to use text box. You can also type any normal keyboard key, for example letters, numbers in that box yourself. When you have entered the relevant keystroke’s you can press OK to update the text field on the Advanced Setup screen.

If you need to press a key with the Alt, Ctrl or Shift keys also pressed down you can select the symbols for this from the end of the keystrokes list on the keystrokes dialogue to apply them to the keystroke following the symbol.

To specify repeating keys, use the form {key number}. You must put a space between key and number. For example, {LEFT 4} means press the Left Arrow key 4 times; {TAB 3} means press the Tab key 3 times.

Should you need to use a mouse click instead, simply select the ‘Mouse Click’ option:

From here you can click the ‘Set A New Position’ button and then click in the field in your application that you wish to move to and AFD BankFinder will record this for you. It is advisable to click in the middle of the field rather then near the edge.

Specifying Upper Case Fields

For most address fields (but not for data expected always in capital letters – like Postcodes), BankFinder will attempt to provide properly capitalised fields.

If you prefer for one or more fields to be inserted only in Capital Letters, check the Case check box to the right of the After keystrokes box for the field(s) that you wish to Insert that field in upper case. A Royal Mail approved address prints the Town field in this format – though many typists prefer not to use this format when typing letters.

Line Squeeze

The ‘Line Squeeze’ option at the top of the dialogue applies to all fields mapped. If this option is enabled, BankFinder will not insert any blank lines in the address (i.e. not even the Before or After keystrokes will be used). This is useful for inserting the address for things such as labels where blank lines aren’t desirable. For formatted address entry, e.g. into a database, it is better not to use this functionality as address consistency can be more important.

Should you wish to squeeze groups of fields, for example you have a fixed Town and BankFinder field but you wish to squeeze together the fields above that, then you can check the ‘Squeeze’ option to the left of the yellow field mappings text field for the consecutive fields that you wish to squeeze together. However many fields are mapped in the space to the right of those in the Squeeze group will be inserted into the number of fields that have Squeeze checked.

Additional Options

More advanced settings to allow complete flexibility over the way Insert and Robot work which you may require can be found by pressing the ‘Additional Options’ button at the top right of the Advanced Setup screen. This will present you with the following dialogue:

Window Titles Associated with this Application

Normally only a single window title will be associated with an Application. This is the one you specified when you added the application using the Wizard or the New button on the Advanced Setup screen. In some cases however, such as that shown above which is the WP setting used for multiple word processors, you may wish to have multiple window titles associated with a single application setting. These can be added by using the ‘Add’ button from this screen. The Edit and Remove buttons also allow you to Edit and Remove window titles as required.

Settings for the Selected Window Title

These settings allow you to specify options for each window title associated with this application. Where there is only one window title these are the application settings, however when multiple titles exist such as that shown above, you can specify differing settings for each title if desired. The settings given here are as follows:

  • Use with Robot -This specifies if your application is going to be used with Robot or not. Regardless of this setting, your settings will work with Insert, which is where you lookup the bank in BankFinder, select it and then select the application from the Insert menu to insert the address (or press F2 to insert into the last used application again). Robot functionality allows you to type the sort code or postcode directly into your application and then insert bank details without having to use BankFinder directly first. This option is enabled by default, if you have no need for Robot functionality or if you are entering postcodes in your application and not wanting Robot triggered when you do so then you can opt not to use Robot with your application.
  • Use with Robot Fast Find -This specifies if your application is going to to be used with Robot Fast Find or not. Robot Fast Find enables you to enter bank details to be looked up directly from your application when you do not have the sort code or postcode. It also enables you to carry out account and card validation. For example typing #Natwest, Birmingham# into your application will give you all the branches of Natwest in Birmingham to choose from. You can then choose the correct one and insert it into your application. You can also lookup a sort code this way, e.g. #301366#, which could be useful should you need to enter sort codes or postcodes without looking them up sometimes so the normal robot functionality is not suitable for you. In that case you can say no to ‘Use with Robot’ but yes to ‘Use with Robot Fast Find’ – that way Robot would only be triggered when you enter the sort code, postcode, or other search surrounded by the # symbol. To use the Robot Fast Find for validation simply enter the card number surrounded by the # symbol, e.g. #643901101618939396# or the sort code and account number comma separated. e.g. #773317,25657377#.
  • Use Robot without prompting where possibleNormally when you type a Sort code or Postcode in your application, Robot will prompt you before inserting the details back into your application. However, if you would prefer Robot to do this automatically wherever possible, you can select this option and you will only be prompted if there is more than one possible branch for the sort code or postcode you enter.
  • Display Fast Find SuccessWhen this option is enabled BankFinder will display on-screen notification for all Fast Find operations regardless of if they were successful or not. Normally when Fast Find fails no notification is given.

