AFD Charity Event 2021

For almost two years now, the spread and implications of Covid have dominated news headlines and brought people’s attention closer to protecting themselves and their families. While we have been focussed on our own wellbeing, many of us are unaware of the even more severe implications of the reduced resources available to countries and communities less well equipped than our own.

A key objective at AFD Software is “to generate profits, and to use them creatively in the relief of suffering, the improvement of society and furtherance of the Christian gospel”. Each year, all the team at AFD have the opportunity to each nominate an organisation to receive a charitable donation.

This extra incentive of knowing that their contributions at work make a real difference to the lives of those who need it most helps all the team to constantly work hard, seek new innovations and maintain the highest levels of quality.

In 2019 we celebrated donations totalling around £1,000,000 to over 70 charities.

In 2020 around 80 charities received donations totalling over £1,500,000 – part of our response to the increased level of need.

In 2021 around 90 charities were selected to receive £2,000,000 in donations to continue to help deliver relief, both physically and mentally, to those in the most need.

Here are examples of just three of the charities receiving donations from AFD this year:

Alzheimer’s Research UK work with over 1,500 scientists in 15 research centres around the UK to fund research into the causes, treatments, prevention and cure of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

With dementia affecting over 850,000 individuals within the UK, the AFD donation will be put towards the charity’s mission to bring about the first life-changing dementia treatment by 2025 as they aim to bring about a future without the fear, harm, and heartbreak of the disease. 

Hope for Justice is a global organisation, implementing antislavery programs across five continents in eight countries – Ethiopia, Cambodia, Norway, Uganda, USA, UK, Australia, and Zimbabwe. Their vision is to live in a world completely free from slavery.

AFD’s donation will be directed to the purchase of a vehicle to be used for field visits supporting the reintegration of rescued children as part of the Lighthouse Program in Uganda, which provides emergency, short-term shelter to vulnerable children immediately following their rescue.

Tearfund is a Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries, tackling poverty and injustice through sustainable development, disaster response, and the challenging of injustices.

The support from AFD this year has been in response to the immediate need for several emergency situations; funds have been sent to help meet basic needs such as water for around 550,000 displaced Afghans suffering in the recent Afghanistan conflict. AFD also responded to the crisis in Syria which has seen an estimated 13.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, and further support has been pledged to assist 800 families in Haiti purchase basic essentials following the earthquake in the region in August, which killed around 1,400 people.

All the organisations we have partnered with and the incredible work they do can be seen at

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We are here to help

We serve thousands of organisations and a network of hundreds of partners across multiple industry sectors, enabling them to have full confidence in their contact data.