AFD 2020 Charity Presentation

It won’t come as any surprise to anyone reading this introduction to AFD’s 23rd Annual Charity Distribution that 2020 is very different from any other year!

Very sadly, the policies put in place around UK travel, IoM border restrictions and quarantine to try to limit the spread of COVID-19 have prevented our normal gathering from taking place this year, yet our ability to give to those in deep need has never been more needed. Our 2019 introduction said “We are living in a time of considerable uncertainty and anxiety – some would say of chaos…” but was clearly written not knowing what the world would go through a few months later!

Nevertheless, once again we are able to celebrate with those who have shown quite heroic courage and commitment to those in need – and though not able to gather, we felt that the hope, joy, inspiration and challenge represented by the amazing stories in these few pages needed celebrating. We hope you are encouraged by them.

In this year, more than in any other of our 37 years helping people deliver things accurately, AFD products have helped keep things moving throughout the British Isles. New hospitals, testing centres and pharmacies all need things delivering – often in time-critical ways, and we are delighted to have remained fully active throughout the disruptions of 2020, ensuring that complex logistics systems have been able to rely on AFD products and support, uninterrupted. Our team may not be in the hospital ward – but they are heroes nonetheless.

We therefore once again celebrate our partnerships with the many amazing people and organisations contained in these pages. Our company objectives, including “To generate profits, and to use them creatively in the relief of suffering, the improvement of society and furtherance of the Christian gospel” have again been fulfilled through the hard work and dedication of many thousands of others who take the gift nominated by an AFD team member, and multiply its effect around the world.

In addition to our normal charity distributions, we have happily been able to respond substantially during the past few months with emergency grants to organisations suddenly called on to act in the midst of crisis. Though needing to respond to increased needs from the people they support, many of these organisations have at the same time experienced deep challenges with disruption to their normal routes to attract support and funding themselves, through sponsored events or attendance at shows, for example. It has been our privilege to have helped bridge some of the gaps. So we hope you enjoy this bumper edition of our charity brochure for 2020 and are as inspired as we are by the amazing work of the many charities included.

David & Alison

1st Rainbow Scout Group Ellan Vannin

The aim of this charity is to encourage the physical and mental development of young people with complex additional needs and disabilities, so that they may take up a constructive place within society.

The donation from AFD will purchase resources and equipment for use in meetings so that the children can work towards badges, just like other Scout groups.


4.2.20 Foundation

From their teaching hub in Jerusalem, the 4.2.20 Foundation’s mission is to advance access and engagement with the whole Word of God for every language, culture and people.

AFD’s donation will enable the Foundation to develop and expand the Institute of Biblical Languages & Translations training program globally, through a newly established distance learning program.


Act Ministries

Act Ministries provide clean drinking water, health care, education and business support to rural communities in Battambang, North-Western Cambodia.

The donation from AFD has been used to give aid to 3 businesses; an organic farm, fishery and mobile catering business all run by people with no other sources of income. It has also allowed the charity to subsidise essential dental treatment and purchase long-term filter units to maintain the clean water supply.

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  • Nominated by David & Alison Dorricott



ADRA-UK is a global development and humanitarian organisation operating in over 100 countries promoting inclusive and meaningful education, quality primary healthcare and sustainable livelihoods.

The donation from AFD will be used to provide access to clean, safe water and hygiene facilities for children in two newly constructed schools in Chad. The project will adopt a gender mainstreaming approach ensuring the facilities meet the menstrual hygiene needs for girls which can often act as a barrier to education for girls in the area.


Alder Hey Children’s Charity

Funding life-saving equipment, vital research and healthcare innovation, this charity’s aim is to make Alder Hey Children’s Hospital a truly world-class patient-friendly hospital for the 330,000 patients and families it cares for every year.

The donation from AFD will provide resources for initiatives supported by the charity including toys, therapeutic aids used in specialist sessions and much-needed craft materials.


Alder Hey Family House Trust

More commonly known as Ronald McDonald House, this charity offers parents and siblings from across the North West, North Wales and Isle of Man free-of-charge access to one of their 84 rooms or apartments, whilst they are supporting a critically ill child in Alder Hey Hospital.