Settings for the Selected Application

These settings cover the whole application, regardless of if multiple window titles are selected. They are advanced options that you may wish to use to customise the way BankFinder inserts data into your application. The settings given here are as follows:

  • Split Fields at Commas for this application -This option is useful with fields that have been squeezed. It will separate fields which have comma’s in them (e.g. a dependant street like ‘Newhall Court, George Street’) onto two separate lines. You may prefer this for labels or for entry into your application. We don’t generally recommend this feature as it means your address will not be in such a consistent format (for example the second street in one address could be in the same place as a locality in another).
  • Use separate settings for Insert and Robot -If enabled this option will separate the settings for Insert and Robot for this application. Normally the settings that BankFinder will use for both Insert and Robot are the same for the same application. However if you need to have differing settings for each one you can do this, simply by selecting this option. When you click OK and go back to the Advanced Setup screen you will then see an option at the bottom left of that screen to switch between the settings for Insert and Robot for the application. They will default to being the same but as you make changes to one it will not affect the other.
  • Enable Field Length Limits -This option is designed for applications with small field lengths. It allows you to specify the maximum length of each field you wish to Insert. If the field exceeds this length then Postcode will automatically use the most common abbreviations to try and reduce it’s length to minimise truncation of the field. When you enable this option and click OK to go back to the Advanced Setup screen you will see a Length box has been added to specify this length for each field. A value of 0 means the field will be unlimited in length, otherwise you can specify the number of characters that the field can take.

Default Application Settings

These settings do not affect the application settings currently being modified, but tell BankFinder what to use if no settings has been specified for a particular application that is used, they are also the settings used for determining display options in BankFinder itself where needed. You can select the Default settings from the drop-down here. You can also specify if these settings will be used as the default for Inserting, if this is not enabled then BankFinder will not Insert into any application that does not have settings specified for it. The setting to use the default when using Robot Fast Find also allows Robot Fast Find to be used with any application by using these default settings.

Application Programming Interface (API)

Full access to all the data within BankFinder is available to programmers through the API. This means that for developers – and even for users of programs like Microsoft Access, etc, bank lookups can be entirely automatic and invisible.

Using the API will require programming ability – but AFD supply fully working examples (with free source code showing how this can be done) in a variety of popular programming languages – like Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, Delphi and C/C++.

For more details, see the section on the BankFinder API

Other Features

On Top

If you prefer BankFinder to float ‘On Top’ of other Windows programs – even when you are not working directly in BankFinder, select the View menu On Top option (shortcut key [Ctrl]+T). BankFinder will display a check-mark next to this option whilst it is in use.

Hot Key

BankFinder allows a shortcut key to be used to quickly access the BankFinder application. To configure or view the currently assigned Hotkey setting, select the File menu Properties option. ([Crtl]+R)

Enabling the Hotkey allows BankFinder to be activated on pressing the configured Hotkey even if it is not already running.

Care should be taken in ensuring the Hotkey is assigned to a key combination that will not conflict with shortcut keys used by other applications (for example [Ctrl]+P is often used as a shortcut to print so if you assign [Ctrl]+P then you won’t be able to use that shortcut key to print from applications).

Please note: WinKey refers to the Windows Key on your keyboard.

With printable characters, simply press the key in the ‘Key’ box to use that key with BankFinder, for non-printable characters such as F1, Insert, Print Screen etc. enter the code in curly brackets as shown in the following table:

Page Up{PGUP}
Page Down{PGDN}
Left Arrow{LEFT}
Right Arrow{RIGHT}
Up Arrow{UP}
Down Arrow{DOWN}
F# (Function Keys){F#}
Left Menu Key{LMENU}
Right Menu Key{RMENU}

The Hotkey is fully configurable and can be configured to be used with any keyboard key.

Please note: Some have been omitted because they would cause problems with Windows.

However any key on any keyboard can be used, email, or phone the AFD Support Team (0333 433 0712) if you need help setting up the Hotkey.

Data Selection

BankFinder contains data for both the UK (BACS) and Irish (IPSO) clearing systems. On installation you will have been asked if you required data from both, or just one of the systems. This choice would largely depend on which system or systems you were able to accept payments through. For example if you are processing direct debits in the UK, IPSO records would likely be irrelevant to you and you would not want to validate an Irish account for that so you would select only to have records from the UK system. If you need to check or change this option (for example if you later gain the ability to process Irish accounts as well) then you can do this from the Data Tab of the Properties screen. Select the File menu Properties option to bring this up ([Crtl]+R) and then click the ‘Data’ Tab.

