Postcode Plus


The AFD Postcode Plus iOS API is easy to use and quick to implement in any Objective C application, while balancing that with providing full flexibility. A static library (libAFDPcplus.a) provides access to Postcode Plus functionality once added to your project.

Getting Started

For rapid development and for a quick start, take a look at our sample program here to see how Postcode Plus is integrated. Once you run that in XCode you will need to copy your licence file to the applications Documents folder on your device (unless using evaluation data). The data files (pcplus.afd, pcplusi.afd, etc.) will also need to be present. To simplify this, transfer the licence file using the SaveLicense method supplying it a Base64 encoded string and obtain the latest data files automatically by using the update functionality if you have an Internet connection.

To integrate Postcode Plus into your own Project simply add the libAfdPcplus.a library and the AfdPcplus.h header file to your project. Then create an instance of the AfdPcplus class to access AFD Postcode Plus functionality.

If you are transferring evaluation data files to the device and using the simulator the following code may be helpful, this retrieves the Documents folder into which the licence file should be placed:

					NSArray *paths =
NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString * documentsDirectoryPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0]

When deploying evaluation data to an actual device, the licence and data files can be saved to the Documents folder by any means. To transfer the file easily by iTunes do the following:

  • In XCode click on your pInfo.plist Supporting File and ensure “Application supports iTunes file sharing.” Is shown as YES. If not add a new Key “UIFileSharingEnabled” and set it to YES.
  • Deploy the application to your device
  • With the device connected in iTunes, select the ‘Apps’ tab, under File Sharing, select your application and then drag and drop the pcplus.lic file to this folder.

For non-evaluation purposes we recommend using the automatic update functionality to obtain the latest data files and using the SaveLicense method to save the licence from a Base64 encoded string.

Using the Sample Application

A sample application demonstrating AFD Postcode Plus functionality is provided with the SDK.

To use this load the project in XCode, select the device (or the simulator) to deploy too and then click Run to start the application on the selected device.

For Evaluation data, copy that data to the Documents folder on the device.

This can be done by copying it to the Documents folder for the simulator or using iTunes File Sharing on a real device (see the previous section “Getting Started”).

For Full data, either transfer the pcplus.lic licence file to the device or use the SaveLicense method to generate the file from a Base64 string that AFD will have supplied. Then use the CheckForUpdates function to obtain the latest data.

How to…

Lookup or Search for Address Records

The AddressGetFirst and AddressGetNext methods enable address records to quickly be located.

This is typically done as follows:

  • Call the clear method to clear any previous search criteria
  • Set the appropriate search properties with the criteria to use. (e.g. setSearchLookup to specify a fast-find string to look for, e.g. a postcode)
  • Call AddressGetFirst to retrieve the first matching record, specifying any required flags (see the function reference).
  • If AddressGetFirst < 0 report an error, otherwise call AddressGetNext repeatedly until END_OF_SEARCH is returned to return all matching records.
  • If the return value is SUCCESS, read the required properties from the record returned to obtain the required data. If the return value is RECORD_BREAK no new record data will be returned so continue to call AddressGetNext

See the appropriate function and property references for full details of these methods and properties.

An example lookup is as follows:

					// Create an instance of the AfdPcplus object
AFDPcplus *details = [AfdPcplus new];
// Set the search criteria
[details clear];
[details setSearchLookup:@”B6 4AA”];
// Do the lookup
NSInteger retVal = [details AddressGetFirst:0];
// Display any error
if (retVal < 0) {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
message:[details ErrorText: retVal]
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];
// Retrieve the results
while (retVal >= 0) {
 if (retVal != AFD_RECORD_BREAK) {
NSString* listItem = [details getAddressList];
// do something with this data
 retVal = [AddressGetNext];

Retrieve Record

The RetrieveRecord method enables records to be quickly retrieved again, (from a list displayed to the user, for example) using its record key.

This is typically done as follows:

  • Store the result of the getRecordKey function along with the item at the time of original retrieval.
  • Call RetrieveRecord with key of the record to be retrieved
  • If RetrieveRecord < 0 report an error
  • If the return value is SUCCESS, read the required properties from the record returned to obtain the required data.

See the appropriate function and property references for full details of this method and properties.

An example retrieve is as follows, were recordKey is the result of calling getRecordKey for the record originally retrieved:

					// Create an instance of the AfdPcplus object
AFDPcplus *details = [AfdPcplus new];
// Do the lookup
NSInteger retVal = [details JumpToRecord:recordKey];
// Display any error
if (retVal < 0) {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
message:[details ErrorText: retVal]
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];
// Retrieve the result
NSString* organisation = [details getOrganisation];
NSString* property = [details getProperty];
NSString* street = [details getStreet];
NSString* locality = [details getLocality];
NSString* town = [details getTown];
NSString* postcode = [details getPostcode];
// do something with this data

Saving the License File (Non-Evaluation Only)

To use full data with AFD Postcode Plus, a License will need to be purchased from AFD. This is provided in two forms, a file pcplus.lic and a Base64 encoded version to make entry or transfer easier.

Either save the pcplus.lic file in the applications documents folder, or use the SaveLicense method to pass the supplied base64 encoded text string to apply the license.

The process to do this is typically as follows:

  • Obtain the licence data, e.g. by user entry, a file you supply etc. (Do not hard-code this unless you can update your application each year with the new license details).
  • Call SaveLicense supplying the licence string as a parameter, if this does not return 1 then the string was invalid.
  • Test Postcode Plus functionality to ensure the licence is valid.

An example of doing this is as follows:

					NSInteger applied = [details SaveLicense: licenseString];
if (applied == 1) {
// success
else {
// license string not valid

Updating Data Files (Non-Evaluation Only)

To update Postcode Plus data, the data files (pcplus.afd, pcplusi.afd, etc.) need to be replaced in the applications Documents folder with the latest versions available from our server.

This can be done automatically using instance functions of the AfdPcplus class provided for updating.