The donation from AFD will allow a family to stay close to their child for 16 nights whilst benefitting from a supportive environment, helping to remove feelings of isolation and providing for the family’s wellbeing.


Alzheimer’s Research UK

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity dedicated to making life-changing breakthroughs in diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure in a bid to reach their vision of a world where people are free from the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia.

AFD’s donation will pay for reagents; unique chemicals which are crucial to successfully grow cells in a laboratory ready for disease study.



Autism in Mann

Autism in Mann is a parent support group run by families affected by autism. Working both independently and with other charities and organisations they provide training opportunities for members and professionals, run social events and produce a quarterly newsletter.

The donation will be used towards the continuing funding of a teacher who, as well as supporting families and schools, provides autism awareness training for other organisations.



Baby Moses Sanctuary

With homes in the Gauteng and North West provinces of South Africa, this charity provides a place of safety to abused, abandoned and orphaned babies, toddlers and children, regardless of gender, race or medical challenges.

AFD’s donation will be used to provide for the primary needs of the children such as food, toiletries, stationery, utilities and medical expenses but will also allow the charity to continue the tutoring programme for children struggling in school.



Beach Buddies

Started locally in the Isle of Man, Beach Buddies is now followed worldwide. Undertaking beach cleaning, raising awareness and spreading the word via media around the world, the charity’s main priority remains education in schools.

The donation from AFD will be used for operational costs to maintain the highest standards of protection for the marine coastline of the Isle of Man and its wildlife.



The Bonar Trust

The Bonar Trust invests in the next generation of leaders for the Church in Scotland by developing training programmes and pathways, funding gifted individuals, running leadership conferences and through networking and building Gospel partnerships.

The AFD Donation is enabling the Trust to increase the number of trainees preparing for Church leadership, addressing the dire need for the reinvigoration of Bible-believing and teaching in Scotland.



The British Heart Foundation

Supporting life-saving research across 47 institutions in the UK, the British Heart Foundation has a vision of the world being completely free of the fear of heart and circulatory diseases.

The donation from AFD will be invested in funding research on heart and circulatory diseases, and the risk factors that cause them.



Bunscooil Rhumsaa STAR Centre

Based within the local primary school, the STAR centre works with primary school-aged children who have profound and complex needs, encouraging them to engage and grow in confidence and learning. Over the last year, the number of children benefitting from the STAR Centre has increased and so additional space has been required.

The donation from AFD will be used to purchase specialist chairs for this new space providing more accessibility for all children.



Bunscoill Rhumsaa

Bunscooil Rhumsaa is the local primary school based in Ramsey, Isle of Man. They believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply learning to engaging contexts.

The donation from AFD was used towards the cost of the Year 6 Leavers hoodies and an end-of-year party ensuring that every child was included and received a hoodie.



C3 Foundation Europe

C3 Foundation Europe provides accredited alcohol abuse counselling across the UK by means of online video technology. They also lobby Government in a bid to ensure that NHS-approved and non-addictive anti craving medication is available alongside psychosocial support.

The donation from AFD will be used to further their efforts in seeking a change in policy of medication offered to those suffering from alcohol use disorders with the aim of allowing more people to feel they can come forward for intervention treatment, at an earlier stage of their dependency.

  • Website :
  • Nominated by Matt Dolman – “I have chosen to nominate the C3 Foundation to help them in their mission of supporting people as they go through rehabilitation and raise the awareness of this revolutionary treatment.”



CARE (Christian Action Research & Education)

Represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies, CARE campaigns, provides resources and seeks to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy. Campaigning for the most vulnerable, their focus covers, but is not limited to, abortion, human trafficking, online protection for children and problem gambling.

The donation from AFD will be invested in supporting Alumni of CARE’s unique Leadership Programme as well as offering support programmes and training for individual Christians and Church leaders tailored to their specific circumstances.



