
The jQuery plugin for AFD Postcode Evolution (PCE) allows developers to easily harness the power of PCE in front-end applications.

When filling out address forms, users simply need to start typing their address in a single typeahead box that will drill down on the results until the user can select their address from the list. Additionally, a reverse geocoding button can be added to the form that when clicked will search for addresses based on the user’s current location.

The plugin also has powerful validation tools that allow validation of phone numbers, email addresses, credit/debit cards, and UK bank accounts. In addition to validation, it is possible to extract further information from the fields (for example “card type”), restrict input to certain keys and format the fields automatically, independent of the actual keys pressed by the user.


jQuery Compatibility

The plugin is compatible with all versions of jQuery above version 1.6.

Bootstrap Compatibility

The plugin is ready, out of the box to work with both Bootstrap 3 and 4 form validation and the typeahead control is by default styled to look like a Bootstrap control. Developers simply need to create the form controls according to the Bootstrap documentation, and PCE will add its default behaviour and apply the correct validation styles.

Getting Started

Download the latest version of the AFD jQuery plugin:


Include jQuery, the AFD plugin, the AFD typeahead CSS, and your AFD config in the head of the html document.

  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="afd.jquery.1.11.5.js" chraset="UTF-8"></script>
    afdOptions = {
      id: "YOUR_ID",
      token: "YOUR_TOKEN",
	  pceUrl: ""

If you don’t yet have an ID & Token, please email to confirm the domain or IP range on which the functionality will be used so the credentials can be generated.

Modular Versions

The main plugin afd.jquery.1.11.5.js contains all of the functionality available. However, as most developers will not need to deploy all of the features on all pages of a project, there are also modular versions of the plugin that are feature specific. This helps reduce the size of the plugins.

As of version 1.10.1 multiple modular files can be added to the same page.

Address Lookup

The Typeahead Control

In the body of the document add the following HTML for your typeahead control. This tag structure is required but custom CSS can be applied if needed.


The AFD jQuery PCE module supports searching for addresses using What3Words.  Once enabled for your account any search will, by default (mode 1), automatically search for a W3W result once two words and two full stops have been input in the typeahead box. When the user selects their W3W a search will be done on that location that will find the nearest street addresses, and once the address is selected the address will be retrieved as normal.

					<div class="afd-typeahead-container">
    <div class="afd-typeahead-field">
        <div class="afd-typeahead-query">
            <input autocomplete="off" type="search" data-afd-control="typeahead" />
<div class="afd-search-again" style="display: none;">Search Again</div>
<div class="afd-manual-input-button" style="display: none;">Manual Input</div>
<div class="afd-manual-input-search-button" style="display: none;">Address Search</div>

Lookup Controls

An alternative to typeahead address search is lookup controls. This is a family of three controls:

  • Lookup Field – An < input type="text" /> field where an address search or postcode can be entered.
  • Lookup Button – A < button> that initiates the lookup.
  • Lookup Results – A < select> or < ul> control to display the results of the lookup, that when clicked, retrieves the corresponding address.

A typical HTML setup is shown below; however, these controls can be moved around. They must be wrapped in a container that contains the .afd-form-control class.

					<div class="row">
    <div class="input-group col-md-4 afd-form-control">
        <input id="lookup-field" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Postcode Lookup" data-afd-control="lookupField" />
        <div class="input-group-append"><button class="btn" data-afd-control="lookupButton">Lookup</button>
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-8 afd-form-control">
	  <ul class="custom-select" data-afd-control="lookupResultsList"></ul>


For the lookup results control, we recommend using a <ul> control as that offers greater consistency in user experience across devices. However, if this is used, an additional stylesheet (jquery.result.list.afd.css) should be added to the page. These styles can then be customised further to match the theme of the page.

International Addresses


For lookups using our ZipAddress product, the defaultCountry needs to be set to USA in

 = "USA";


For international lookups using our WorldAddress product, an additional country control needs to be added to the form.

If there isn’t already a country control form supplied, then using the following HTML will add a < select> element to the form.

					<select data-afd-control="country">

This will populate with all of the available WorldAddress countries and automatically use the selected country in typeahead queries.

If there is already a control on the form, the details of that form and possibly a transformation function need to be supplied in (see “Configuration Options” below).

Some countries use two fields for lookups, for example Property and Postcode. data-afd-control="lookupField" allows multiple fields to be used as lookup controls. For example:

            <div class="field-group">
                <label for="Address1">Address1</label>
                <input id="Address1" data-afd-result="Address1" data-afd-control="lookupField">
            <div class="field-group">
                <label for="Address2">Address2</label>
                <input id="Address2" data-afd-result="Address2">
            <div class="field-group">
                <label for="Postcode">Postcode</label>
                <input id="Postcode" data-afd-result="Postcode" data-afd-control="lookupField">
            <div class="input-group-append">
                <button class="btn" data-afd-control="lookupButton">Lookup</button>


Reverse Geocoding

It is also possible to get a user’s address from their devices’ location API. We recommend that this control is used in conjunction with with the typeahead or lookup controls. This functionality requires two controls:

  • Reverse Geocode Button – A < button> that initiates the lookup.
  • Reverse Geocode Results – A < ul> or < select> control to display the results of the lookup that when clicked, retrieves the corresponding address.