Many customers use AFD BankFinder to validate bank address, account and sort code information – for example in relation to Standing Orders and Direct Debit mandates. It is very important that unless you have access to the Irish Payment Services Organisation for clearing your banking transactions, you DO NOT use BankFinder to validate against Irish data!


BankFinder can export address data ready for use in word-processors for mail-merge or for import into spreadsheets and databases.

Select the File menu Export option (shortcut key [Ctrl]+E), and choose a suitable file name. Export files are stored as ‘Quoted Comma Separated ASCII’ text files – which can be easily read by most word-processors, spreadsheets and database programs.

Exporting Addresses

The following Export options are available:

  • Append Records if File Exists -This feature allows records to be built up from several searches and written to the same file. If it is not checked then any existing file of the same name is overwritten with this export.
  • Remove Blank Address Lines -This feature is similar to BankFinder’s Insert Settings Line Squeeze option – in that it will remove blank lines from addresses as they are stored. This will be useful for creating export files to be used in word-processors, but would not be required if your file is to be imported into a database – where the position of the address fields would be important.
  • Export All or Selected Records -Choose whether all the records in the Results List or just the records you have manually selected from the Results List should be exported.

To select records from the Results List manually, use the [Ctrl] key plus the left mouse button to choose multiple records from the list.

Programming BankFinder

The AFD Common API (Application Programming Interface)

AFD Products come with a fully functional easy to use Common API which enabled developers to integrate our products into most environments. The DLL’s required to access our data through the API ships as standard with all our products. A full SDK kit, which includes full documentation, example generation, and code to integrate into your own application is available for free download from our website.

Using our Common API you can develop for one of our address management products (e.g. Names & Numbers) and the same application will also function with our Postcode and Postcode Plus products.

For further information regarding our API, please visit


Appendix A: Command Line Options

The following entries can be added as part of the ‘Target’ or ‘Command Line’ when launching BankFinder, allowing you to specify your preferences for a particular use of the program:

/Lookup=517032Looks up ‘517032’ immediately after loading
/Settings=WPSpecifies the Settings File to be loaded is ‘WP’
/Splash=NoSuppresses the display of the Splash Screen when loading
/Tab=1Sets Tab 1 (the Search Tab) to be displayed after loading

These commands can be executed from the Start Menu, Run by typing something similar to the text below into the the Run box. . .

c:\afdbank\afdbank.exe  /Lookup 401101 /Settings=WP  /Splash=No  /Tab=1

Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyFunction
[Alt] + [F4]Close BankFinder
[Esc]Cancel Lookup, List or Search
[F2]Insert current bank record into target application
[F5]Refresh Insert Menu
[Alt] + 1Switch to Search Tab
[Alt] + 2Switch to Bank Tab
[Alt] + 3Switch to Address Tab
[Alt] + 4Switch to BACS Tab
[Alt] + 5Switch to FPS Tab
[Alt] + 6Switch to Other Tab
[Alt] + 7Switch to Label Tab
[Alt] + 8Switch to Validate Tab
[Alt] + AValidate Account Number
[Alt] + BSwitch Barcode on/off
[Alt] + CClear Results List
[Alt] + DJump to Find Box
[Alt] + EActivate Edit menu
[Alt] + FActivate File menu
[Alt] + HActivate Help menu
[Alt] + IActivate Insert menu
[Alt] + LLookup the text entered in the ‘Find’ box
[Alt] + NMove to Credit Card Validation Entry
[Alt] + RPrint single mailing label
[Alt] + SSearch using the address data entered on the ‘Search’ tab
[Alt] + TValidate Debit/Credit Card Number
[Alt] + VActivate View menu
[Ctrl] + [Insert]Copy current field to Clipboard
[Shift] + [Insert]Paste current Clipboard contents to field
[Ctrl] + RView or Alter Properties
[Ctrl] + TSwitch ‘On Top’ mode on/off
[Ctrl] + XView Examples List