Care for the Family

Working throughout the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, Care for the Family aims to promote strong family life by providing access to support during challenging times and encouragement in better times.

The donation from AFD is being used to help fund a twelve-session digital course for mums on issues around wellbeing; offering hope, encouragement and practical help to empower them whatever their situation.



Catalyst Network of Churches

Catalyst is a movement of around 300 churches building communities which raises disciples who change the world; working in dozens of nations to raise leaders, serve the poor, support churches and reach the unreached thus deepening the relationships between churches and their local communities.

The AFD donation helped to provide locally-sourced packages in countries where COVID-19 threatened disastrous consequences for the poor including Nigeria, Venezuela, Myanmar, Uganda and amongst refugee communities in Greece.



The Children’s Centre

Working with children, young people and families living on the Isle of Man, The Children’s Centre works to shape plans of support to address factors which impact children during their development such as mental health, low self-esteem, bullying, family issues or other concerns which affect their feelings of security and confidence.

The donation from AFD will be used to purchase a second virtual reality headset for their newly-created technology learning room, giving the children an opportunity to explore new and innovative ideas collaboratively with their peers and/or practitioners.

  • Website:
  • Nominated by Lee Langridge – “I believe that this local Manx charity is a worthwhile cause as they directly help the local community and improve the future for children who need the help most.”



The Christian Institute

The Christian Institute is a non-denominational charity working in the UK to uphold the truths of the Bible. They help individual Christians and churches by providing key information on strategic issues and also work to help individuals facing discrimination because of their faith.

The donation from AFD will be used to meet the costs of projects underpinning their work such as the distribution of more than 22,000 booklets designed to help Christian parents understand new laws being introduced with regards to relationship and sex education in schools in England.



Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

For the last 25 years, CAP have worked tirelessly on behalf of the poor and marginalised all across the UK by tackling debt, poverty and its causes. Working through partnerships with local churches they bring life-changing freedom and good news to people in desperate need.

Knowing that as the COVID-19 crisis continues, the need for their services will increase immeasurably, the AFD donation is being used towards maintaining the essential core services, ensuring there is always hope for those needing help.



The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity

Based at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, this charity operates across 18 sites in Merseyside and Cheshire funding pioneering work to give patients the best opportunity of positive outcomes. The charity also played a vital fundraising role contributing to the build costs of Liverpool’s first cancer hospital in the heart of the city, which opened in June 2020.

AFD’s donation will be invested to make advances in cancer treatment and care for the many people accessing their services.



Cornhill Scotland

Established to promote the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Scotland, the UK and beyond, Cornhill Scotland offers interactive and practical teaching in partnerships with local churches training the preachers and Bible teachers of the future.

The donation from AFD will not only financially assist students from churches in the initial stages of training programmes but will help establish the new MA in Christian Theology – being offered for the first time this year in conjunction with Union College, Belfast.



Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation

Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation offer free-of-charge heart screening to men and women on the Isle of Man between the ages of 14 and 35 to detect any possible symptoms of hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy which can lead to Sudden Death Syndrome. They also install life-saving defibrillator machines across the Island.

AFD’s donation will be used towards funding the costs associated with bringing relevant equipment and qualified staff to the Island to undertake the heart screening.

  • Website:
  • Nominated by Catherine Simpson – “Having first-hand experience of someone close to me using one of the defibrillator machines provided by this charity to save someone’s life, I truly believe that what they provide for the community and the work they do is invaluable.”



Crossroads Care

Crossroads Care is an Isle of Man-based charity that provides support and services to carers and people with care needs, regardless of their age, illness or disability.

The donation from AFD will go towards a Young Carer Festival in 2021 giving all young carers a well-deserved break from their caring responsibilities and allowing them to have fun and be just children for a weekend.



Cruse Bereavement Care Isle of Man

Providing a free voluntary and confidential bereavement support service, Cruse offers bespoke one-to-one sessions, social events, family events and residentials as well as telephone support and crisis response work for bereaved children and adults.