Here is an example of a reverse geocode button alongside a typeahead control:

					<div class="afd-typeahead-container afd-form-control form-group col-md-9">
    <div class="afd-typeahead-field">
        <div class="afd-typeahead-query input-group">
            <div class="input-group-prepend">
                <button type="button" class="btn" data-afd-control="reverseGeocodeButton">
                    <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="">
                        <path d="M1325 1024h-109q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-128q0-26 19-45t45-19h109q-32-108-112.5-188.5t-188.5-112.5v109q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-109q-108 32-188.5 112.5t-112.5 188.5h109q26 0 45 19t19 45v128q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-109q32 108 112.5 188.5t188.5 112.5v-109q0-26 19-45t45-19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v109q108-32 188.5-112.5t112.5-188.5zm339-192v128q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-143q-37 161-154.5 278.5t-278.5 154.5v143q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-143q-161-37-278.5-154.5t-154.5-278.5h-143q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-128q0-26 19-45t45-19h143q37-161 154.5-278.5t278.5-154.5v-143q0-26 19-45t45-19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v143q161 37 278.5 154.5t154.5 278.5h143q26 0 45 19t19 45z" />
            <input class="form-control" type="search" autocomplete="off" data-afd-control="typeahead" name="lion">
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12 afd-form-control">
        <ul data-afd-control="reverseGeocodeResultsList"></ul>


For the lookup results control, we recommend using a < ul> control as that offers greater consistency in user experience across devices. However, if this is used, an additional stylesheet (jquery.result.list.afd.css) should be added to the page. These styles can then be customised further to match the theme of the page.

Results Fields

For each result field that you want to add to the page you need to add the data-afd-result attribute to the < input type="text" /> and set the attribute as the PCE field that you would like it to display. The PCE fields are case sensitive.

					<div class="form-control">
        <label for="Postcode">Postcode:</label> 
        <input id="postcode" type="text" data-afd-result="Postcode" />

In some forms there may be less address fields available. In this case multiple results can be populated in a single field, separated by comma.

					<div class="form-control">
    <input id="property" type="text" data-afd-result="Property,Street" />


A full list of PCE fields can be found in Appendix A.

Typeahead Configuration Options

In addition to setting the serial and username, there are a number of options that can be set to govern the behaviour of the typeahead, lookup, and result fields.


type: number

default: 5

This sets the number of search results returned by the typeahead control. For performance purposes we do not recommend setting this higher than 5.


type: boolean | array

default: false

This setting is useful in forms that do not label the individual property and street fields but rather bundle them together as a single field.

If set to true and the retrieved result’s property or street fields are empty, this will push the street and/or locality up into the closest empty space.

An array can also be supplied that specifies exactly which fields should be pushed up and in what order, for example:



type: boolean

default: false

If set to true, this option will hide the typeahead control once an address has been retrieved.


type: boolean

default: true

When afdOptions.typeahead.afterHideTypeahead is set to true, the typeahead control will be hidden after an address has been retrieved. Setting afdOptions.typeahead.searchAgain will instead show in its place a “Search Again” button that when clicked will again show the typeahead control.


type: boolean

default: true

If this option is set to true, once a retrieve has been completed the contents of the typeahead box will be removed.


type: boolean

default: false

When set to true, this will hide the results fields until an address retrieve has been completed.


type: string

default: null

Input controls in most modern HTML forms are usually nested inside a container along with labels and validation messages, for example:

					<!--bootstrap 4 example-->
<div class="field-group">
    <label for="street">Street</label>
    <input name="street" type="text" data-afd-result="Street" />

In the above example, if afdOptions.typeahead.beforeHideResults is set to true, only the input will be hidden and the label will still be visible before a search. Setting parentClass, to field-group will hide the entire container until the retrieve has been completed.


type: string

default: null

When ‘afdOptions.typeahead.hideEmpties’ is set to true, it is possible to prevent hiding the ‘required’ fields by setting a selector or by adding the ‘required’ attribute.


					afdOptions = {
    typeahead: {
		hideEmpties: true,
		requiredSelector: '#property'



type: string

default: []

In some forms, certain fields may be bundled together in a single fieldset, which has a single label but also shares the class name of the input fields. The Magento address fields are an example of this:

					<fieldset class="fieldset">
    <div class="field">
        <input type="text" data-afd-result="Property" />
    <div class="field">
        <input type="text" data-afd-result="Street" />
    <div class="field">
        <input type="text" data-afd-result="Locality" />

In the above example, the parentClass option will only hide the inputs and the label will still be visible. Setting this option to [‘fieldset’] will also hide the parent fieldset.


type: boolean

default: false

When afdOptions.typeahead.beforeHideResults is set to true, it is not possible for the user to manually enter an address. Enabling the afdOptions.typeahead.manualInputButton option will display a button below the typeahead control that when clicked will show the address fields.


type: boolean

default: true

When afdOptions.typeahead.beforeHideResults is set to true, and for whatever reason the user is unable to find their address, they would be unable to enter it manually as the results fields are hidden. Setting afdOptions.typeahead.fewResultsManualInput to true causes the control to check to see if the number of returned results is less than the maxItems, and if it is, an additional entry will be added to the bottom of the typeahead results that will allow the user to enter their address manually.


type: string

default: “Can’t see your address? Enter it manually”

The above text will be shown if afdOptions.typeahead.fewResultsManualInput is set to true.


type: boolean

default: false

When afdOptions.typeahead.beforeHideResults is set to true, the address fields will be hidden until an address has been retrieved. In some cases, this behaviour may not be completely desirable. For example, it may be jarring on an edit address page if no address fields are visible. Setting afdOptions.typeahead.notEmptyShowResults to true will mean that any field that is already populated will not be hidden.


type: boolean

default: false

If this option is set to true, when an address is retrieved, any fields that do not have values will be hidden.


type: string

default: []

In the case that two forms are on the same page, use this option to differentiate. Put a jQuery selector for each form container into the array and the functionality for each typeahead control will be limited to each container.


type: string

default: “standard”

When using ZipAddress or WorldAddress it is possible to set the names of the fields returned from our PCE service to be more appropriate. The data-afd-results controls will need to reflect the fields that are returned. Possible options are usa and international.


type: boolean

default: false

When set to yes this allows for the highlighting of the matching strings in the results list. The matching strings are contained within a < /code> element with the class set as .afd-matched-highlight, and so a style must be applied to this class for the highlighting to be visible.