Appendix C: End User Licence Agreement


Appendix D: Re-registration Form

See re-registration form

Appendix E: BACS Bank Codes


Bank CodeFull Bank NameShort Bank Name
0001Bank of EnglandBank of England
0002Barclays Bank PLCBarclays Bank PLC
0003Coutts & CoCoutts
0004Lloyds Tsb Bank PLCLloyds Tsb Bank PLC
0005Hsbc Bank PLCHsbc Bank PLC
0006National Westminster Bank PLCNat West Bank PLC
0007Industrial Bank of KoreaInd Bk of Korea
0008Bank of Scotland PLCBank of Scotland PLC
0009Clydesdale Bank PLCClydesdale
0010The Royal Bank of Scotland PLCRoyal Bank of Scot
0011Santander UK PLCSantander
0013Nationwide Building SocietyNationwide Bldg Scty
0014Wells Fargo Bank NaWells Fargo Bank Na
0015Conister Bank LtdConister Bank Ltd
0016Punjab National Bank (International) LtdPunjab National Bank
0017Allied Irish Bank (GB)Aib Gb
0018Bank of IrelandBank of Ireland
0021The Co-Operative Bank PLCCo-Operative Bank
0022C Hoare & CoC Hoare & Co
0023Bank of the Philippine Islands (Europe) PLCBank of Philippines
0024Clydesdale Bank PLC-Guernsey BranchClydesdale Bank Intl
0025Mega International Commercial Bank Co LtdMega Intl Comm Bnk
0026Bank of China (UK) LtdBnk of China Uk
0027Northern Bank LtdNorthern Bank Ltd
0028Northern Rock PLCNorthern Rock
0029Credit Suisse (UK) LimitedCredit Suisse UK Ltd
0031Yorkshire Bank (A Trading Name of Clydesdale Bank PLC)Yorkshire Bank
0033Ulster Bank LtdUlster Bank Limited
0034Banif-Banco Internacional Do Funchal SaBanif-Banco Funchal
0036Danske Bank A/SDanske Bank
0038Lloyds Tsb (Gibraltar) LtdLloyds Tsb Gib Ltd
0039Guaranty Trust Bank (UK) LimitedGuaranty Trust Bank
0040Volkswagen Bank GmbhVolkswagen Bnk Gmbh
0041Bank of London and the Middle East PLCBk Lon & Middle East
0042The Access Bank UK LimitedThe Access Bk UK Ltd
0043Bnp Paribas Securities Services Sa Jersey BranchBnp Pbas Sec Ser Jer
0044Her Majesty’s Revenue and CustomsHmrc
0045National Savings and InvestmentsNs&i
0046Intercontinental Bank (UK) PLCIcb UK PLC
0048Zenith Bank (UK) LimitedZenith Bnk UK Ltd
0049China Construction Bank (London) LimitedChina Cons Bk Ltd
0050Abn Amro Bank NvAbn Amro Bank N.V
0051Bnp Paribas Sa Jersey BranchBnp Paribas Jersey
0052Metro Bank PLCMetro Bank
0053Tesco BankTesco Bank
0054Hsbc Private Bank (Ci) LimitedHsbc Private Bk Ci
0055Nottingham Building SocietyNottingham Bld Soc
0057Paypal (Europe) Sarl Et Cie ScaPaypal Europe
0059United Trust Bank LimitedUnited Trust Bk Ltd
0062Alliance Trust Savings LimitedAlliance Trust Ltd
0063Aps Financial LtdAps Financial Ltd
0064Abn Amro Nv, Jersey BranchAbn Amro Jersey Br
0067Airdrie Savings BankAirdrie Savings Bank
0069Adam & Company PLCAdam & Company
0072Abbey Nat Int LtdAbbey National International Ltd
0074Adam & Company International LtdAdam & Co Intl Ltd
0075Arab National BankArab National Bank
0077Investec Bank PLCIbp
0078Abc International Bank PLCAbc Int Bank PLC
0080Allied Bank of Pakistan LtdAllied Bank Pakistan
0083Aib Bank (Ci) LimitedAib Bank (Ci) Ltd
0086Amc Bank LimitedAmc Bank Limited
0092Rbs PLC (Ex Rbs Nv)Rbs PLC (Ex Rbs N.V)
0095Irish Bank Resolution Corporation LimitedIbrc
0100Europe Arab Bank PLCEurope Arab Bank PLC
0103Arbuthnot Latham and Co LtdArbuthnot Latham&co
0104Standard Chartered (Jersey) LtdStandard Chart (Jer)
0111Bradford & Bingley PLCBradford & Bingley
0113Allied Bank Philippines (UK) PLCAllied Bk Philpnes
0115Australia & New Zealand Banking Group LtdA&nz Banking Group
0118Intesa Sanpaolo SpaIntesa Sanpaolo Spa
0120Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd-Guernsey BranchBk Julius Baer-Guern
0121Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya Argentaria SaBilbadvizcayaargenti
0124Banco Do Brasil SaBanco Do Brasil S.A.