The donation from AFD will provide funding for the CruzKids Christmas party, bringing together around 30 children at an especially difficult time of year and giving them the opportunity to be around and supported by others who have experienced something similar.



DO! Developing Orphans

Working in Northern Uganda, DO! is supporting child-led families to survive and thrive through self-sufficiency and education.

The AFD donation will purchase 3 sets of welder’s trade equipment enabling 3 of the 49 orphans currently in primary and secondary education programmes to set themselves up in business on completion of their courses in 2021.

  • Nominated by David & Alison Dorricott

Drop Inn Ministries

Striving to bring help and hope both on and off the Isle of Man, Drop Inn Ministries have concentrated efforts this year on growing their Renew Wellbeing Ministry, which offers a shared space where ‘it is ok to not be ok’.

The AFD donation will fund resources to enrich the experience of the Renew Wellbeing service users, aiming to allow them to thrive and participate in life in whatever way they can.



Educate the Kids

Working in rural Africa, it is this charity’s vision to see children have their needs met, their rights upheld and their dreams fulfilled, and believe this can be achieved through education.

The donation from AFD will help to extend the food programme and will feed between 1,500 and 2,000 families who are struggling because of the economic fallout caused by COVID-19.



Ehlers-Danlos Support UK

Working across the UK, this charity offers support and advice for those living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) – a group of genetic connective tissue disorders that affect the whole body, often with disabling symptoms.

The donation from AFD will be used to help fund their essential support services, continuing to minimise the impact of EDS and making what is often an isolating and lonely condition more manageable.



Essential Christian

Essential Christian runs the annual Spring Harvest event, a Christian teaching and worship gathering, which this year moved online after the UK went into lockdown. Ordinarily connecting around 20,000 people, this year the online event reached over 200,000 unique viewers in 97 countries.

As the organisational costs of the event outweigh the income generated, the AFD donation helps to keep the event running, offering more people the opportunity to encounter God and deepen their discipleship and worship.



Evangelical Alliance

The Evangelical Alliance is made up of hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches and tens of thousands of individuals all joined together for the sake of the gospel. United in mission and voice, the EA exists to serve and strengthen the work of the church in communities and throughout society in the UK.

The donation from AFD will be used to further strengthen, develop and grow the work of the EA in the midst of COVID-19, when the church and its ministry and mission are needed more than ever.



The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

The Faraday Institute is a Cambridge-based interdisciplinary research institute improving public understanding of religious beliefs in relation to the sciences. Faraday Courses around this subject have been carried out, so far, in more than 18 countries with Faraday staff regularly invited to lecture overseas.

The donation from AFD will be used towards a scholarship for a South African student called Lucy, who comes from a low-income family, to attend a Faraday programme on Science and Religion in Cambridge in 2021. In broader terms, this donation will also help to keep the course supported despite the loss of revenue from many overseas students who are currently unable to travel to the Institute.




Firestarter is an annual youth camp for children aged 12 to 16 with the purpose of bringing God’s truth to the youth of the Island, in a fun and relevant way.

AFD’s donation will help more children to come to the youth camp by subsidising ticket prices for those who are struggling financially, ensuring the opportunities are open to all.

  • Website :
  • Nominated by Philip Dorricott – “Having attended the festival as both a teenager and later a volunteer, I have witnessed the excellent work they do in providing an inclusive event whilst sharing the Word of God.”



Fishermen’s Mission Isle of Man

Running since 1881, the Fishermen’s Mission is the only fishermen’s charity that provides emergency support alongside practical, financial, spiritual and emotional care to active and retired fishermen and their families.

The donation from AFD will be used to provide help and support to all fishermen on the Island, as required, through initiatives such as the provision of safety boots and gear for those in need.



GAP Ministries

GAP Ministries seeks to promote the furtherance of the Christian Church in North India, Nepal and other parts of SE Asia.

The donation from AFD will be used to support both the Rupaidhia community near to the India-Nepal border and also the Himalayan Inland Mission which educates girls from the families of pastors and evangelists in far-flung areas of the mountain.