					.afd-matched-highlight {
      font-weight: bold;


type: boolean

default: true

By default, the postcode is shown first in the results list. When this is set to false, the postcode is shown at the end of the results list.


type: array

default: []

This option allows restriction of the countries that the typeahead controls are displayed on with an array of ISO3 country codes. It will hide the control for all countries in the array, showing the rest.


type: array

default: []

As an alternative to hideForCountries this option allows restriction of the countries that the typeahead controls are displayed on with an array of ISO3 country codes. It will show the control for all countries in the array, hiding the rest.


type: boolean

default: false

The option set to true allows bank searches only.


type: {}

default: null

It is possible to add or override query string parameters. Please see the PCE Additional Parameters.


type: {}

default: null

					afdOptions.typeahead = {
                extraPCERetrieveParams: {
                    crownCountry: 1


The above example will allow Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey to be returned in the “Country” field and not the “Town” field, and towns of crown dependencies to be populated in the “Town” field rather than the “Locality” field.

Compatibility with screen readers

  • To announce the number of results returned by a typeahead search add a <p><div> or <span> with attributes role=status and class="afd-typeahead-status", in addition the inner HTML should be & nbsp; 
  • To announce the contents of a result when the result is highlighted add the following attributes to the typeahead <input type="text"/>:
    • role="combobox"
    • aria-autocomplete="list"
    • aria-controls="afd-results" or in the case that you have multiple forms and are using afdOptions.typeahead.containers, use aria-controls="afd-results-[FORMID]" where [FORMID] is the id of the container of the form.

What3Words Options


type: string

default: 1

0 or 'Exact' –  Returns addresses for exact W3W match only, no suggestions are returned

1 or 'Choices' – show choices of closest matches which once selected will show matching addresses


type: boolean

default: false

When enabled will display the nearest town to the W3W displayed in the W3W choice list.  Wrapped in a span with class .afd-near and can be styled using this.


type: string

default: ‘Near {near}’

Template for the near string returned when afdOptions.typeahead.w3WNear is true.  The {near} part of the string will be replaced with the actual result.


type: boolean | string

default: false | [‘init’ | ‘focus’]

When set to either init or focus, the browsers geolocation API will be used to estimate the users location and returned W3W choices will favour matches closer to the estimated location.  This requires the user to agree to allow the page to access it’s location.  If access is denied, the search will continue as normal.  The options relate to when the user is asked to give permission for the page to access their location:

init – The user will be asked permission on page load
focus – The user will be asked permission when the typeahead control gains focus
Any other string options will assume false.


type: boolean

default: false

When afdOptions.typeahead.w3wFocusMode is set, this will insert a line below each result in the W3W choice list that shows the distance the user is from the matched W3W based on their browser’s location.  It is wrapped in a span with class .afd-distance and can be styled using this.


type: string

default: ‘m’

Possible values: ‘m | km’

When afdOptions.typeahead.w3wDistance is true, this options decides whether the estimated distance of each match W3W choice from the user is shown in Miles of Kilometres.


type: string

default: ‘{distance} Miles’

Template for the distance string returned when afdOptions.typeahead.w3wDistance is true.  The {distance} part of the string will be replaced with the actual result.

Lookup Configuration Options


type: boolean

default: true

Pre-fetches results as the user is typing so that when the lookup button is pressed, the lookup has already been done and instantly shows the results without the need of a network request.


type: boolean

default: false

This setting is useful in forms that do not label the individual property and street fields but rather bundle them together as a single field.

If set to true and the retrieved result’s property or street fields are empty, this will push the street and/or locality up into the closest empty space.

An array can also be supplied that specifies exactly which fields should be pushed up and in what order. For example:



type: boolean

default: false

When set to true, this will hide the results fields until an address retrieve has been completed.


type: string

default: null

Input controls in most modern HTML forms are usually nested inside a container along labels and validation messages e.g.

					<!--bootstrap 4 example-->
<div class="field-group">
    <label for="street">Street</label> 
    <input name="street" type="text" data-afd-result="Street" />

In the above example, if afdOptions.lookup.beforeHideResults is set to true only the input will be hidden and the label will still be visible before a search. Setting parentClass, to field-group will hide the entire container until the retrieve has been completed.


type: string

default: []

In some forms, certain fields may be bundled together in a single fieldset, which has a single label but also shares the class name of the input fields. The Magento address fields are an example of this:

					<fieldset class="fieldset">
    <div class="field">
        <input type="text" data-afd-result="Property" />
    <div class="field">
        <input type="text" data-afd-result="Street" />
    <div class="field">
        <input type="text" data-afd-result="Locality" />

In the above example, the parentClass option will only hide the inputs and the label will still be visible. Setting this option to [‘fieldset’] will also hide the parent fieldset.