The process to do this is typically as follows:

  • Call CheckForUpdate, if this does not return 1 then no update is available so abort
  • When convenient call DownloadUpdate to commence downloading the file. This function returns a response immediately so that you can continue using the software whilst the download progresses. If it returns 0 then no update is available, -1 indicates it couldn’t connect to the update server.
  • Check periodically by calling IsDownloadComplete to determine if the download has completed, when it returns 1 the download has completed, <0 indicates an error downloading  Once downloaded call ApplyUpdate at an appropriate time to apply and load the new dataset.

An example of doing this is as follows:

					NSInteger needUpdate = [details CheckForUpdate];
If (needUpdate == 1) {
startedDownload = [details DownloadUpdate];
if (startedDownload == 1) {
 while (isDownloadComplete == 0) {
 // wait for download to complete – can carry on with other

Function Reference


Clears the search properties ready to start a new search

					-(void) Clear

This function takes no parameters and returns no value.


Starts a lookup or search and returns the first record Prior to calling this function, call Clear and set the appropriate search parameters to specify the fields you wish to search for (e.g. setSearchLookup).

					-(NSInteger) AddressGetFirst:(NSInteger)flags;

flags is an NSInteger and specifies options for the search. These are as follows:

  • AFD_ALL_RECORDS – Return all records
  • AFD_POSTCODE_ONLY – Lookup Postcode Only
  • AFD_PROPERTY_ONLY – Lookup Postcode and Property Only

The function returns one of the following values:

  • AFD_SUCCESS – Successful lookup (result returned)
  • AFD_RECORD_BREAK – Search in progress call AddressGetNext to get the next result
  • AFD_INVALID_POSTCODE – Format of postcode supplied is invalid
  • AFD_NOT_FOUND – No matching records found
  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening Postcode Plus data files
  • AFD_FILE_READ_ERROR – Error reading Postcode Plus data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error

If AFD_SUCCESS is returned you can then call any of the properties to obtain the fields for the returned record, e.g. getAddressList.

If AFD_SUCCESS or AFD_RECORD_BREAK is returned you should call AddressGetNext to retrieve each subsequent record until AFD_END_OF_SEARCH is returned.


Continues a lookup or search, returning the next matching record

					-(NSInteger) AddressGetNext

This function takes no parameters.

The function returns one of the following values:

  • AFD_SUCCESS – Successful lookup (result returned)
  • AFD_RECORD_BREAK – Search in progress call AddressGetNext to get the next result
  • AFD_END_OF_SEARCH – End of Search (no more records to return)
  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening Postcode Plus data files
  • AFD_FILE_READ_ERROR – Error reading Postcode Plus data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error

If AFD_SUCCESS is returned you can then call any of the properties to obtain the fields for the returned record, e.g. getAddressList.

If AFD_SUCCESS or AFD_RECORD_BREAK is returned you should continue to call AddressGetNext to retrieve each subsequent record until AFD_END_OF_SEARCH is returned.


Returns data for the record key supplied

					-(NSInteger) JumpToRecord:(NSString)recordKey;

The recordKey parameter is the key of the record to be retrieved. This would have been returned by using the getRecordKey method following a previous call to AddressGetFirst or AddressGetNext. Note this key should not be stored as it is not maintained across data updates; it is designed for reretrieving a record following a list being provided to the user.

The function returns one of the following values:

  • AFD_SUCCESS – Successful lookup (result returned)
  • AFD_INVALID_RECORD – Key supplied was invalid
  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening Postcode Plus data files
  • AFD_FILE_READ_ERROR – Error reading Postcode Plus data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error

If AFD_SUCCESS is returned, any of the properties can then be called to obtain the fields for the returned record, e.g. getStreet.


Used to retrieve text to display a friendly error message to go with an error code returned from the search or validation functions (return value less than zero).

					-(NSString*) ErrorText:(NSInteger*)errorCode;

errorCode is an NSInteger and should be set to the return value from a previous function call.

On return a description for the error is returned which can be stored or displayed for the user.


Used to save a license file on the device from a Base64 encoded string representation.

					-(NSInteger) SaveLicense: (NSString*) base64License;

Base64License is the string containing the base64 encoded license data.


  • 0 Successfully applied license
  • -7 Data License Error (string is invalid)


Used to check if an update to the Postcode Plus data files is available.

					-(NSInteger) CheckForUpdate;


  • 1 Update Available
  • 0 No Update Available (already on latest data)
  • -1 Error getting data (normally Internet connection issue)


Used to start downloading a data update.

					-(NSInteger) DownloadUpdate;


  • 1 Update started downloading
  • 0 No Update Available (already on latest data)
  • -1 Error getting data (normally connection issue)

When the function returns data continues to download in the background so your application can continue running. Poll with IsDownloadComplete periodically to determine when the download has finished.


Used to indicate when a data download has completed downloading

					-(NSInteger) IsDownloadComplete;


  • 1 Download Complete
  • 0 Download still in progress
  • -1 No download started
  • -2 Download failed (call DownloadUpdate to retry)


Used to update data files following a successful download and loads the new dataset.

					-(NSInteger) ApplyUpdate;


  • 1 Update Successful
  • 0 Download in progress or failed
  • -1 No update present to apply

Properties Reference

Methods are provided to set properties for searches and to get the resulting record details following a match. These are as follows:

Field Name Description
Search Fields (Any of these can be set prior to a call to AddressGetFirst)  
setSearchLookup Specify fast-find string to look for, e.g. a postcode or street, town. No other search fields should be set when this is used.
setSearchPostcodeFrom Set Postcode to search from (range)
setSearchPostcodeTo Set Postcode to search to (range)
setSearchOrganisation Set Organisation Name to search for
setSearchProperty Set Property or Building Name to search for
setSearchStreet Set Street Name to search for
setSearchLocality Set Locality name to search for
setSearchTown Set Post Town to search for
setSearchCounty Set County Name to search for (searches all county types)
setSearchSTDCode Set Dialling Code to search for
setSearchGridE Set Grid Easting to search around (for radial searches)
setSearchGridN Set Grid Northing to search around (for radial searches)
setSearchMiles Set distance in miles to search around (for radial searches)
setSearchKm Set distance in kilometres to search around
setSearchJustBuilt Set Just Built date to search for (in format YYYYMMDD)
setSearchUDPRN Set UDPRN to search for. No other search fields should be set when this is used.
Formatted Address Fields  
getRecordKey Returns a record key to use for subsequent retrieval of the record with AddressRetrieve. Note this should not be stored as it does not persist across data updates.
getPostcode Returns the Postcode
getPostcodeFrom Returns the original postcode if the postcode searched for has been changed (re-coded).
getOrganisation Returns the Organisation Name
getProperty Returns the Building Name
getStreet Returns the House Number and Street Name
getLocality Returns the Locality Name
getTown Returns the Post Town for this address
getAddressList Returns a formatted line for list insertion containing elements of the Address record. Useful when displaying a list of results for the user to choose from.
Raw Address Fields (unformatted with house number in a separate field)  
getPAFDepartment The department name
getPAFOrganisation The organisation name
getPAFSubBuilding The sub building name
getPAFBuilding The building name
getPAFNumber Property number
getPAFPOBox PO Box number
getPAFDepStreet The dependent street name
getPAFStreet The street name
getPAFDblDepLoc The double dependent locality name
getPAFDepLoc The dependent locality name
County Fields  
getCountyPostal Postal County (held by Royal Mail)
getCountyOptional Postal Counties including optional ones (no longer held by Royal Mail)
getCountyAbbreivatedPostal Postal County, abbreviated were an official abbreviation exists
getCountyAbbreviatedOptional Optional County, abbreviated were an official abbreviation exists
getCountyTraditional Traditional County Name
getCountyAdministrative Administrative County Name  
Additional Postal Fields  
getDPS Postal County (held by Royal Mail)
getPostcodeFrom Returns the original postcode if the postcode searched for has been changed (re-coded).
getPostcodeType L for Large User Postcode, S for Small User.
getMailsortCode Used for obtaining bulk mail discounts.
getUDPRN Royal Mail Unique Delivery Point Reference Number assigned to this letter box.
getJustBuilt AFDJustBuilt – Contains the date of inclusion on PAF for properties thought to be recently built. The date is stored numerically in descending format in the form YYYYMMDD. YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day. For example 20080304 is 04/03/2008.
getHouseholds Number of households behind the delivery point
Geographical Fields  
getGridE Grid Easting as a 6 digit reference
getGridN Grid Northing as a 6/7 digit reference
getLatitude Latitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84)
getLongitude Longitude representation of Grid Reference in Decimal Format (WGS84)
getUrbanRuralCode Provides a code which indicates if an area is mainly urban or rural and how sparsely populated those area’s are. [3]
getUrbanRuralName Provides a description which goes along with the UrbanRuralCode. [3]
getSOALower Lower level Super Output Area (Data Zone in Scotland, Super Output Area in Northern Ireland)
getSOAMiddle Middle level Super Output Area (Intermediate Geography in Scotland, not applicable for Northern Ireland).
Administrative Fields  
getWardCode Code identifying the electoral ward for this postcode
getWardName Name identifying the electoral ward for this postcode
getAuthorityCode Local/Unitary Authority for this Postcode (same as the start of the ward code).
getAuthorityName Local / Unitary Authority for this postcode
getConstituencyCode Code for the Parliamentary Constituency for this postcode
getConstituencyName Name of the Parliamentary Constituency for this postcode
getEERCode Code identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode
getEERName Name identifying the European Electoral Region for this postcode
getLEACode Code identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode
getLEAName Name identifying the Local Education Authority for this postcode
getTVRegion ISBA TV Region (not TV Company)
Postcode Level Property Indicator Fields  
getOccupancy Indication of the type of occupants of properties found on the selected postcode [1]
getAddressType Indication of the type of property level data to capture to have the full address for a property on the selected postcode. [2]
NHS Fields  
getNHSCode National Health Service Area Code
getNHSName National Health Service Area Name
getNHSRegionCode National Health Service Region Code
getNHSRegionName National Health Service Region Name
getPCTCode National Health Service Primary Care Trust Code for England (Local Health Board Code in Wales, Community Health Partnership in Scotland)
getPCTName Name matching the PCT Code field
Censation Fields  
getCensationCode Censation Code assigned to this Postcode
getAffluence Affluence description
getLifeStage LifeStage description
getAdditionalCensusInfo Additional information derived from the Census.


[1] Possible Occupancy values and descriptions are as follows (information in brackets not part of the description):

    • 1. Large User Organisation (Single Organisation on this postcode)
    • 2. Small User Organisation (All the properties on this postcode are likely to be businesses)
    • 3. Mostly Organisations (Most of the properties on this postcode are organisations)
    • 4. Mixed (This postcode contains a mixture of business and residential addresses)
    • 5. Mostly Residential (Most of the properties on this postcode are residential)
    • 6. Residential (All the properties on this postcode are likely to be residential)

[2] Possible Address Type values and descriptions are as follows (information in brackets not part of the description):

    • 1. Numbered (Only a property number needs to be captured)
    • 2. Numbered and Named (This postcode contains a mixture of properties needing a property number and those needing a property name including properties such as 16b)
    • 3. Numbered and Named, Likelihood of Multiple Occupancy (This postcode contains a mixture of properties needing a property number and those needing a property name. Some of the properties on this postcode are likely to contain multiple occupants, e.g. flats).
    • 4. Named (This postcode only contains properties needing a property name).
    • 5. Non-Standard Address Format (This refers to addresses which do not have a street field at all, or have multiple street names on the same postcode. This also includes addresses with numbered localities (no street but a house number which goes in with the locality field). It is in-effect a warning to be careful in capturing the property information as it is not in one of the most common address formats).
    • 6. PO Box (This postcode has a PO Box number)
    • 7. No Property Information (Addresses on this postcode have no property information – i.e. capture an Organisation or Resident name only)

[3] The Urban Rural Code differs from England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The possible codes and there meanings are as follows:

    • England & Wales
      • 1. Urban (Sparse): Falls within Urban settlements with a population of 10,000 or more and the wider surrounding area is sparsely populated
      • 2. Town and Fringe (Sparse): Falls within the Small Town and Fringe areas category and the wider surrounding area is sparsely populated.
      • 3. Village (Sparse): Falls within the Village category and the wider surrounding area is sparsely populated.
      • 4. Hamlet and Isolated Dwelling (Sparse): Falls within the Hamlet and Isolated Dwelling category and thee wider surrounding area is sparsely populated.
      • 5. Urban (Less Sparse): Falls within urban settlements with a population of 10,000 or more and the wider surrounding area is less sparsely populated.
      • 6. Town and Fringe (Less Sparse): Falls within the Small Town and Fringe areas category and the wider surrounding area is less sparsely populated.
      • 7. Village (Less Sparse): Falls within the village category and the wider surrounding area is less sparsely populated.
      • 8. Hamlet and Isolated Dwelling (Less Sparse): Falls within the Hamlet & Isolated Dwelling category and the wider surrounding area is less sparsely populated
    • Scotland
      • S1. Large Urban Area: Settlement of over 125,000 people.
      • S2. Other Urban Area: Settlement of 10,000 to 125,000 people.
      • S3. Accessible Small Town: Settlement of 3,000 to 10,000 people, within 30 minutes drive of a settlement of 10,000 or more.
      • S4. Remote Small Town: Settlement of 3,000 to 10,000 people, with a drive time of 30 to 60 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more.
      • S5. Very Remote Small Town: Settlement of 3,000 to 10,000 people, with a drive time of over 60 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more.
      • S6. Accessible Rural: Settlement of less than 3,000 people, within 30 minutes’ drive of a settlement of 10,000 or more.
      • S7. Remote Rural: Settlement of less than 3,000 people, with a drive time of 30 to 60 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more.
      • S8. Very Remote Rural: Settlement of less than 3,000 people, with a drive time of over 60 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more.
    • Northern Ireland
      • A – E (Urban):
        • A. Belfast Metropolitan Urban Area
        • B. Derry Urban Area
        • C. Large Town: 18,000 and under 75,000 people
        • D. Medium Town: 10,000 and under 18,000 people
        • E. Small Town: 4,500 and under 10,000 people
      • F – H (Rural):
        • F. Intermediate Settlement: 2,250 and under 4,500 people
        • G. Village: 1,000 and under 2,250 people
        • H. Small Village, Hamlet or Open Countryside: Less than 1,000



The AFD BankFinder iOS API is easy to use and quick to implement in any Objective C application, while balancing that with providing full flexibility. A static library (libAfdBank.a) provides access to BankFinder functionality once added to your project.

Getting Started

We recommend that for the most rapid development and to help you know where to start that you take a look at our sample program here to see how BankFinder is integrated. Once you run that in XCode you will need to copy your licence file to the applications Documents folder on your device (unless using evaluation data). The data file (bacs.afd and bacsi.afd) will also need to be present. To simplify this you can transfer the licence file using the SaveLicense method supplying it a Base64 encoded string and you can obtain the latest data files automatically by using the update functionality if you have an Internet connection.

When you are ready to integrate BankFinder into your own Project simply add the libAfdBank.a library and the AfdBank.h header file to your project. You can then create an instance of the AfdBank class to access AFD BankFinder functionality.

If you are transferring evaluation data files to the device and using the simulator the following code may be helpful, this retrieves the Documents folder into which the licence file should be placed:

					NSArray *paths =
NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString * documentsDirectoryPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0]

When deploying evaluation data to an actual device you can save the licence and data files to the Documents folder by any means you wish.

To transfer the file easily by iTunes do the following:

  • In XCode click on your pInfo.plist Supporting File and ensure “Application supports iTunes file sharing.” Is shown as YES. If not add a new Key “UIFileSharingEnabled” and set it to YES.
  • Deploy the application to your device
  • With your device connected in iTunes, select the ‘Apps’ tab, under File Sharing, select your application and then drag and drop the afdbank.lic file to this folder.

For non-evaluation purposes we recommend using the automatic update functionality to obtain the latest data files and using the SaveLicense method to save the licence from a Base64 encoded string.

Using the Sample Application

A sample application demonstrating AFD BankFinder functionality is provided with the SDK.

To use this, load the project in XCode, select the device (or the simulator) to deploy too and then click Run to start the application on the selected device.

For Evaluation data, copy that data to the Documents folder on the device. Do this by copying it to the Documents folder for the simulator or using iTunes File Sharing on a real device (see the previous section “Getting Started”).

For Full data, either transfer the afdbank.lic licence file to the device, or use the SaveLicense method to generate the file from a Base64 string that AFD will have supplied. Then use the CheckForUpdates function to obtain the latest data.

How To…

Lookup or Search for Bank Records

The BankGetFirst and BankGetNext methods allow bank records to quickly be located.

This is typically done as follows:

  • Call the clear method to clear any previous search criteria  Set the appropriate search properties with the criteria to use. (e.g. setSearchLookup to specify a fast-find string to look for, e.g. a sort code)
  • Call BankGetFirst to retrieve the first matching record, specifying the clearing system you wish to use (e.g. AFD_ALL_RECORDS or AFD_UK_ONLY).
  • If BankGetFirst < 0 report an error, otherwise call BankGetNext repeatedly until END_OF_SEARCH is returned to return all matching records.
  • If the return value is SUCCESS, read the required properties from the record returned to obtain the required data. If the return value is RECORD_BREAK no new record data will be returned so continue to call BankGetNext

See the appropriate function and property references for full details of these methods and properties.

An example lookup is as follows:

					// Create an instance of the AfdBank object
AFDBank *details = [AfdBank new];
// Set the search criteria
[details clear];
[details setSearchLookup:@”560035”];
// Do the lookup
NSInteger retVal = [details BankGetFirst:AFD_ALL_RECORDS];
// Display any error
if (retVal < 0) {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
message:[details ErrorText: retVal]
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];
// Retrieve the results
while (retVal >= 0) {
 if (retVal != AFD_RECORD_BREAK) {
NSString* bankName = [details getBankOwnerBankFullName];
NSString* branchTitle = [details getBankFullBranchTitle];
NSString* sortCode = [details getBankSortCode];
// do something with this data
 retVal = [details BankGetNext];

Retrieve Record

The JumpToRecord method enables records to be quickly retrieved again (from a list displayed to the user, for example) using its record key.