Glory House of Prayer – Moheb Mina

Glory House of Prayer – Moheb Mina Moheb and his wife Kim have been running discipleship schools, theology study and sending outreaches to small villages through their charity, Glory House of Prayer, in the South of Egypt.

AFD’s donation will go towards funding Moheb’s attendance at a one-year intensive MA course in Missiology at All Nations Christian College in the UK; providing Moheb with an enhanced capacity both personally and ministerially but also deepening his missional perspective which will consequently have an impact and influence on their outreach work.

  • Nominated by David & Alison Dorricott



Grace Church Leith

Grace Church Leith serves Leith in North Edinburgh, one of Scotland’s most densely populated and diverse communities, engaging in a wide variety of ministries including offering practical service with a homeless charity, providing respite for children of at-risk families and volunteering with a refugee ministry.

The AFD donation will be used to complete the purchase of a permanent building for the church which up until now has operated out of a variety of rented premises. This will allow them to further their mission to love and serve those in Leith through word and deed.




Graih serves those who are homeless and in insecure accommodation on the Isle of Man; pioneering the Island’s only night shelter they open every night for emergency accommodation, providing hundreds of bed spaces – including during COVID-19 – ensuring even the most vulnerable had shelter.

The donation from AFD will go towards the running costs of the night shelter and also their drop-in service which provides practical support, emergency accommodation and a safe social space to welcome people on the margins, and build transformative relationships with them.



Hands of Hope

Hands of Hope is a charity founded on Christian faith seeking to help the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people of Romania by befriending families, enabling education, distributing aid and working in the region.

The donation from AFD will be used to improve the charity’s community centre in Cobila by improving access from the road, installing better sanitation and increasing the classroom capacity thus enabling more children access to education – a way to break the cycle of poverty that still exists in Romania.




HBOT IOM was established with the objective of providing the charitable treatment, application and administration of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for the management of certain medical conditions together with the relief of pain and suffering.

The donation from AFD has helped towards the charity’s fundraising efforts to install and purchase a new Hyperbaric Chamber, which as well as helping people recover from a range of injuries, will in some cases provide life-saving treatment.



HEART UK – The Cholesterol Charity

HEART UK is the only charity in the UK dedicated to saving lives by helping people avoid heart attacks and strokes caused by high cholesterol. They also support those living with a genetic condition called familial hypercholesterolemia which leads to exceptionally high cholesterol levels in the body.

The donation from AFD will be used to support webinars, their information helpline and free-of-charge literature and fact sheets which are distributed through GP surgeries and clinics all over Great Britain, providing much-needed information and raising awareness.



Hope for Justice

Hope for Justice exists to end modern slavery by preventing exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives and reforming society. One such way is through their Lighthouse Assessment Centres which offer emergency, short-term shelter to vulnerable children immediately following their rescue from sex or labour trafficking, or from the streets where they are susceptible to exploitation.

The AFD donation will contribute to the running costs of the Lighthouse Assessment Centres in Ethiopia and Uganda. Last year Hope for Justice reached over 100,000 children through their community work and served over 1,500 children across their Lighthouses in Africa and South East Asia.



Housing Matters Isle of Man

Housing Matters provides advice, guidance and support for those in housing crisis on the Isle of Man through initiatives such as tenancy training, peer education, prison visits, furniture donation and Operation Fresh Start.

The donation from AFD will be used to purchase duvets, pillows, towels and small kitchen equipment to provide the essential items needed to start a home.



International Justice Mission (IJM) UK

Working in 13 countries across the globe, IJM works to protect people in poverty from violence, partnering with local authorities to combat slavery, violence against women and children and other forms of abuse. IJM also works to rescue and restore victims, hold perpetrators accountable and help strengthen public justice systems.

AFD’s donation has been directed towards IJM’s work in the Philippines tackling the online exploitation of children which has seen a disturbing increase in cases since lockdown in March 2020. At the last report, collaborations with local and international law enforcement have resulted in 20 rescue operations freeing 76 victims and the arrest of 16 suspected traffickers.