type: boolean

default: false

When afdOptions.lookup.beforeHideResults is set to true, it is not possible for the user to manually enter an address. Enabling afdOptions.lookup.manualInputButton will display a button below the lookup control that when clicked will show the address fields.


type: boolean

default: false

If this option is set to true, when an address is retrieved, any fields that do not have values will be hidden.


type: boolean

default: false

Setting this option to true will hide the results box after a retrieve has been completed.


type: string

default: []

In the case that two forms are on the same page, use this option to differentiate. Put a jQuery selector for each form container into the array and the functionality for each lookup control will be limited to each container.


type: string

default: “standard”

When using ZipAddress or WorldAddress it is possible to set the names of the fields returned from our PCE service to be more appropriate. The data-afd-results controls will need to be reflect the fields that are returned. Possible options are usa and international.


type: boolean

default: true

By default, the postcode is shown first in the results list. When this is set to false, the postcode is shown at the end of the results list.


type: string

default: []

Allows restriction of the countries that the lookup controls are displayed on with an array of ISO3 country codes. It will hide the controls for all countries in the array, showing them for the rest.


type: string

default: []

An alternative to hideForCountries. Allows restriction of the countries that the lookup controls are displayed on with an array of ISO3 country codes. It will show the controls for all countries in the array, hiding them for the rest.


type: string

default: []

The lookup result box now displays a message if there are no results. This message can be customised using this option.


type: boolean

default: false

If set to true, this option will hide the lookup control and lookup button after an address has been retrieved.


type: boolean

default: false

When the option is set to true this allows bank searches only.


type: {}

default: null

It is possible to add or override query string parameters. Please see the PCE Additional Parameters.


type: {}

default: null

					afdOptions.lookup = {
                extraPCERetrieveParams: {
                    crownCountry: 1


The above example will allow Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey to be returned in the “Country” field and not the “Town” field, and towns of crown dependencies to be populated in the “Town” field rather than the “Locality” field.

Additional Features

  • More options can be set via the “data” function. For example:
					let afdEmailOptions = {
    invalidEmailMessage: 'Invalid email',
    loadingSpinner: '.form-group'
$('#email').data('afdAdditionalOptions', afdEmailOptions);

  • The jqXHR object is added to the events:
    • afd:accountValidationSuccess
    • afd:emailValidationSuccess
    • afd:phoneValidationSuccess
    • afd:pceRetrieveComplete
					$('#email').on('afd:emailValidationSuccess', (data, $el, jqXHR) => console.log(jqXHR));


Country Field Configuration

type: string

default: null

If you only plan on doing ZipAddress lookups, this should be set as USA.

If you are using WorldAddress for international lookups, then set the default country in the country select control.

type: string

default: []

Limits the countries in the country field to the ones given in the array. Must be ISO3 country codes.

type: string

default: null

jQuery selector of the country control that is to be used for WorldAddress. This is for when the AFD country control is not being used.

type: function

default: null

Function that accepts the value attribute of the country control < select>, transforms it into an ISO3 country code and then returns it. This is necessary if the value attribute of the country control is not an ISO3 country code.

type: string

default: null

An array of ISO codes can be supplied for the most used countries, which will appear at the top of the country list.

Reverse Geocode Configuration Options


type: number

default: 100

Maximum number of addresses that should be returned from the AFD service.


type: string

default: ‘typeahead’

The control that the reverse geocode button is attached to. Behaviour related to field visibility and populating results will be taken from this control’s options. Should be either typeahead or lookup.


type: boolean

default: false

The accuracy of the location API is significantly lower on desktop than that of a mobile device. Setting this to true hides the button on desktops.


type: string | null

default: null

If the button is in a container that should also be hidden on desktops, the selector for the container should be specified here.

Card Validation

This plugin validates credit / debit card numbers first on the page and then against AFD’s card validation service. In addition it provides useful information about the card and can optionally display logos for which ever card type is being entered.

Card Number and Expiry Date Controls

In the body add < input> elements for card and expiry date with the corresponding attributes data-afd-control="card" and data-afd-control="expiry" set.

					<div class="form-group">
      <label for="card">Card Number:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="card" id="card">
    <div class="form-group">
      <label for="expiry">Expiry Date:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="expiry" id="expiry">

Checking Validation

When a number or date is input validation will begin.

There is no point in validating against the AFD card validation service until the structure of the card number and the date are known to be valid. This being the case, as the user types both fields will be checked for validity and only once both are valid and the control loses focus will the service be queried.

Once PCE returns a valid outcome both fields will have the afd-valid class added. If the input loses focus and the fields are not valid the input will have the afd-invalid class added. If the user begins to type either with the valid or the invalid class set, both will be removed until either the number and date are both valid or the control loses focus again.

In addition to classes the validation fields also make use of the constraint validation API which is supported by all major browsers. This allows the use of the :valid and :invalid pseudo classes and the validation JavaScript objects attached to input elements. An example of how you might display validation messages is shown in the section afd:cardValidationUpdated.

Card Logos

It is possible to add card logos to the card validation area. To do this simply add a <span> with class afd-card-logo. An example with logos displayed in a Bootstrap 4 input group:

					<div class="form-group">
        <label for="card">Card: </label>
        <div class="input-group">
            <div class="input-group-prepend">
                <span class="afd-card-logo input-group-text"></span>
            <input class="form-control" data-afd-control="card" id="card">
            <div class="invalid-feedback"></div>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="expiry">Expiry: </label>
        <input class="form-control" data-afd-control="expiry" id="expiry">
        <span class="invalid-feedback"></span>

The images are SVGs and are by default scaled to 24px by 16px. This can be changed in afdOptions.card.logoWidth and afdOptions.card.logoHeight.

