
Our high-performance Linux-optimised Docker images provide flexibility in hosting and deployment. Seamlessly integrate with popular containerisation platforms like Docker, Kubernetes, and more, putting you in the driver’s seat of your hosting experience.

The following steps outline how to setup Docker on a Linux machine and start the PCE container.


To follow these instructions, you will need a Linux server / VM with internet access and 12GB RAM/12GB HDD Space..

The following has been tested on Ubuntu 64-bit (LTS) 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04.

Download or copy the docker-compose.yml file supplied by AFD to your Linux server, e.g. /home/user/afdpce/.

If you do not already have a Docker Compose file, please contact AFD Support on 0333 433 0712 or and we will provide one for you.

Install Docker

If you do not already have Docker installed, the following command will install the latest version for you, otherwise, skip to the next step to install Docker-compose.

					sudo apt-get update
curl | sh

Note: We strongly recommend using the “apt” package manager to install docker. This can be done through the link in this page or by running “sudo apt install docker”.

Install Docker-compose

If you do not already have docker-compose installed, the following command will do this for you, otherwise skip to the next step.

					curl | sh

Once installation is completed the command shell should report the versions of Docker and Docker-compose, e.g.

					Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
Docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880fe

Start the Postcode Evolution services

Change to the directory where your docker-compose.yml file is stored, e.g.

					cd /home/user/afdpce/
sudo docker-compose up -d

If all services show “done”, then you will be able to send requests to the server IP address on port 8081.

Note: It may take a few minutes for the latest data files to download once the services start up.


At this point, regular docker-compose and docker commands can be used to interact with the running services if required.

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