Isle Listen

Isle Listen offers early intervention for a range of mental health and wellbeing issues. As well as providing online resources, their services are also available face to face in Island secondary schools and workplaces.

The donation from AFD will be used to support the vision to extend the one-to-one listening service, PSHE lessons, workshops and assemblies into all the Island’s secondary schools this year.



Isle of Play

The Isle of Play team promote and provide opportunities for children of the Isle of Man to fulfil their ‘Right to Play’, no matter their ability or socio-economic status.

AFD’s donation will help to cover the costs of a part-time staff member required to keep up with the demand on the service, which is working with over 1,000 children every week.



Kintsugi Hope

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of mending broken pots with golden glue making the object more beautiful and unique than it was prior to being broken; celebrating scars instead of hiding them. The charity in partnership with 164 churches across the UK strives to see a world where mental and emotional health is understood and accepted, with safe and supportive communities for everyone to grow and flourish.

The AFD donation has allowed the team to train 700 people to have a better understanding of how to support those who are struggling in these unprecedented times through an online training system showing how to reach communities in a new way.



Liverpool Women’s Hospital Charity

Funding services and equipment above what is provided by the NHS, this charity enhances the care given to women, babies and families at Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

The donation from AFD will be used towards the refurbishment of some of the waiting areas in the Gynaecology departments at the hospital, making the experience and journey of the women in their care as comfortable as possible.

  • Website :
  • Nominated by Yvonne Cook – “When my mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, they did such a thorough and fantastic job operating on and caring for her until she could return home that I wanted to support the work they do.”



Long Life Ministries

Long Life Ministries exists to bring hope, healing and compassion into the lives of those who have been touched by illness in any form, through counselling and ministry.

The donation from AFD will be used to support upcoming initiatives such as publishing books, a CD and DVD all sharing testimonies of those who have experienced change through this ministry.



Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

MAF uses light aircraft to provide flights for 2,000 aid, development and Christian mission organisations, enabling them to reach remote and isolated communities across the developing world with help, hope and healing.

The donation from AFD has helped MAF to keep their aircraft and personnel ready to respond not only to the impact of COVID-19 in the developing world, but also to the ongoing needs for food security, medical care, education, emergency relief, long-term development and Christian hope.



Make-A-Wish Foundation UK

Supporting children across the UK and Northern Ireland, this charity exists to grant life-changing wishes for children living with a critical illness.

With around 2,000 children waiting for their wish to come true, AFD’s donation will go towards granting another child’s one true wish, creating memories which will last a lifetime.



Moorlands College

With a main campus in Dorset and regional centres in Birmingham, Devon and Belfast, the college’s vision is to equip people passionate about Jesus Christ, to impact the Church and the world.

The donation from AFD has been invested in progressing the preparations to gain Degree Awarding Powers, strengthening the college’s development as a centre of theological and missional excellence.



Myeloma UK

Myeloma UK represents the 24,000 people in the UK with myeloma, an incurable blood cancer, aiming to drive better outcomes through research, treatment access, healthcare services improvement and patient and carer information and support programmes.

The donation from AFD will help to fund the delivery of high quality and innovative programmes tailored to and providing vital support to those in the myeloma community across the UK.



One World Centre (OWC) Isle of Man

OWC aims to raise awareness of global issues and encourage a positive response; promoting understanding and respect for the lives and cultures of all people, helping to shape a fairer world and a cleaner, more sustainable planet.

As well as funding the administration and organisation of the One World Challenge across the Island’s secondary schools, AFD also donates the prize fund. Although this year’s final was sadly not able to take place as scheduled, the prize money was still distributed to each of the charities represented by participating school teams, according to the teams’ progression in the Challenge up to that point.



Parkinson’s UK

The leading Parkinson’s support and research charity across the UK, Parkinson’s UK raises awareness, changes perceptions and works in partnership to drive better services for those affected by this, currently incurable, disease.

The donation from AFD will support the charity to continue delivering their services which include research, providing information and support and campaigning for better services and rights to benefit the entire Parkinson’s community.