CVV validation

Limits the field length to 3 or 4 depending on the card, in addition also provides a label of either ‘CVV’ or ‘CID’, depending on card type.
Use data-afd-control="cvv"

Loading Spinner

The plugin comes with a loading spinner out of the box that can be added to the controls. To use the spinner simply include the CSS file jquery.spinner.afd.css in the page and then supply the selector of the parent of the input to afdOptions.card.loadingSpinner.

While the styling has already been taken care of, it is possible that the position of the spinner may not match the design of the controls. If this is the case override the following CSS rules:

					.afd-loading:before, .afdloading:after {
        top: 3.5em;
        right: 1em;

If a custom spinner is required it can be styled using the .afd-loading class which is applied to the element given in afdOptions.card.loadingSpinner.

Advanced Usage

The card module emits events on document on validation update and validation complete.


This event is emitted after a syntax check on the card number or the expiry date after each key-up event, and is also emitted after a full AFD check which is triggered when either of the controls lose focus while both are structurally valid. The callback contains the event object and the elements themselves.


					$('#card').on('afd:cardValidationUpdated', function (e, cardElement, expiryElement) {

Additional Information

We only check against the AFD service once the patterns in the fields are known to be valid. However, it is possible to get some information from the card number before it is complete and so these are available via the jQuery data API. For example:

					$('#card').on("afd:cardValidationUpdated", function(e, element){
      var cardInfo = {
        cardType: $(element).data("card-type"),
        cardTypeNice: $(element).data("card-type-nice"),
        isCardSyntaxValid: $(element).data("card-is-syntax-valid"),
        isExpirySyntaxValid: $(element).data("expiry-is-syntax-valid"),
        isAfdValid: $(element).data("card-is-afd-valid"),

This can be used to display information in accompanying fields.

Displaying Validation Messages

As mentioned previously, the constraint validation API used in combination with event can be used to get the validation message set on the element. An example is as follows:

					<div class="form-group">
      <label for="card">Card Number:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="card" id="car">
      <p id="card-error-message"></p>
    <div class="form-group">
      <label for="expiry">Expiry Date:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="expiry" id="expiry">
      <p id="expiry-error-message"></p>
      $('#card').on("afd:cardValidationUpdated", function(e, $cardElement, $expiryElement){
        let cardElement = $cardElement.get()[0];
        let expiryElement = $expiryElement.get()[0];


This event is emitted once a validation request against the AFD card validation service is initialised. This will happen when a user focuses out of one of the controls and they both have valid syntaxes. This may be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#card').on('afd:cardValidationStarted', function (e, cardElement, expiryElement) {
        // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s card validation service has been completed successfully. This does not mean that the card number itself is valid, just that the request was successful. The data object contains the response from the AFD service. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#card').on('afd:cardValidationSuccess', function (e, data, cardElement, expiryElement) {
       // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s card validation service has encountered an error. This does not mean that the card number itself is invalid, just that the request was not successful. The err object contains details of the error. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#card').on('afd:cardValidationError', function (e, err) {
        // do something

Account Validation

Account and Sort Code Controls

In the body add < input type="text" /> elements for account number and sort code with the corresponding attributes data-afd-control="account" and data-afd-control="sort" set.

					<div class="form-group">
      <label for="account">Account Number:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="account" id="account">
    <div class="form-group">
      <label for="sort">Sort Code:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="sort" id="sort">

Loading Spinner

The plugin comes with a loading spinner out of the box that can be added to the controls. To use the spinner simply include the CSS file jquery.spinner.afd.css in the page and then supply the selector of the parent of the input to afdOptions.account.loadingSpinner.

While the styling has already been taken care of, it is possible that the position of the spinner may not match the design of the controls. If this is the case override the following CSS rules:

					.afd-loading:before, .afd-loading:after {
      top: 3.5em;
      right: 1em;

If a custom spinner is required it can be styled using the .afd-loading class which is applied to the element given in afdOptions.account.loadingSpinner.

Checking Validation

When an account number or sort code is input validation will begin.

There is no point in validating against PCE until the structure of the card number and the date are known to be valid. This being the case, as the user types both fields will be checked for validity and only once both are valid and the control loses focus will PCE be queried.

Once PCE returns a valid outcome both fields will have the afd-valid class added. If the input loses focus and the fields are not valid the input will have the afd-invalid class added. If the user begins to type either with the valid or the invalid class set, both will be removed until either the number is valid or the control loses focus again.

In addition to classes the validation fields also make use of the constraint validation API which is supported by all major browsers. This allows the use of the :valid and :invalid pseudo classes and the validation JavaScript objects attached to input elements. An example of how you might display validation messages is shown in the section afd:accountValidationUpdated.

Advanced Usage

The account module emits events on the document on validation update and validation complete.


This event is emitted after a syntax check on the account number or the sort code after each keyup event and also after a full AFD check which is triggered when either of the inputs lose focus. The callback contains the event object and the element itself.

Additional Information

We only check against AFD once we are sure that the pattern is valid, after that we will be able to get some information about the account number in addition to its validation status via the data API. For example:

					$('#account').on("afd:accountValidationUpdated", function(e, accountElement, sortElement){

This can be used to display information in accompanying fields.

