Royal Mail Bureau



  1. The End-User is permitted to carry out certain database cleansing activities in respect of third party databases.
  2. Where the End-User cleanses a third party database and then supplies the resulting cleansed database back to that third party then it is intended that this shall be known as “Bureau Services”.
  3. Where an End-User wishes to carry out any such database cleansing activities, as Bureau Services or otherwise, it must at all times do so on the terms and conditions consistent with this Part 6 of Schedule 1 to Annex 3.


1. Database Cleansing of Third Party Databases and Bureau Services: Operative Provisions

1.1 The End-User shall be entitled to:

1.1.1 retain each Cleansed Customer Database provided that each such Cleansed Customer Database shall only be used by the End-User for its internal use only and, subject to paragraphs 1.2 to 1.5, below, for supply to third parties;

1.1.2 return each Cleansed Customer Database to the End-User Customer which supplied the relevant original Customer Database to the End-User provided that the End-User shall ensure that each such End-User Customer shall only: use such Cleansed Customer Database for its own internal use; and supply such Cleansed Customer Database to a third party provided it at all times complies with the provisions the equivalent of paragraphs 1.2 to 1.5, below.

1.2 For the purposes of paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4, below:

1.2.1 the meaning of “series of connected databases” shall include (but not be limited to) databases directly or indirectly derived from a single database or originating from the End-User Customer;

1.2.2 the meaning of “substantially all” can be determined qualitatively or quantitatively and shall be determined in the reasonable opinion of Royal Mail;

1.2.3 the expression “normal data supply activities” includes any activities carried out by the End-User or End-User Customer as part of or in connection with its day to day business of providing address database services to third parties and may, as appropriate, include (but not be limited to) mailing list supply to mailing houses or other mailing list purchasers and the provision of sample address lists for market research purposes, but shall not include further database cleansing by the End-User or End-User Customer, or the licensing of any third party by the End-User or End-User Customer to reproduce the Cleansed Customer Database or to use it for database cleansing purposes; and

1.2.4 any description of a “comprehensive postal address database” includes a description of an address database as comprising all or substantially all the delivery points in the United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, or any description of similar meaning or effect.

1.3 Any Cleansed Customer Database, which (as a single database or as part of a series of connected databases) comprises all or substantially all the Delivery Points in the United Kingdom or any of England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, may only be supplied by the End-User to an End-User Customer (but not to any other third party) where such supply is at all times in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 1.4 and the End-User shall ensure that the End-User Customer shall only supply the same to a third party where such supply is at all times in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 1.4.

1.4 Any Cleansed Customer Database which (either on its own or as part of series of connected databases) comprises all or substantially all the Delivery Points in the United Kingdom or any of England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland may only be supplied by the End-User or End-User Customer to third parties (the “First Level Third Parties”) and by such First Level Third Parties to other third parties (the “Second Level First Parties”) provided that:

1.4.1 neither the End-User, the End-User Customer nor any third party shall at any time promote, market, represent or hold out the Cleansed Customer Database as being a “master” comprehensive postal address database or “original” comprehensive postal address database or as being of any similar description;

1.4.2 such Cleansed Customer Database shall only be supplied by the End-User to an End-User Customer, or by the End-User or End-User Customer to a First Level Third Party, or by a First Level Third Party to a Second Level Third Party, in each case as part of its normal data supply activities;

1.4.3 any such supply to a Second Level Third Party is subject to a requirement that the Cleansed Customer Database shall at all times be used only for the internal purposes of any such Second Level Third Party (and not for supply to any other third party);

1.4.4 any such supply to a Second Level Third Party is subject to requirements on such Second Level Third Party not to reproduce or make any copies of the Cleansed Customer Database or of a substantial part thereof for supply to any other third party and not to make any such supplies; and

1.4.5 during the Term and for a period of six (6) years after the date of termination of this Licence Agreement, any supply to any End-User Customer, First Level Third Party or Second Level Third Party is subject to a prominent notice stating that the Cleansed Customer Database has been cleansed against Royal Mail’s PAF® being attached and embedded electronically in any soft copy of, and being attached to any hard copy medium comprising or containing any such Cleansed Customer Database. The provisions of this paragraph 1.4 shall continue to operate after any expiry or termination of this Licence Agreement.

1.5 The End-User shall enter into a written agreement with each End-User Customer on terms which are no less onerous than and which do not grant more extensive rights than those contained in this Licence Agreement in connection with Bureau Services and which enables Royal Mail to directly enforce its terms by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

1.6 The End-User may, and may permit the End-User Customer to, include the following statement, provided only that its use is reasonable, on its business stationery and publicity material and provided that such use is not permitted after the date of expiry or termination of this Agreement: “[Name of End-User or End-User Customer] processes databases against Royal Mail’s PAF® and Alias databases.”

1.7 During the Term and for a period of three (3) years after the date of termination of this Licence Agreement, the End-User shall, upon request, provide within twenty (20) Working Days to the Solutions Provider, the name and contact details of all third parties to whom Cleansed Customer Databases have been supplied. The provisions of this paragraph 1.7 shall continue to operate after any expiry or termination of this Licence Agreement.



Number of records in third party databases cleansed or processed in immediately preceding financial year

Bureau Fee (per annum)

Up to one (1) million


Over one (1) million and up to ten (10) million


Over ten (10) million and up to one hundred (100) million


Over one hundred (100) million


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