0128Banco De SabadellBanco De Sabadell
0132Banco Santander Totta SaBanco Sant Totta Sa
0133Bangkok Bank Public Company LimitedBangkok Bank Pcl
0136Bank Hapoalim BmBank Hapoalim B.M.
0137Bank Leumi (UK) PLCBank Leumi UK PLC
0140Banco Comercial Portugues SaBco Comercial Portug
0143Banco Santander SaBanco Santander Sa
0144Bank of America Securities LimitedBanc of America Secs
0145Bank of America, NaBank of America, Na
0148Bank of BarodaBank of Baroda
0154Bank of Ceylon (UK) LimitedBank of Ceylon (UK)
0156Cimb Bank BerhadCimb Bk Berhad
0157Bank of China LimitedBank of China Ltd
0158Banco Espirito Santo SaEspiritosanto
0159Blom Bank FranceBlom Bank France
0162J P Morgan Europe LtdJp Morgan Europe Ltd
0163Bank of IndiaBank of India
0166Bank of America NaBankamerica
0172Bank of MontrealBank of Montreal
0174Pt Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TbkBank Negara
0176Caixa Geral De Depositos SaCaixageraldepositos
0180Butterfield Bank (Guernsey) LimitedButterfield Bk Guern
0187The Bank of Nova ScotiaNovascotia
0190Bank of Scotland Trading As Birmingham MidshiresBk Scot/Birm M’shire
0193The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ufj, LtdBank of Tokyo Mitsub
0194Bank of Ireland (Iom) LtdBank of Ireland(Iom)
0196Banca March SaBanca March
0200Bnp Paribas Wealth ManagementBnp Paribas Wealth
0204Bank of East Asia LtdBk of East Asia Ltd
0209Dexia Bank Belgium SaDexia Bank Belgium
0211Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment BankCredit Agricole C&i
0213Northern Trust Guernsey LtdBarings (Guernsey)
0216Barclays Private Clients International LimitedBarclays Private
0218Barclays Capital Securities LimitedBarclays Capital Sec
0221Bayerische LandesbankBayerische Landesbk
0224Unicredit Bank AgUnicredit Bank Ag
0226Hampshire Trust PLCHampshire Trust PLC
0227Bank of Beirut (UK) LimitedBank Beirut (UK) Ltd
0228Deutsche Postbank AgDeutsche Post Bankag
0234Bank of Cyprus UkBank of Cyprus Uk
0238Alliance & Leicester International LimitedA&l Intl Ltd
0240Lloyds Tsb OffshoreLloyds Tsb Offshore
0241Bnp ParibasBnp Paribas
0250Brown, Shipley & Co LtdBrown Shipley
0252Vanquis Bank LimitedVanquis Bank Limited
0253Clydebank Municipal Bank LimitedClydebank Municipal
0254Confederacion Espanola De Cajas De AhorrosC.E.C.A
0255Byblos Bank Europe SaByblos Bank S.A.L
0257Crown Agents Bank LimitedCrown Agents
0259Canadian Imperial Bank of CommerceCanadian Imperial
0260Canara BankCanara Bank
0261Cibc Bank and Trust Company (Channel Islands) LtdCibc Bank + Trust Co
0262Cater Allen LtdCater Allen Ltd
0267Cater Allen Bank (Jersey) LimitedCater Allen (Jersey)
0271C & G Channel Islands LtdC + G Channel Island
0272Black Horse LimitedBlack Horse Ltd
0274Chang Hwa Commercial Bank LtdChang Hwa Com Bk Ltd
0275Bank Mandiri (Europe) LtdBk Mandiri (Europe)
0278Union Bancaire Privee UbpUn Banc Priveecbitdb
0279Chesham Building SocietyChesham Building Soc
0282Yorkshire Bs (T/A Chelsea Bs)Chelsea Bs
0286Jpmorgan Chase Bank, NaJpmorgan Chase Bk
0288Citibank NaCitibank Na
0290Citibank International PLCCitibank Intnl PLC
0293Citibank (Channel Islands) LtdCitibank (C.I.) Ltd
0294Chiba Bank LtdChiba Bank Ltd
0297Close Brothers LimitedClose Brothers Ltd
0299Woori BankWoori Bank
0300Bank of TaiwanBank of Taiwan
0301Alpha Bank London LtdAlpha Bank London
0304Commerzbank AgCommerzbank A G
0306Emporiki Bank of Greece SaEmporiki Bank Greece
0307Credit Suisse (Gibraltar) LimitedCredit Suisse (Gib)
0310Commonwealth Bank of AustraliaComm Bank Australia
0313Credit Suisse(Guernsey) LtdCredit Suisse(Guern)
0315Nationwide Trading As Cheshire Building SocietyN’Wide Ta Cheshire
0316The Mortgage Works (UK) PLCMortgage Works Uk
0317C & G (Lloydstsb Bank)C&g (Lloydstsb Bank)