Displaying Validation Messages

As mentioned previously the constraint validation API used in combination with event can be used to get the validation message set on the element. An example is as follows:

					<div class="form-group">
      <label for="account">Account Number:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="account" id="account">
      <p id="account-error-message"></p>
    <div class="form-group">
      <label for="sort">Sort Code:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="sort" id="sort">
      <p id="sort-error-message"></p>
      $('#account').on("afd:accountValidationUpdated", function(e, accountEl, sortEl){
        let accountElement = $(accountEl).get(0);
        let sortElement = $(sortEl).get(0);


This event is emitted once a validation request against the AFD account validation service is initialised. This will happen when a user focusses out of one of the controls and they both have valid syntaxes. This may be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#account').on('afd:accountValidationStarted', function (e, accountElement, sortCodeElement) {
        // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s account validation service has been completed successfully. This does not mean that the account number itself is valid, just that the request was successful. The data object contains the response from the AFD service. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#account').on('afd:accountValidationSuccess', function (e, data, accountElement, sortCodeElement) {
       // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s account validation service has encountered an error. This does not mean that the card number itself is invalid, just that the request was not successful. The err object contains details of the error. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#account').on('afd:accountValidationError', function (e, err) {
        // do something

Phone Number Validation

The Phone Number Control

In the body add an < input> element with the attribute data-afd-control=”phone” set.

					<div class="form-group">
      <label for="phone">Phone Number:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="phone" id="phone">

This module loads some additional of the libraries and a flag file from AFD’s servers.

Loading Spinner

The plugin comes with a loading spinner out of the box that can be added to the control. To use the spinner simply include the CSS file jquery.spinner.afd.css in the page and then supply the selector of the parent of the input to

While the styling has already been taken care of, it is possible that the position of the spinner may not match the design of the controls. If this is the case override the following CSS rules:

					.afd-loading:before, .afd-loading:after {
      top: 3.5em;
      right: 1em;

If a custom spinner is required it can be styled using the .afd-loading class which is applied to the element given in

Checking Validation

When a number is entered validation will begin. If the number is valid the input will have the afd-valid class added. If the control loses focus and the number is not valid the input will have the afd-invalid class added. If the user begins to type either with the valid or the invalid class set, both will be removed until either the number is valid or the control loses focus again.

In addition to classes the validation fields also make use of the constraint validation API which is supported by all major browsers. This allows the use of the :valid and :invalid pseudo classes and the validation JavaScript objects attached to input elements. An example of how you might display validation messages is shown in the section afd:phoneValidationUpdated.

Remember previously validated values

Phone validation remembers previously validated values and will not query our service again if it has already returned as valid. In addition it is possible to initialise that field with a value or set of values that you don’t want to be validated against our service. An example of how to do this:

    $('[data-afd-control="phone"]').data('afd-already-valid', ['01624 811711'])

Dealing with Country Codes

The control assumes that the country code is UK (+44) unless set otherwise in There is a country dropdown box that lets the user choose their country, also the user can specify their country dialling code by prefixing the number with ‘+’ or ’00’.

It is possible to link the country dropdown in the phone control to an external country field. To do this specify the selector of the external country field in When a country is selected in the external country control the, country of the phone control will track that.

The external country control functionality works on the basis that the value attribute of the external country control supplies either an ISO2 or ISO3 country code. However, not all forms are setup this way. An example might look like this:

        <option data-country="FRA" value="France">France</option>

In this case the value matches the name of the country not the ISO code. For situations like this, a function can be supplied to that gets the data attribute and returns it.

For example:

 = function(e) {
        // e is the event object from the country change
        var $el = $(;
        var value = $el.val();
        return $el.find('[value="' + value + '"]').attr('data-country'); 

Advanced Usage

The phone module emits events on the document on validation update and validation complete.

  • afd:phoneValidationUpdated // event, validationObject


This event is emitted after a regex check on the phone number after each keyup event and also after a full AFD check which is triggered when the input loses focus. The callback contains the event object and the element itself.

Additional Information

We only check against AFD once the pattern is known to be valid. However, it is possible to get some information from the number before it is complete and so these are available via the data API. For example:

					$('#phone').on("afd:phoneValidationUpdated", function(e, element){
      var phoneInfo = {
        phoneNumber: $(element).data('phone-number'),
        phoneNumberE164: $(element).data('phone-number-e164'),
        phoneNumberInternational: $(element).data('phone-number-international'),
        phoneNumberNational: $(element).data('phone-number-national'),
        phoneNumberRFC3966: $(element).data('phone-number-rfc3966'),
        phoneRegion: $(element).data("phone-region"),
        phoneRegionName: $(element).data('phone-region-name'),
        phoneRegionISO3: $(element).data('phone-region-iso3'),
        isMobile: $(element).data("phone-is-mobile"),
        isLandLine: $(element).data("phone-is-landline"),
        isSyntaxValid: $(element).data("phone-is-syntax-valid"),
        isAfdValid: $(element).data("phone-is-afd-valid"),
        phoneNumberType: $(element).data('phone-number-type')

This can be used to display information in accompanying fields.

Displaying Validation Messages

As mentioned previously the constraint validation API used in combination with event can be used to get the validation message set on the element. An example is as follows:

					<div class="form-group">
    <label for="phone">Phone Number:</label>
    <input data-afd-control="phone" id="phone">
    <p id="error-message"></p>
    $('#phone').on("afd:phoneValidationUpdated", function(e, $element){
      let element = $element.get()[0];



This event is emitted once a validation request against the AFD phone validation service is initialised. This will happen when a user focusses out of the control and the syntax is valid. This may be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#phone').on('afd:phoneValidationStarted', function (e, element) {
        // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s phone validation service has been completed successfully. This does not mean that the phone number itself is valid, just that the request was successful. The data object contains the response from the AFD service. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#phone').on('afd:phoneValidationSuccess', function (e, data, element) {
       // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s phone validation service has encountered an error. This does not mean that the phone number itself is invalid, just that the request was not successful. The err object contains details of the error. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#phone').on('afd:phoneValidationError', function (e, err) {
        // do something

Email Address Validation

Email Control

In the body add an < input type="text" /> element with the attribute data-afd-control="email" set.

