AFD’s address, email and phone validation can be added to Shopify Plus, the popular hosted eCommerce platform.
AFD Software has poured its 450 plus years of experience around address validation solutions into our plugin for Shopify Plus, enabling websites built on the popular platform to provide Address and Postcode lookup within Shopify’s customer detail capture and checkout forms.
Our Address Validation solutions allow users to utilise either postcode finder or address finder functionality.
Essentially, our solutions are flexible and address validation in Shopify Plus can work how you want it to.
AFD’s live Email Verification in Shopify performs a live check on the email address entered to verify the email address and avoid vital communications not landing.
AFD’s live Phone Validation within Shopify Plus pings the phone number confirming it is live and reachable via text or call.
Our recommendation is to talk with one of our experts around the specific data challenges you have, that way we can recommend the right solution and help you overcome the problem. Get in touch using the button below.