
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)

IMD is the government’s official measure of relative deprivation for small areas in England, helping organisations identify disadvantage and tailor communications and resources to the individual.

IMD ranks every small area in England from 1 (most deprived area) to 32,844 (least deprived area). IMD Decile ranks 1 (most deprived) to 10 (least deprived).

As above, the SIMD is the Scottish government’s official measure of relative deprivation in small areas in Scotland. These are ranked from 1 (most deprived area) to 6,976 (least deprived area). 

Why is this important? For the FE sector, there is a disadvantage uplift (based on IMD) providing extra funding to support the most disadvantaged learners, recognising that they are sometimes more costly to recruit and retain. This is applied consistently across ESFA ‘formula-funded’ Adult Education Budget provision.

Learn Devon Logo

It is business-critical for our organisation to be able to double-check that the learners we are reaching are the ones that meet our criteria.

Hannah Halford

Business Support Team Leader at Learn Devon

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Using the form below, enter your postcode or start typing an address to see results returned. Select an address and you will see the IMD data returned.



Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) examples within a small geographical area:

Deprivation Rank                             26102
Deprivation Decile                           8

Deprivation Rank                             13855
Deprivation Decile                           5

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