PDA Society

Led by a committed volunteer team, the PDA Society is the only organisation globally which provides information, support and training for people living and working with Pathological Demand Avoidance, a complex and little understood profile on the autism spectrum.

AFD’s donation will be used to help continue delivery of the Society’s core services and much-needed projects around research and diagnosis.



Quicken Trust

The trust aims to show the love of God in action to the Kabubbu community in Uganda by providing the community with the resources they lack, assisting them in acquiring skills and training to continue working towards self-sustainability.

The donation from AFD was directed to their COVID-19 appeal providing 2 deliveries of 850 huge bars of soap to enable regular handwashing as a deterrent against the virus and also supplies of maize flour to those unable to work or without gardens to grow food. The funding also allowed for the purchase of 2 acres of land to be used as allotments in a bid to prevent future hunger.



Ramsey Baptist Church

RBC are a community-focused church aiming to make Jesus known by reaching out to the wider community through free outreach events.

The donation from AFD will help to run and publicise Christmas community events including but not limited to carol singing, pop-up nativity and special services in the local town hall.



Rebecca House

As part of Hospice Isle of Man, Rebecca House provides specialist palliative care to children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. This care encompasses respite, symptom management and end of life care.

The donation from AFD will help to supply resources for an initiative of Rebecca House working with Southern Primary Schools to promote World Kindness Day, which celebrates inclusion and diversity and promotes that although we all look different and have different abilities, we should not judge others by these differences and furthermore encourage good deeds and random acts of kindness.



RNLI Ramsey

The RNLI is a voluntary organisation involved in the safeguarding of those using the waters around the British Isles, whether working at sea or engaged in leisure activities.

AFD’s donation will be used in the continuing project to provide a new lifeboat for Ramsey on the Isle of Man, as well as the adaptation of the station to meet its new requirements; both of which will allow the crew to operate in a more efficient and safer fashion.



Saltmine Trust

Inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus, Saltmine seeks to be a centre of excellence; releasing, empowering and equipping people through the creative arts by delivering theatre performances tackling difficult subjects such as knife and gang crime and domestic violence, all with accompanying workshops.

The donation from AFD equipped the trust to create new online resources during lockdown and also part-funded ‘Wonderland’ – a mental health resource for secondary school students, addressing anxiety, body image, self-worth and fear.




SAT-7 broadcasts on satellite television and digital media in Arabic, Turkish and Farsi to the 500 million people of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), enabling the Church to make known the love of Christ in those areas, in the privacy and relative safety of people’s own homes.

The donation from AFD will be applied towards SAT-7’s core activities of producing and broadcasting programmes that make God’s love visible to the people of the MENA, giving them an opportunity to respond to the Gospel and encouraging the churches in their faith and discipleship.



Scripture Union Ministries Trust

Operating Island-wide and in most of the Island’s primary and secondary schools, the Trust employs a team of full-time church, community and school workers to bring ‘Faith Within Reach’ of every child and young person on our Island, offering more in-depth discussion with those wishing to explore the Christian faith.

The AFD donation will support the employment of the full-time workers in their activities and facilitate future development of SUMT’s work in schools and churches around the Island.

  • Website :
  • Nominated by David & Alison Dorricott



The Semiliki Trust

Operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Trust supports entrepreneurial projects by providing resources to local leaders and social entrepreneurs who have initiated projects that will build the capabilities of local people and allow them to change their lives. To date projects include a network of 50 health centres and hospitals, an orphanage and a graduate nursing institute.

The AFD donation was immediately spent on providing PPE supplies for 36 health centres supported by the Trust; protecting both health workers on the front line and those providing routine health services whilst reducing the risk of infection in a vulnerable population.



Simon on the Streets

Simon on the Streets works in Leeds, Bradford and Kirklees with a mission to offer unlimited emotional and practical support for homeless and vulnerable people through outreach services, in a bid to enable them to reach their goals.

The donation from AFD will enable those accessing the charity’s services to continue receiving additional practical support such as food, clothing, mobile phones and bus tickets in addition to supplementing short-term bed and breakfast provisions.