0323Caf Bank LimitedCaf Bank Ltd
0328Cit Bank LtdCit Bank Ltd
0330Rbs One AccountRbs One Account
0332Coventry Building SocietyCoventry B/S
0337Credit Industriel Et CommercialCredit Industriel &C
0338Islamic Bank of Britain PLCIslamic Bank of Brit
0344Duncan Lawrie (Iom) LtdDuncan Lawrie Iom Lt
0346Unicredit SpaUnicredit S.P.A
0348Consolidated Credits Banks LtdConsolidated Credits
0350Cumberland Building SocietyCumberland Blg Soc
0351Efg Eurobank Ergasias SaEfg Ebk Ergasias Sa
0353Marfin Popular Bank Public Co LtdMarfin Pop Bk Pub Co
0355Mizuho Corporate Bank LtdMizuho Corporate Bk
0356Cls Bank InternationalCls Bank
0361Deutsche Bank AgDepfa Bank A.G.
0362Citibank Na Jersey BranchCitibank Na Jersey
0363Derbyshire Building SocietyDerbyshire Bldg Soc
0364Deutsche Bank AgDeutsche Bank
0366Dbs Bank LtdDbs Bank Ltd
0368Dz Bank Ag, Deutsche Zentral-GenossenschaftsbankDz Bank Ag, Dzg Bank
0370Deutsche Bank International LimitedDeutsche Bk Intl Ltd
0371Godiva Mortgages LimitedGodiva Mortgages
0372Standard Bank PLCStandard Bank PLC
0373Commerzbank Trading As Dresdner BankCommerz Ta Dresdner
0374Virgin Bank LimitedVirgin Bank Limited
0375Nationwide Bs T/A Dunfermline BsNationwide T/A Dbs
0376Darlington Bldg SocyDarlington Bldg Socy
0377Dunbar Bank PLCDunbar Bank PLC
0378Zurich Bank International LimitedZurich Bank Int Ltd
0379Duncan Lawrie LtdDuncan Lawrie Ltd
0381Northern Rock (Asset Management) PLCNth Rock Asset Man
0382Jp Morgan International Bank LimitedJp Morgan Int Bank
0384Barclays Bank PLC T/A BarclaycardBarclays/Barclaycard
0385Co-Operative Bank T/A BritanniaBritannia
0387Furness Building SocietyFurness Bld Soc
0393First Commercial BankFirst Commercial Bk
0395Carapay LimitedCarapay
0398European Bank For Reconstruction & DevelopmentEuro Bk For Rec/Dev
0399Fibi Bank UK PLCFibi Bank UK Ltd
0401Fbn Bank UK LtdFbn Bank UK Limited
0402Aib International Savings LimitedAib Intl Savings Ltd
0405Nationwide International LimitedNationwide Intl Ltd
0410Ge Money Home Lending LtdGe Money Home Lnding
0411Aib Group (UK) PLC (Trading Name First Trust Bank)First Trust Bank
0412Ge Capital Bank LimitedGe Capital Bank Ltd
0415Hsh NordbankHsh Nordbank Ag
0417Fairbairn Private Bank (Iom) LimitedFairbairn Pvt Bk Iom
0420Anglo-Romanian Bank LtdAnglo Romanian Bk
0421Fairbairn Private Bank LimitedFairbairn Pvt B
0434Fortis Bank Sa/NvFortis Bank Sa/Nv
0436Ghana International Bank PLCGhana International
0444Gulf International Bank (UK) LtdGulf Intl Bank (UK)
0446Erste Group Bank AgErste Group Bank Ag
0454Habib Allied International Bank PLCHabib Allied Intl Bk
0455Gulf International Bank BscGulf Internationalbk
0456Sg Hambros Bank LimitedSg Hambros Bk Ltd
0458Hfc Bank LtdHfc Bank Ltd
0459Habib Bank Ag ZurichHabib Bk Ag Zurich
0461Habibsons Bank LtdHabibsons Bank Ltd
0463S G Hambros Bank & Trust LtdHambros Bank Limited
0464Bank of Scotland International LtdBank of Scot Int Ltd
0465Sg Hambros Bank (Gibraltar) LimitedSg Hambros Bk Gib Lt
0466S G Hambros Bank (Channel Islands) Limited-Guernsey BranchSg Ham Bk Ci-Guern
0468Kookmin Bank International LimitedKookmin Bnk Intl Ltd
0469S G Hambros Bank (Channel Islands) LimitedSg Ham Bkl Ci Ltd
0475Harrods Bank LtdHarrods
0476Havin Bank LimitedHavin Bank Ltd
0477Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen GirozentraleClosed Creditsuisseb
0478Heritable Bank LimitedHeritable Bank Ltd
0486Julian Hodge Bank LimitedJulian Hodge Bk Ltd
0487Hinckley & Rugby Building SocietyHinckley & Rugby B/S
0488Ing Bank NvIng Bank Nv
0493The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LtdHongkong Shanghai
0495London Scottish Bank PLCLondon Scottish Bank
0497Hua Nan Commercial Bank LtdHua Nan Comm Bnk Ltd