					<div class="form-group">
      <label for="email">Email Address:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="email" id="email">

Loading Spinner

The plugin comes with a loading spinner out of the box that can be added to the control. To use the spinner simply include the CSS file jquery.spinner.afd.css in the page and then supply the selector of the parent of the input to

While the styling has already been taken care of, it is possible that the position of the spinner may not match the design of the controls. If this is the case override the following CSS rules:

					.afd-loading:before, .afd-loading:after {
      top: 3.5em;
      right: 1em;

If a custom spinner is required it can be styled using the .afd-loading class which is applied to the element given in

Checking Validation

When an email address is input validation will begin. If the address is valid the input will have the afd-valid class added. If the input loses focus and the address is not valid the input will have the afd-invalid class added. If the user begins to type either with the valid or the invalid class set, both will be removed until either the address is valid or the control loses focus again.

In addition to classes the validation fields also make use of the constraint validation API which is supported by all major browsers. This allows the use of the :valid and :invalid pseudo classes and the validation JavaScript objects attached to input elements. An example of how you might display validation messages is shown in the section afd:emailValidationUpdated.

Remember previously validated values

Email validation remembers previously validated values and will not query our service again if it has already returned as valid. In addition it is possible to initialise that field with a value or set of values that you don’t want to be validated against our service. An example of how to do this:

    $('[data-afd-control="email"]').data('afd-already-valid', [''])

Advanced Usage

The email module emits events on the document on validation update and validation complete.

  • afd:emailValidationUpdated // event, validationObject
  • afd:validateComplete // event, emailElement


This event is emitted after a regex check on the email address after each keyup event and also after a full AFD check which is triggered when the input loses focus. The callback contains the event object and the element itself.

Additional Information

We only check against AFD once the pattern is known to be valid, however we do supply an object that contains validation information on each key-press.

					$('#email').on("afd:emailValidationUpdated", function(e, element){
      var emailInfo = {
        pceMessage: $(element).data("email-pce-message"),
        isRegexValid: $(element).data("email-is-regex-valid"),
        isAfdValid: $(element).data("email-is-afd-valid")

This can be used to display information in accompanying fields.

Displaying Validation Messages

As mentioned previously the constraint validation API used in combination with event can be used to get the validation message set on the element. An example is as follows:

					<div class="form-group">
      <label for="email">Email Address:</label>
      <input data-afd-control="email" id="email">
      <p id="error-message"></p>
$('#email').on("afd:emailValidationUpdated", function (e) {
    let element = this;
    if (!element.validity.valid) {
    } else {



This event is emitted once a validation request against the AFD email validation service is initialised. This will happen when a user focusses out of the control and the syntax is valid. This may be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#email').on('afd:emailValidationStarted', function (e, element) {
        // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s email validation service has been completed successfully. This does not mean that the email address itself is valid, just that the request was successful. The data object contains the response from the AFD service. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#email').on('afd:emailValidationSuccess', function (e, data, element) {
       // do something


This event is emitted once a validation request against AFD’s email validation service has encountered an error. This does not mean that the email address itself is invalid, just that the request was not successful. The err object contains details of the error. This may also be useful for custom loading spinner logic if the default spinner is not used.


					$('#email').on('afd:emailValidationError', function (e, err) {
        // do something


