Bespoke Solutions

The Postcode People at AFD have over 400 years of combined experience in Address Management, and of helping thousands of organisations solve unique challenges around contact data.

When it comes to name, address, email, phone and bank data, we consistently deliver tailored solutions to complex problems.

We work with FTSE 500 companies such as Royal Mail, and other major organisations including AXA Insurance and DPD Group. If ‘off-the-shelf’ data validation solutions can’t meet your needs, our team of experts can overcome the specific data challenges you are facing.

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Our Data Quality Experts will work with your IT and business process staff to deliver bespoke software solutions. The unique expertise that we have at AFD and our pool of experience allows us to leverage data assets and processes to gain competitive advantages on your behalf, remove pains from major contact data issues and increase the speed and accuracy of your data validation processes. We do this with a consultative and open approach with the aim of making happy customers!

Jonathan Stocks

Head of Sales, AFD Software

Specific Problem?

If you have a specific problem, our expertise is available to quickly see if we are a good fit to be your partner in address and data quality.

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We are here to help

We serve thousands of organisations and a network of hundreds of partners across multiple industry sectors, enabling them to have full confidence in their contact data.