  • Website :
  • Nominated by Jonathan Stocks – “Being in the wrong place at the wrong time can mean you are on the street. This team support people to get a roof over their heads and prepare them with emotional support and practical support to provide some sense of normality in their lives.”



SOS Children’s Villages UK

SOS Children’s Villages work with children and families in 136 countries who are living through extreme poverty, conflict, man-made and natural disasters, to allow children to grow up feeling loved, safe and supported and experience the childhood and life they deserve.

The donation from AFD will be directed to running emergency programmes and to the charity’s schools and vocational training centres.



Southern Befrienders

Southern Befrienders provides community-based companionship for older, socially-isolated people living in the South of the Isle of Man.

The donation from AFD will be put towards the logistical costs of training and security checks required to facilitate the charity’s successful intergenerational scheme, connecting local sixth form students as volunteer befrienders with older community members.



Stand by Me

Working in 7 countries across the world, Stand by Me are a childcare charity motivated to follow Jesus’ example to rescue children from terrible circumstances and provide them with the care, love and attention they need to thrive.

The donation from AFD will be used to support some of their children in Ethiopia, who are in further education at high school, college or university giving them the opportunities to become the doctors, teachers and leaders of tomorrow.



Stauros Foundation Isle of Man

Stauros Isle of Man works alongside vulnerable people, and their families, who are in bondage to addictions. Their experience is that Jesus Christ can set people free from addiction.

The donation from AFD will be used to support the outreach work on the Isle of Man, particularly the launch of a new meeting group in the North of the Island set up as a direct response to need.



St Patrick’s Church Steering Group

Under a Bishop’s Mission Order, Reverend William Mackay together with a Steering Group are working to bring the message of hope to the whole of the Jurby Community serviced by St Patrick’s Church.

The donation from AFD will provide funds to buy initial materials to support the mission initiative.

  • Nominated by Duncan McLeod




Tearfund is a Christian charity which works alongside local churches and organisations in over 50 countries, helping communities overcome the worst effects of poverty and disaster by empowering them to realise their plans for a better future.

AFD made two donations to Tearfund in 2020; one specifically in response to the COVID-19 appeal and directed to equipping partners and churches with the knowledge to respond to COVID-19, raise awareness, care for and serve their communities in situations and places already struggling with poverty. The other donation will be used to continue the important ‘Community Transformation Work’ in the Gisagara District of Rwanda, providing 100 of the most impoverished households with building materials and knowledge about how to construct their own latrines, leading to greater levels of hygiene and health for these families.




Theos stimulates the debate about the place of religion in society, challenging ideas through research, commentary, public events and intentional relationship-building with cultural influencers.

The donation from AFD is helping to fund a 14-month major research and network-building project on Christianity and cultural renewal. The outcome seeks to empower churches and individual Christians across the UK to engage effectively in the different spheres of culture such as business and finance, arts, media etc, in ways that are imaginative, coherent and in alignment with the Kingdom of God.



Thie Dy Vea

Situated in the heart of Peel in the Isle of Man, Thie Dy Vea (House of Life) is a retreat house underpinned by strong Christian principles, welcoming people of all faiths and no faith.

The donation from AFD will expedite the completion of the essential work in the house, so that comfortable, adaptable accommodation can be provided for resident and non-resident visitors.



Transforming Places CIC

Also known as ‘Movement Day UK’, Transforming Places catalyses Christian leaders to spiritually, culturally and socially transform their cities by working together in a strategic and coordinated way to develop and implement a 15-year transformation vision for their cities.

The donation from AFD will be used to support mentors and coaches for key Christian leaders in 11 cities in the UK who are on this journey of transformation.



United Christian Broadcasters Ireland (UCB)

With a mission statement: ‘Serving the Church, Reaching the Nation’ UCB Ireland, based in Dublin, is a Christian radio station producing, printing and distributing a daily devotional.

The donation from AFD will be used to expand the radio platforms across Ireland seeking to reach more people with the gospel, but also give greater support and airtime to other like-minded ministries across the nation.

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