This is typically done as follows:

  • Store the result of the getRecordKey function along with the item at the time of original retrieval.
  • Call JumpToRecord with key of the record you wish to retrieve
  • If JumpToRecord < 0 report an error
  • If the return value is SUCCESS, read the required properties from the record returned to obtain the required data.

See the appropriate function and property references for full details of this method and properties.

An example retrieve is as follows, where recordKey is the result of calling getRecordKey for the record you originally retrieved:

					// Create an instance of the AfdBank object
AFDBank *details = [AfdBank new];
// Do the lookup
NSInteger retVal = [details JumpToRecord:recordKey];
// Display any error
if (retVal < 0) {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
message:[details ErrorText: retVal]
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];
// Retrieve the result
NSString* bankName = [details getBankOwnerBankFullName];
NSString* branchTitle = [details getBankFullBranchTitle];
NSString* sortCode = [details getBankSortCode];
// do something with this data

Validate Account Details

The ValidateAccount method enables bank account details to be validated.

This is typically done as follows:

  • Call the ValidateAccount with the account number and sort code to be validated.
  • If ValidateAccount returns < 0 report an error, otherwise report success

See the ValidateAccount reference for full details of this method.

An example account validation is as follows:

					// Create an instance of the AfdBank object
AFDBank *details = [AfdBank new];
// define variables to pass to the ValidateAccount function
NSInteger flags;
NSString* sortCode;
NSString* accountNumber;
NSInteger typeOfAccountCode;
NSString* rollNumber;
NSInteger needRollNUmber;
NSString* iban;
NSString* countryName;
// Set parameters to validate
sortCode = @“774814”;
accountNumber = @“24782346”;
typeOfAccountCode = 0;
rollNUmber = @””;
needRollNUmber = 0;
iban = @””;
countryName = @””;
// Carry out the validation
NSInteger retVal = [details ValidateAccount :&flags: &sortCode:
&accountNumber: &typeOfAccountCode: &rollNumber: &needRollNumber:
&iban: &countryName];
/* Display the result – note that the sortcode and account number may
have been updated if account translation was necessary (e.g. a nonstandard
length account number was supplied) */
If (retVal >= 0) {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle:@"Account Details Validated"
message:@”Account Number Valid”
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];
else {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
message:[details ErrorText: retVal]
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];

Validate Card Number

The ValidateCard method enables card numbers to be validated.

This is typically done as follows:

  • Call ValidateCard with the card number (and optionally expiry date) to be validated.
  • If ValidateCard returns < 0 report an error, otherwise report the card type

See the ValidateCard reference for full details of this method. An example card validation is as follows:

					// Create an instance of the AfdBank object
AFDBank *details = [AfdBank new];
// define variables to pass to the ValidateCard function
NSInteger revisionId;
NSString* cardNumber;
NSString* expiryDate;
// Set parameters to validate
revisionID = 2; // for future proofing
cardNumber = @“ 5155744836273941”;
expiryDate = @“”; // only pass if you wish to do a date range check
on it
// Carry out the validation
NSInteger retVal = [details ValidateCard :&revisionID: &cardNumber:
/* Display the result */
If (retVal >= 0) {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle:@"Card Details Validated"
message[details CardType:retVal]
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];
else {
 UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
message:[details ErrorText: retVal]
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
 [alert show];
 [alert release];

Saving the License File (Non-Evaluation Only)

To use full data with AFD BankFinder you will need to purchase a License from AFD. This is provided in two forms, a file afdbank.lic and a Base64 encoded version to make entry or transfer easier.

Either save the afdbank.lic file in the applications documents folder, or use the SaveLicense method to pass the supplied base64 encoded text string to apply the license for you.

The process to do this is typically as follows:

  • Obtain the licence data, e.g. by user entry, a file you supply etc. (Do not hard-code this unless you can update your application each year with the new license details).
  • Call SaveLicense supplying the licence string as a parameter. If this does not return 1 then the string was invalid.
  • Test BankFinder functionality to ensure the licence is valid.

An example of doing this is as follows:

					NSInteger applied = [details SaveLicense: licenseString];
if (applied == 1) {
// success
else {
// license string not valid

Updating Data Files (Non-Evaluation Only)

It is important that BankFinder data is always up to date for correct validation. Data files should be updated weekly to ensure you always have the latest data. If that is impractical, applying an update monthly is the mandatory minimum.

To update the BankFinder data the files bacs.afd and bacsi.afd need to be replaced in the applications Documents folder with the latest versions available from our server.

This can be done automatically using instance functions of the AfdBank class provided for updating.

The process to do this is typically as follows:

  • Call CheckForUpdate. If this does not return 1 then no update is available so abort
  • When convenient call DownloadUpdate to commence downloading the file. This function returns a response immediately so that you can continue using the software whilst the download progresses. If it returns 0 then no update is available, -1 indicates it couldn’t connect to the update server.
  • Check periodically by calling IsDownloadComplete to determine if the download has completed, when it returns 1 the download has completed, <0 indicates an error downloading
  • Once downloaded call ApplyUpdate at an appropriate time to apply and load the new dataset.

An example of doing this is as follows:

					NSInteger needUpdate = [details CheckForUpdate];
If (needUpdate == 1) {
startedDownload = [details DownloadUpdate];
if (startedDownload == 1) {
 while (isDownloadComplete == 0) {
 // wait for download to complete – can carry on with other

Function Reference


Clears the search properties ready to start a new search

					-(void) Clear

This function takes no parameters and returns no value.


Starts a lookup or search and returns the first record

Prior to calling this function, call Clear and set the appropriate search parameters to specify the fields you wish to search for (e.g. setSearchLookup).