0501Israel Discount Bank LimitedIsrael Discount Bank
0502Banco Popolare ScBanco Popolare S.C.
0510Landesbank Baden-WurttembergLandes Baden Wurt
0512Marks and Spencer Financial Services PLCM & S Finserv PLC
0514The Bank of New York MellonBk of Ny Mellon
0515Isle of Man Bank LimitedIsle of Man Bank Ltd
0517Icici Bank UK PLCIcici Bank UK PLC
0518Habib European Bank LimitedHabib European Bank
0525Jordan International Bank PLCJordan Interntl Bk.
0528Jyske Bank (Gibraltar) LtdJyske Bank Gibraltar
0532Kookmin Bank International LtdKookmim Bank Int’L
0536Korea Development Bank-London BranchKdb London
0539Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands ) LtdKlein Bens Ci
0544Dresdner Kleinwort LimitedDresdner Kleinwort
0547Korea Exchange BankKorea Exchange Bank
0548Kbc Bank NvKbc Bank N.V.
0549Kleinwort Benson Private Bank LtdKlein Benson
0555Leeds Building SocietyLeeds B S
0559Leek United Building SocietyLeek United B/Soc
0563Ipswich Building SocietyIpswich Building Soc
0564Lloyds Tsb Bank (Iom) LtdLloyds Tsb (Iom) Ltd
0565Lloyds Tsb Scotland PLCLloyds Tsb Scotland
0566Lloyds Tsb Private Banking LtdLlyd Tsb Prvt Bking
0568Lloyds Tsb Bank (Jersey) LtdLloyds Tsb Jersey Lt
0569Lloyds Tsb Bank (Guernsey) LtdLloyds Tsb Guernsey
0570Loughborough Building SocietyLoughborough B S
0583Sygma BankSygma Bank
0584Jyske Bank A SJyske Bank A S
0591Anthos Bank BvMatlock Bank Ltd
0593Butterfield Bank UK LimitedLeopold Joseph +Sons
0596Landesbank Berlin AgLandesbank Berlin Ag
0598Malayan Banking BerhadMalayan Bkg Berhad
0599Schroder &Co LimitedSchroder &Co Limited
0600Mashreqbank PscMashreq Bank
0603Marsden Building SocietyMarsden Building Soc
0605Mbna Europe Bank LtdMbna Europe Bank Ltd
0614Merrill Lynch International Bank LtdMerrill Lynch Int
0615Abn Amro (Guernsey) LimitedAbn Amro (Guernsey)
0616Mercantile Credit Company LimitedMercantile Credit Co
0618Hsbc Bank International LtdHsbc Bank Inter Ltd
0619Emirates Bank International PjscEmirates Bk Int Pjsc
0623Mitsubishi Ufj Trust & Banking CorporationMitsubishi Ufj Tr Bk
0631Hsbc Private Bank (UK) LtdHsbc Private Bank
0632Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena SpaMonte Dei Paschi
0641Abbey National Treasury Services PLCAbbey Nat Ty Int Ltd
0643Vtb Capital PLCVtb Capital PLC
0649Capital BankCapital Bank
0650Shanghai Commercial Bank LtdShanghai Comm Bank
0651Norddeutsche Landesbank GirozentraleNorddeutsche Landesb
0655National Australia Bank LtdNat Australia Bank
0656National Bank of Abu DhabiNat Bank Abu Dhabi
0657National Bank of CanadaNat Bk of Canada
0659Pensions Bank LtdPensions Bank Ltd
0660Emirates Nbd PjscEmirates Nbd
0663National Bank of Egypt (UK) LtdNational Bank Egypt
0664National Bank of Greece SaNat Bank of Greece
0666National Bank of Kuwait (International) PLCNational Bank Kuwait
0668Bank of EnglandBank of England Rt
0671Northern Rock PLCNorthern Rock PLC
0674Norwich and Peterborough Building SocietyNorwich/Pboro B Soc
0675National Counties Building SocietyNat Counties B/S
0678Newcastle Building SocietyNewcastle B S
0679Nedbank LimitedNedbank
0681Hanley Economic Building SocietyHanley Economic Bs
0684Dnb Bank AsaDnb Bank Asa
0692Egg Banking PLCEgg Banking
0695Philippine National Bank (Europe) PLCPhil Nat Bank
0697Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation LtdOverseas Chinese Bk
0703Secure Trust Bank PLCSecure Trust
0708Close Bank Guernsey LimitedClose Bk Gsy
0710Qatar National Bank SaqQatar National Bank
0711R Raphael & Sons PLCR Raphael & Sons Ltd
0713Rabobank International(Cooperative Centrale Raiffeisen Boerenleenbank)Rabobank Internation
0718Reliance Bank LtdReliance Bank
0723Efg Private Bank LtdEfg Private Bank Ltd