Appendix A PCE Fields

Field NameDefault SizeDescriptionPostcodePlotterPostcode PlusNames and Numbers
Lookup255Specify postcode (or zipcode) and fast-find lookup string’s here for lookup operations
Key255Provides a key which can be used to easily retrieve the record again, e.g. when a user clicks on an item in the list box.
List512Provides a list item formatted to be added to a list box for this record.
Product40Indicates the product name used [10]
Name120Full name (includes title, first name, middle initial and surname).    
Gender6The gender (M or F) of the resident if known.   
Forename30The first name of the resident   
MiddleInitial6The middle initiate of the resident.   
Surname30The surname/last name of the resident.   
OnEditedRoll6Indicates if the resident is on the edited electoral roll (i.e. they have not opted out). Set to Y if they are on he Edited Roll, N if not, blank for Organisation and other records). To search set to #Y to return only records on the electoral roll, #N only for those not on the electoral roll or !N for all records including Organisations but excluding those not on the Edited Roll.   
DateOfBirth10The residents date of birth if known (electoral roll attainers in the last 10 years only).   
Residency6Gives time in years that the occupant has lived at this address.   
106Describes the household composition of the selected address   
Organisation120Full business name (includes any department)  
Property120Property (building-includes any sub-building).  
Street120Delivery Street (includes any sub-street)
Locality70Locality (sometimes a village name – in ZipAddress used for Urbanization)
Town30Postal Delivery Town (or City)
Postcode10The Royal Mail Postcode for this address (or ZipCode)
60Business Name  
Department60Department Name  
Sub Building60Sub Building Name  
Building60Building Name  
Number10House Number  
60Sub-Street Name
Thoroughfare60Street Name
35Sub-Locality Name
35Locality Name (Urbanization in ZipAddress)
Town30Postal Delivery Town (City)
Postcode10The Royal Mail Postcode for this address (or Zipcode)
UDPRN8Provides a unique identifier for the address  
BuildDate10Provides the build date, which can be used as the start date, entry date, and update date fields for BS7666.  
Administrator20Provides the administrator of the gazetteer (AFD).  
Language5Provides the language (ENG)  
Department60The name of a department within an organization where required.  
Organization60The Organization Name  
SubUnit60Sub-Unit of a building where needed  
BuildingName60Building Name where present  
10Building Number, including 17A, 17-19, etc  
SubStreet60Sub-Street where needed  
DeliveryStreet60Designated Street Name
SubLocality60Sub-Locality where required
60Locality name (or Urbanization)
DeliveryTown30Postal Town name (or City)
Code10The Postcode (or ZipCode)
PostalCounty30Royal Mail supplied postal county
30Royal Mail approved abbreviation is used where available for the postal county
OptionalCounty30Postal counties including optional ones for most addresses which would otherwise not have a county name.
30Royal Mail approved abbreviation is used where available for the optional county
30The traditional county name for this postcode
30The administrative county name for this postcode
Outcode4The Outcode porton of the Postcode (the portion before the space)
Incode3The Incode portion of the Postcode (the portion after the space).
DPS2The Delivery Point Suffix which along with the postcode uniquely identifies the letterbox.  
PostcodeFrom8Used with Postcode field to provide a range for searching. Also returns any changed postcode from a lookup.
PostcodeType6L for Large User Postcode, S for Small User.
MailsortCode5Used for obtaining bulk mail discounts.
UDPRN8Royal Mail Unique Delivery Point Reference Number assigned to this letter box  
JustBuilt10AFDJustBuilt – Contains the date of inclusion on PAF for properties thought to be recently built. The date is tored numerically in descending format in the form YYYYMMDD. YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day. For example 20080304 is 04/03/2008.  
Phone20STD Code or Phone Number
GridE10Grid Easting as a 6 digit reference 
GridN10Grid Northing as a 6/7 digit reference 
Latitude10Latitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84) 
GBGridE10UK Based Grid Easting as a 6 digit reference. Always returns the UK based grid even for Northern Ireland addresses. 
GBGridN10UK Based Grid Northing as a 6/7 digit reference 
NIGridE10Irish Grid Based Grid Easting as a 6 digit reference. Always returns the Irish base grid even for mainland UK addresses 
NIGridN10Irish Grid Based Grid Northing as a 6/7 digit reference 
Longitude10Longitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84) 
Miles6Distance from supplied grid reference  
Km6Distance from supplied grid reference  
2Provides a code which indicates if an area is mainly urban or rural and how sparsely populated those areas are  
60Provides a description which goes along with the UrbanRuralCode.  
SOALower9Lower level Super Output Area (Data Zone in Scotland, Super Output Area in Northern Ireland)  
SOAMiddle9Middle level Super Output Area (Intermediate Geography in Scotland, not applicable for Northern Ireland).  
20Provides the devolved or non-UK country name (e.g. England, Scotland, Wales etc.)  
WardCode9Code identifying the electoral ward for this postcode  
WardName50Name identifying the electoral ward for this postcode  
AuthorityCode9Local/Unitary Authority for this Postcode (same as the start of the ward code).  
Authority50Local / Unitary Authority for this postcode  
9Parliamentary Constituency Code for this postcode  
Constituency50Parliamentary Constituency for this postcode  
9Devolved Constituency Code for this postcode (currently covers Scotland)  
50Devolved Constituency Name for this postcode (currently covers Scotland)  
EERCode9Code identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode  
EERName40Name identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode  
LEACode3Code identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode  
LEAName50Name identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode  
TVRegion30ISBA TV Region (not TV Company)  
Occupancy6Indication of the type of occupants of properties found on the selected postcode
30Description matching the Occupancy
AddressType6Indication of the type of property level data to capture to have the full address for a property on the selected postcode
55Description matching the Address Type
NHSCode6National Health Service Area Code  
NHSName50National Health Service Area Name  
PCTCode9National Health Service Clinical Commissioning Group Code for England (Local Health Board Code in Wales, Community Health Partnership in Scotland, Local Commissioning Group in Northern Ireland, Primary Healthcare Directorate in the Isle of Man)  
PCTName50Name matching the PCT Code field  
CensationCode10Censation Code assigned to this Postcode  
CensationLabel50Provides a handle for the Censation Code  
Affluence30Affluence description  
Lifestage100LifeStage description  
200Additional information from the Census.  
Business100Provides a description of the type of business   
SICCode10Standard Industry Classification Code for an organisation record   
Size6Gives an indication of the number of employees of an organisation at this particular office.   
LocationType6The type of Business Location, e.g. Head Office or Branch Office   
BranchCount6The number of branches for this business   
GroupID6An ID of the Group were a business is part of a wider group   
TurnOver15The modelled annual turnover for the business   
NationalSize6Gives an indication of the number of employees of an organisation covering all sites.   
AliasLocalities4Returns the number of alias records present for the postcode sector in which this result resides  
AliasLocality35Returns an alias (non-postal) locality that resides in the postcode sector that this address is contained in. Note that many postcode sectors have multiple alias localities and as such you can include this field multiple times to return multiple localities.  
6Provides the Council Tax Band for the selected property.    
mailLink mailLink

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We serve thousands of organisations and a network of hundreds of partners across multiple industry sectors, enabling them to have full confidence in their contact data.