					-(NSInteger) BankGetFirst:(NSInteger)flags;

flags is an NSInteger and specifies which clearing systems to use. The possible options are:

  • AFD_ALL_RECORDS – Return all records (both systems)
  • AFD_UK_ONLY – Only return records on the BACS system
  • AFD_IRISH_ONLY – Only return records on the IPSO system

The function returns one of the following values:

  • AFD_SUCCESS – Successful lookup (result returned)
  • AFD_RECORD_BREAK – Search in progress call BankGetNext to get the next result
  • AFD_NOT_FOUND – No matching records found
  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening BankFinder data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error
  • AFD_NO_SEARCH_DATA- No search parameters were set (or all set to empty strings)

If AFD_SUCCESS is returned you can then call any of the properties to obtain the fields for the returned record, e.g. getBankSortCode.

If AFD_SUCCESS or AFD_RECORD_BREAK is returned you should call BankGetNext to retrieve each subsequent record until AFD_END_OF_SEARCH is returned.


Continues a lookup or search, returning the next matching record

					-(NSInteger) BankGetNext

This function takes no parameters.

The function returns one of the following values:

  • AFD_SUCCESS – Successful lookup (result returned)
  • AFD_RECORD_BREAK – Search in progress call BankGetNext again to get the next result
  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening BankFinder data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error
  • AFD_END_OF_SEARCH – End of Search Reached

If AFD_SUCCESS is returned you can then call any of the properties to obtain the fields for the returned record, e.g. getBankSortCode.

If AFD_SUCCESS or AFD_RECORD_BREAK is returned you should continue to call BankGetNext to retrieve each subsequent record until AFD_END_OF_SEARCH is returned.


Returns data for the record key supplied

					-(NSInteger) JumpToRecord:(NSInteger)recordNumber;

The recordNumber parameter is the key of the record to be retrieved. This would have been returned by using the getRecordKey method following a previous call to BankGetFirst or BankGetNext. Note this key should not be stored as it is not maintained across data updates; it is designed for reretrieving a record following a list being provided to the user.

The function returns one of the following values:

  • AFD_SUCCESS – Successful lookup (result returned)
  • AFD_NOT_FOUND – No matching records found (key must be incorrect)
  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening BankFinder data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error

If AFD_SUCCESS is returned, any of the properties can be called to obtain the fields for the returned record, e.g. getBankSortCode.


Used to validate a sortcode and account number (or IBAN) to check it passes validation.

  • -(NSInteger) ValidateAccount:(NSInteger*)flags: (NSString**)sortCode:
  • (NSString*)accountNumber: (NSInteger)typeOfAccountCode:
  • (NSString)rollNumber: (NSInteger*)needRollNumber: (NSString)iban:
  • (NSString**)countryName;

Parameters are all passed by reference and should be initialised to zero or a blank string as appropriate if unused.

flags is an NSInteger and specifies which clearing systems to use. The possible options are:

					AFD_ALL_RECORDS - Return all records (both systems)
AFD_UK_ONLY - Only return records on the BACS system
AFD_IRISH_ONLY - Only return records on the IPSO system

On return this value will be one of the following which can be useful when validating through both systems:

  • 1 – On UK Clearing System
  • 2 – On Irish Clearing System
  • 3 – On Both Clearing Systems

sortCode is a NSString used to specify the sort code to be validated. On return it may be updated if account number translation is required, e.g. for non-standard length account numbers. The returned value should be the one submitted to BACS.

accountNumber is a NSString used to specify the account number to be validated. It should be specified along with the sort code. Like the sortcode it may be updated on return if account number translation is required.

typeOfAccountCode is an NSInteger which returns the value required for the type of account code field on BACS. This is normally zero but is required in some cases when account numbers are translated from non-standard lengths.

rollNumber is an NSString which is used to specify the Roll Number for validation. This is required along with the sortcode and account number for credits made to some building society accounts.

needRollNumber is an NSInteger which on return specifies if a roll number is required for the sortcode and account number specified. This will be one of the following values:

  • -1 – No Roll Number required, but one was supplied
  • 0 – No Roll Number required
  • 1 – Roll Number required, but not supplied
  • 2 – Roll Number required and one was supplied

iban is an NSString which can be used in-place of passing a sortcode and accountnumber to validate an International Bank Account Number. If a sortcode and account number is validated it will return the corresponding IBAN were possible.

country is an NSString which returns the country name corresponding to an IBAN passed for validation.

If the function returns a positive value (>=0) this should be taken to be valid.

The function returns one of the following values:

  • AFD_SUCCESS – Successful lookup (result returned)
  • AFD_VALIDATION_NOT_AVAILABLE – Successful, but validation isn’t available for this sortcode.
  • AFD_NOT_FOUND – Sortcode specified not found
  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening BankFinder data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error
  • AFD_INVALID_SORTCODE – Sort code supplied is invalid
  • AFD_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NUMBER – Account number supplied is invalid
  • AFD_INVALID_ROLL_NUMBER – Roll number supplied is invalid
  • AFD_INVALID_IBAN – Invalid IBAN Supplied
  • AFD_UNRECOGNISED_COUNTRY – IBAN contained an unrecognised country code
  • AFD_IBAN_MISMATCH – Both a sort code, account number and IBAN were passed for validation but these did not match.


Used to validate a card number to check it passes validation.

					-(NSInteger) ValidateCard : (NSInteger*)revisionID : (NSString**)cardNumber : (NSString**)expiryDate;

revisionID is an NSInteger and should be set to 2. It is provided for future proofing.

cardNumber is an NSString used to specify the card number you wish to validate.

expiryDate is an NSString used to specify the expiry date you wish to validate.

This is optional but if specified a check will be made that the card is in date.

This should be in the format MM/YY.