0726The Royal Bank of Scotland (Gibraltar) LimitedRbs(Gibraltar) Ltd
0730Nm Rothschild & Sons LtdN M Rothschild Sons
0731Riyad BankRiyad Bank (London)
0733Rothschild Bank International LimitedRothschild Bk In Ltd
0737Standard Bank Isle of Man LtdStandard Bank (Sbim)
0738Standard Bank Jersey LimitedStandard Jersey
0739Royal Bank of Canada Europe LtdRyl Bk Can(Europe)
0741Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AgRaiffeisen Zentral
0742The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Ufj LimitedBk Tokyo Mit Ufj Ltd
0744Samba Financial GroupSamba Financial Gp
0749Scotiabank Europe PLCScotia Europe
0750Absa Bank LtdAbsa Bank Ltd
0759The Royal Bank of Scotland International LtdRbs Interntl Ltd
0760Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander LtdKaupthing Singer & F
0762Royal Bank of CanadaRoyal Bank of Canada
0764Shinhan BankShinhan Bank
0765Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab (Publ)Skandinaviska Ens Bk
0767Skipton Building SocietySkipton B/Soc
0769Sainsbury’s Bank PLCSainsburys Bank
0770Swansea Building SocietySwansea Bldg Socy
0772Societe GeneraleSociete Generale
0773Investec Bank Ci LtdInvestec Bank Ci Ltd
0776Sonali Bank (UK) LimitedSonali Bank (UK) Ltd
0781Standard Chartered Bank (Ci) LtdStandard Chart C I
0782Standard Chartered BankStandard Chartered
0787State Bank of IndiaState Bank of India
0789State Street Bank and Trust CompanyState Street Bk & Tr
0791Stroud & Swindon Building SocietyStroud & Swindon
0793Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Europe LimitedSmbc Europe Ltd
0794The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co LtdSumitomo Trust + Bk
0795Svenska Handelsbanken Ab (Publ) T/A HandelsbankenHandelsbanken
0796Ubs AgUbs Ag
0797Syndicate BankSyndicate Bank Ltd
0801Tesco Personal Finance PLCTesco Personal Fin
0803T C Ziraat Bankasi AsT C Ziraat Bankasi
0808Triodos Bank NvTriodosbank Nv
0809Turkiye Is Bankasi AsTurkiye Is Bankasi
0810Turkish Bank (UK) LtdTurkish Bank (UK)ltd
0811British Arab Commercial Bank LtdBrit Arab Comm Bank
0812Nordea Bank Finland PLCNordea Fin
0813Mizrahi Tefahot Bank LimitedMtb
0814Ubs Global Asset Management Client Services LtdUbs Global Amcs
0816Kleinwort Benson Bank (Isle of Man) LimitedKleinwort Benson Iom
0825Union Bank UK PLCUnion Bank UK PLC
0827Ahli United Bank (UK) PLCAhli United Bank Uk
0828United National Bank LimitedUnited Nat Bank
0830Unity Trust Bank PLCUnity Trust Bank PLC
0833United Overseas Bank LtdUnt Overseas Bk Ltd
0836West Bromwich Building SocietyWest Bromwich B/S
0837Weatherbys Bank LtdWeatherbys Bank Ltd
0841The Bank of New York Mellon International LtdBk Ny Mellon Int
0843Barclays Bank PLC Trading As the WoolwichBarclays Ta Woolwich
0844Wesleyan Bank LimitedWesleyan Bank Ltd
0845Westlb AgWestlb Ag
0846West Lothian Municipal Bank LtdW.Lothian Muncpal Bk
0849Shawbrook Bank LimitedShawbrook Bank Ltd
0853Yorkshire Building SocietyYorkshire Build Socy
0856Westpac Banking CorporationWestpac Bank Corp
0857Smith & Willamson Investment Management LtdSmith & Willamson In
0858Schroders (Ci) LtdSchroders (Ci) Ltd
0864Piraeus Bank SaPiraeus Bank Sa
0881The Norinchukin BankThe Norinchukin Bank
0882Progressive Building SocietyProgressive Bldg Soc
0883Td Waterhouse Bank NvTd Waterhouse Bank
0884Icbc (London) LtdIcbc (London) Ltd
0885Shepshed Building ScShepshed Building Sc

Appendix F: Central Bank Codes

These are the ISO Country Codes used in the TARGET system. These appear in the Central Bank field on the Bank tab for branches setup for National Central Banks within the CHAPS system.

United KingdomGB
The NetherlandsNL

Appendix G: Royal Mail Terms


mailLink mailLink

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