On return a positive value indicates the card is valid. The return value will indicate the type of card as follows:

  • AFD_MASTERCARD Mastercard
  • AFD_VISA Visa
  • AFD_AMERICAN_EXPRESS American Express
  • AFD_VISA_DEBIT Visa Debit
  • AFD_VISA_PURCHASING Visa Purchasing Card
  • AFD_UK_MAESTRO UK Issued Maestro Card
  • AFD_SOLO_AND_MAESTRO Solo and Maestro (combined) Card
  • AFD_JCB JCB Card
  • AFD_CHARITIES_AID_FOUNDATION Charities Aid Foundation Card
  • AFD_MASTERCARD_DEBIT Mastercard Debit Card

A negative return value indicates an error has occurred and could be any of the following:

  • AFD_ERROR_OPENING_FILES – Error opening BankFinder data files
  • AFD_DATA_LICENSE_ERROR – Data Licence Error
  • AFD_INVALID_EXPIRY – Expiry date specified is invalid (should be in format MM/YY)
  • AFD_CARD_EXPIRED – Card has expired
  • AFD_INVALID_CARD_NUMBER – Card Number supplied is invalid
  • AFD_VISA_ATM_ONLY – Visa card is valid for use in an ATM only
  • AFD_UNRECOGNISED_CARD – Card type is unrecognised.


Used to retrieve text to display a friendly error message to go with an error code returned from the search or validation functions (return value less than zero).

					-(NSString) ErrorText:(NSString)errorCode;

errorCode is an NSInteger and should be set to the return value from a previous function call.

On return a description for the error is returned which can be stored or displayed for the user.


Used to retrieve text to display or store the card type returned from the ValidateCard function.

					-(NSString) CardText:(NSString)cardType;

cardType is an NSInteger and should be set to the return value from the ValidateCard function when that function returns a positive value.

On return a description for the card is returned, e.g. Mastercard or Visa Debit.


Used to save a license file on the device from a Base64 encoded string representation.

					-(NSString) SaveLicense: (NSString*) base64License;

Base64License is the string containing the base64 encoded license data.


  • 0 Successfully applied license
  • -7 Data License Error (string is invalid)


Used to check if an update to the BankFinder data files is available.

					-(NSString) CheckForUpdate;


  • 1 Update Available
  • 0 No Update Available (already on latest data)
  • -1 Error getting data (normally Internet connection issue)


Used to start downloading a data update.

					-(NSString) DownloadUpdate;


  • 1 Update started downloading
  • 0 No Update Available (already on latest data)
  • -1 Error getting data (normally connection issue)

When the function returns data continues to download in the background so your application can continue running. Poll with IsDownloadComplete periodically to determine when the download has finished.


Used to indicate when a data download has completed downloading

					-(NSString) IsDownloadComplete;


  • 1 Download Complete
  • 0 Download still in progress
  • -1 No download started
  • -2 Download failed (call DownloadUpdate to retry)


Used to update data files following a successful download and loads the new dataset.

					-(NSString) ApplyUpdate;


  • 1 Update Successful
  • 0 Download in progress or failed
  • -1 No update present to apply

Properties Reference

Methods are provided to set properties for searches and to get the resulting record details following a match. These are as follows:

Field NameDescription
Search Fields (Any of these can be set prior to a call to BankGetFirst) 
setSearchLookupSpecify sort code, postcode and fast-find lookup strings here for lookup operations. No other search fields should be set when this is used.
setSearchSortCodeBank’s Sortcode
setSearchBankBICBank’s BIC Code
setSearchBranchBICBranch BIC Code (should be used in conjunction with Bank BIC)
setSearchPostcodeRoyal Mail Postcode for correspondence for the bank
setSearchBranchNameBranch Name
setSearchBankNameOwner Bank Name
setSearchTownTown or Location of the bank
setSearchPhonePhone Number
SearchTextSpecify text to search for within any of the BankFinder fields
General Bank Fields 
getRecordKeyReturns a record key (integer) to use for subsequent retrieval of the record with JumpToRecord. Note this should not be stored as it does not persist across data updates.
getBankSortCodeBank’s Sortcode
getBankBICBank BIC Code [1]
getBranchBICBranch BIC Code [1]
getBankSubBranchSuffixAllows a branch to be uniquely identified where there is a cluster of branches sharing the same Sort Code [1]
getBankShortBranchTitleThe official title of the branch
getBankCentralBankCountryCodeThe ISO Country code for beneficiary banks in other countries
getBankSupervisoryBodyIndicates the supervisory body for an institution that is an agency in any of the clearings. [2]
getBankDeletedDateSpecifies the date the branch was closed if it is not active
getBankBranchTypeIndicatorThe branch type – Main Branch, Sub or NAB Branch, Linked Branch
getBankMainBranchSortCodeSet for linked branches in a cluster. It identifies the main branch for the cluster. For IPSO records this is set to the branch that would handle transactions for this sortcode when the branch has been amalgamated with another.
getBankMajorLocationNameWhere present helps indicate the physical location of the branch.
getBankMinorLocationNameWhere present helps indicate the physical location of the branch.
getBankBranchNameDefines the actual name or place of the branch
getBankBranchName2An alternative name or place for the branch where applicable.
getBankFullBranchTitleExtended title for the institution
getBankOwnerBankShortNameShort version of the name of the Owning Bank
getBankOwnerBankFullNameFull version of the name of the Owning Bank
getBankOwnerBankCodeThe four digit bank code of the Owning Bank [1]
getBankPropertyBank Postal Address: Property (Building)
getBankStreetBank Postal Address: Street
getBankLocalityBank Postal Address: Locality
getBankTownBank Postal Address: Town
getBankCountyBank Postal Address: County (Optional)
getBankPostcodeThe Royal Mail Postcode for this address
getBankSTDCodeSTD Code for the Bank Phone number
getBankPhonePhone number
getBankFaxSTDCodeSTD Code for the Bank Fax Number
getBankFaxFax number (where held)
getBankCountryIndicatorReturns ‘U’ if the record is on the BACS system, or ‘I’ if the record is on IPSO.
getBankSTDCode2STD Code for a secondary Bank Phone number
getBankPhone2Secondary Phone number (where held)
getBankListReturns a formatted line for list insertion containing elements of the Bank record. Useful when displaying a list of branch results for the user to choose from.
BACS Related Fields (Not applicable to IPSO Records) 
getBACSStatusIndicates the BACS Clearing Status [4]
getBACSLastChangeDate on which BACS data was last amended
getBACSClosedClearingIndicates the date the branch is closed in BACS clearing if applicable.
getBACSRedirectedFromFlagSet to R if other branches are redirected to this sort code.
getBACSRedirectedToSortCodeThis specifies the sort code to which BACS should redirect payments addressed to this sort code if applicable.
getBACSSettlementBankCodeBACS Bank Code of the bank that will settle payments for this branch.
getBACSSettlementBankShortNameShort form name of the settlement bank
getBACSSettlementBankFullNameFull form name of the settlement bank
getBACSSettlementBankSectionNumeric data required for BACS to perform its settlement.
getBACSSettlementBankSubSectionNumeric data required for BACS to perform its settlement.
getBACSHandlingBankCodeBACS Bank Code of the member that will take BACS output from this branch.
getBACSHandlingBankShortNameShort form name of the handling bank
getBACSHandlingBankFullNameFull form name of the handling bank
getBACSHandlingBankStreamNumeric code defining the stream of output within the Handling Bank that will be used or payments to this branch.
getBACSAccountNumberedSet to 1 if bank has transferrable account numbers
getBACSDDIVoucherSet to 1 if Paper Vouchers have to be printed for Direct Debit Instructions.
getBACSDirectDebitsSet to 1 if branch accepts Direct Debits
getBACSBankGiroCreditsSet to 1 if branch accepts Bank Giro Credits
getBACSBuildingSocietyCreditsSet to 1 if branch accepts Building Society Credits.
getBACSDividendInterestPaymentsSet to 1 if branch accepts Dividend Interest Payments.
getBACSDirectDebitInstructionsSet to 1 if branch accepts Direct Debit Instructions.
getBACSUnpaidChequeClaimsSet to 1 if branch accepts Unpaid Cheque Claims.
CHAPS Related Fields (Not applicable to IPSO Records) 
getCHAPSPStatusIndicates the CHAPS Sterling clearing Status [5]
getCHAPSPStatusDescriptionProvides a description for the status [5]
getCHAPSPLastChangeDate on which CHAPS Sterling data was last amended
getCHAPSPClosedClearingIndicates the date the branch is closed in CHAPS Sterling clearing if applicable.
getCHAPSPSettlementBankCodeCHAPS ID of the bank that will settle payments for this branch,
getCHAPSPSettlementBankShortNameShort form of the name of the settlement bank
getCHAPSPSettlementBankFullNameFull form of the name of the settlement bank
C&CCC Related Fields (Not applicable to IPSO Records) 
getCCCCStatusIndicates the C&CCC clearing Status [6]
getCCCCLastChangeDate on which C&CCC data was last amended
getCCCCClosedClearingIndicates the date the branch is closed in C&CCC clearing if applicable.
getCCCCSettlementBankCodeBACS generated code of the bank that will settle payments for this branch.
getCCCCSettlementBankShortName Short form of the name of the settlement bank
getCCCCSettlementBankFullName Full form of the name of the settlement bank
getCCCCDebitAgencySortCodeWhen the Status field is set to ‘D’ this specifies where cheque clearing is handled for this branch.
getCCCCReturnIndicatorSet if this is the branch that other banks should return paper to. It will only be set for a sort code of a Member.
getCCCCGBNIIndicatorSet if this is the branch that other banks should return paper to. It will only be set for a sort code of a Member.
FPS Related Fields (Not applicable to IPSO Records) 
getFPSStatusIndicates the FPS clearing Status [7]
getFPSLastChangeDate on which FPS data was last amended
getFPSClosedClearingIndicates the date the branch is closed in FPS clearing if applicable.
getFPSRedirectedFromFlagSet to R if other branches are redirected to this sort code.
getFPSRedirectedToSortCodeThis specifies the sort code to which FPS should redirect payments addressed to this sort code if applicable.
getFPSSettlementBankConnectionTwo digit connectivity code (will be 01 FPS Member)
getFPSSettlementBankCodeBank Code of the bank that will settle payments for this branch.
getFPSSettlementBankShortNameShort form name of the settlement bank
getFPSSettlementBankFullNameFull form name of the settlement bank
getFPSHandlingBankConnectionTwo digit connectivity code
getFPSHandlingBankCodeBank Code of the bank that will handle payments for this branch.
getFPSHandlingBankShortNameShort form name of the handling bank
getFPSHandlingBankFullNameFull form name of the handling bank
getFPSAccountNumberedFlagSet to 1 if bank has transferrable account numbers
getFPSAgencyTypeIf getFPSStatus is ‘A’ this will be set to either ‘D’ for a direct agency or ‘I’ for an indirect agency.


  • [1] Does not apply to records in the IPSO (Irish Payment Services Organisation) clearing system.
  • [2] The supervisory body code can be any of the following:
    • A. Bank of England
    • B. Building Society Commission
    • C. Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man authorities
    • D. Other
  • [3] The clearing system property can have one of the following values
    • United Kingdom (BACS) – For branch records for the UK clearing system
    • Ireland (IPSO) – For branch records on the Irish Payment Services Organisation
    • Clearing System
    • Both UK and Irish – Returned by Account Number Validation only when a branch is on both systems.

    Note, that you should only accept account numbers validated on the Irish system if you can clear through both the Irish (IPSO) system as well as the UK (BACS) system.

  • [4] Possible values for the BACS Status fields are as follows:
    • M. Branch of a BACS Member
    • A. Branch of an Agency Bank
    • I. Member of the Irish Clearing Services (IPSO)
    • Does not accept BACS Payments
  • [5] Possible values for the CHAPS Sterling Status fields are as follows:
    • M. Direct Branch of a CHAPS £ Member that Accepts CHAPS £ Payments
    • A. Branch of an Agency Bank that Accepts CHAPS £ Payments
    • I. Indirect Branch of a Member or Agency Bank that Accepts CHAPS £ Payments
    • Does not accept CHAPS £ Payments
  • [6] Possible values for the C&CCC Status fields are as follows:
    • M. Branch of a C&CCC Member
    • F. Full Agency Bank Branch
    • D. Debit Agency Branch Only
    • Not Part of the C&CCC Clearing
  • [7] Possible values for the FPS Status fields are as follows:
    • M. Bank office of FPS member, accepts FPS payments
    • A. Bank office of FPS agency bank, accepts FPS payments
    • N. Bank office does not accept FPS payments.
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